
Reincarnated With the Seduction System

An ordinary young man reincarnates as Adrian, the eldest son of a once-prominent noble family now living in seclusion. Watch as Adrian embarks on a tantalizing journey, to support his graceful and caring mother and feisty older sister, as a man should, with his seduction system. What to expect: Overpowered MC Incest Harem with lots of Sex Level and class based power system for simplicity 2 Chapters per day ............................................................................................................................................ Discord server: https://discord.gg/tDVA98Gv

JuniorDaresSenior · Fantasía
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130 Chs

Leveling Up with Seraphina

Since Isabella wouldn't provide him with answers, Adrian turned to her and said, "Mother, I'd like you to bring Chris and her mother to the castle. I may have a solution to her illness."

Isabella looked at him with interest, sensing his confidence in the matter. "I'll make the arrangements," she agreed. "Chris will be relieved if her mother can finally be helped."

With that settled, Adrian turned to Seraphina. "Now, Aunt, I need to focus on leveling up before we enter the Virtual Chamber.

I was thinking of heading to the deeper parts of the Shadowgrove Forest. The monsters there are much stronger, and it will help me gain experience faster.

I will need you to keep watch over me and help me stay safe while I push myself."

Seraphina gave a thoughtful nod, her crimson hair glowing softly in the sunlight filtering through the hall's windows.

"The deeper regions of the Shadowgrove Forest are filled with creatures that could easily overwhelm most people. But with me by your side, you'll be safe."

She paused, then added with a smile, "I'll let you fight them first. It'll give you a chance to gauge your strength."

Adrian smirked. "That's the plan."

The two left the castle, making their way to the Shadowgrove Forest, a place notorious for its ever-present shadows and thick canopy that blocked out much of the light.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the aura Seraphina released kept monsters at bay, holding them at the fringes.

When they reached the forest's core, Seraphina stopped releasing her aura. "From here on, no more easy rides," she said. Adrian nodded, feeling the weight of the wilderness pressing in.

It wasn't long before Adrian sensed the presence of powerful creatures. The rustling of leaves and soft growls in the distance told him they were close.

They soon came across their first opponent: a Venomous Razorback. The creature stood at least eight feet tall, its body covered in gleaming green scales that reflected the dim light.

Sharp spines lined its back, and its maw dripped with a dangerous-looking toxin. The air around it seemed to thrum with a palpable threat.

"Let's see how you handle this one," Seraphina said, stepping back to observe.

Adrian activated his Observation Skill, and the stats of the Razorback appeared in his mind.

Venomous Razorback

Level: 30

Health Points (HP): 8,000

Mana Points (MP): 400

Strength: 95

Agility: 65

Endurance: 110

Intelligence: 30


Venomous Strike: Coats its claws and fangs in potent venom, dealing poison damage over time.

Spine Barrage: Can launch the toxic spines on its back as projectiles.

Thick Hide: Its scales act as natural armor, reducing the impact of physical attacks.

Berserk Frenzy: When HP drops below 20%, gains a temporary boost in strength and speed.

Adrian assumed a low stance, holding his enchanted dagger at the ready. "Shadow Vein Step," he muttered, disappearing into the shadows and reappearing behind the Razorback. His dagger flashed, aiming for the creature's flank.

The Dragon's Fang Strike connected, cutting through the Razorback's tough hide, and the creature roared in fury. It spun around, its venom-coated claws swiping toward Adrian.

He barely dodged in time, his Vein-Touched Reflexes giving him the speed to avoid the toxic blow.

The fight continued, Adrian delivering quick slashes to its vulnerable spots while avoiding its dangerous attacks. After a series of well-placed strikes, the Razorback began to slow down.

Finally, with a powerful leap, Adrian severed its spine, bringing the creature crashing to the ground.

Adrian stepped back, breathing heavily, but victorious. "That wasn't too bad," he said with a smile.

Seraphina chuckled, "You're stronger than I thought. But don't relax yet. There are deadlier foes ahead."

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the darkness seemed to thicken around them. Suddenly, a pair of violet eyes appeared in the shadows.

The creature emerged—a Gloomstalker, a feline-like monster that moved with eerie silence. Its body seemed to blend into the darkness itself, making it nearly invisible.

Adrian activated Observation again to assess the new threat.


Level: 29

Health Points (HP): 6,500

Mana Points (MP): 500

Strength: 90

Agility: 130

Endurance: 70

Intelligence: 40


Shadow Meld: Can merge into shadows, becoming nearly invisible.

Silent Step: Moves without making a sound, making it difficult to detect.

Dark Claw: Coats its claws in dark energy, dealing additional shadow damage.

Night Terror: Temporarily paralyzes its prey with fear when it makes eye contact.

Seraphina raised an eyebrow. "This one's tricky. Let's see how you deal with it."

Adrian activated his Draconic Cloak, blending into the shadows around him.

The Gloomstalker snarled, sensing Adrian's presence but unable to locate him. Using this to his advantage, Adrian darted forward and delivered a strike to the creature's side.

The Gloomstalker lashed out with its shadow-coated claws, but Adrian's agility allowed him to evade the attack. He continued to deliver precise strikes right at its vitals, while dodging its ferocious counterattacks.

Finally, with a swift slash across the creature's throat, the Gloomstalker collapsed, its body dissolving into shadow leaving behind its drops. Adrian stood over it, panting.

After defeating the Gloomstalker, Seraphina gave Adrian an approving smile. "You're handling these creatures well, but we need to push harder if you're serious about leveling up."

She raised her hand, and a faint aura pulsed around her, subtly extending outward. "I'll search for similar monsters nearby. They'll be drawn to us soon enough."

Adrian nodded, his adrenaline still coursing from the previous fight. He took a moment to recover, knowing that more challenges lay ahead. Not long after, a low growl echoed through the trees.

Emerging from the shadows was another creature, this time a Shadowfang Direwolf, its dark fur blending into the surroundings, with faint silver streaks across its body.

Adrian used his Observation Skill:

Shadowfang Direwolf

Level: 28

Health Points (HP): 7,200

Mana Points (MP): 350

Strength: 85

Agility: 120

Endurance: 65

Intelligence: 35


Moonlit Howl: Summons a burst of energy, increasing its attack power for a short time.Pack Tactics: Gains a speed and strength boost when fighting alongside other wolves.Lacerating Bite: Its fangs deal bleeding damage over time.

Without hesitation, Adrian leaped into action. He used Shadow Vein Step, teleporting behind the wolf before it could react.

His dagger slashed its hind leg as he allowed mana to flow through the dagger, activating the venom in the blade, causing it to snarl in pain.

The Direwolf turned, its sharp teeth gnashing at the air, but Adrian was already gone, using his agility to keep ahead of its attacks.

The Direwolf tried to summon a howl, but Adrian moved in swiftly, cutting across its throat with a precise Dragon's Fang Strike. The beast collapsed, its final growl fading into silence.

Seraphina didn't give Adrian a moment to rest. She sent another pulse of energy into the forest, and moments later, a Venomtail Basilisk slithered through the underbrush, its long, venomous tail lashing behind it.

Adrian quickly used his Observation:

Venomtail Basilisk

Level: 27

Health Points (HP): 6,900

Mana Points (MP): 400

Strength: 80

Agility: 70

Endurance: 100

Intelligence: 38


Venom Lash: The basilisk's tail can inject venom on contact, causing paralysis.Stone Gaze: Its eyes can temporarily petrify anyone who meets its gaze.

Burrow: Can dig into the ground to reposition itself during a fight.

This creature seemed more dangerous, particularly with its gaze. Adrian activated his Draconic Cloak, blending into the shadows once again to avoid making direct eye contact.

The basilisk lashed its tail, venom dripping from the tip, but Adrian stayed quick on his feet, using Vein-Touched Reflexes to dodge the attacks.

He struck the basilisk's body repeatedly right at its vital, weakening it. When it tried to burrow, Adrian anticipated the move and jumped high, landing a critical strike on its spine with his Mana Fortification boosting his strength. The creature let out a final hiss before going limp.

Breathing heavily, Adrian stood over the fallen basilisk, wiping sweat from his brow. "That one was a bit tougher," he admitted.

Seraphina nodded. "Good. The more challenging the fight, the more you'll grow. Let's keep going."

The day continued in this pattern, with Seraphina locating different beasts and Adrian fighting them one after another

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