
Reincarnated with the Rizzler System

A dude dies and reincarnates with the rizzler system and walks the path of killing demons for revenge and attracting womens with his system

WeirdoThatWrites · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Back to the hall of death

"Everyone come here" Heather calls out to all 3 children of the emperor.

"Here"They all come and announce their arrival.

"This is Sebastian Vince, He will be staying with us from now on so introduce yourself".

"Ok" the oldest one says when the other two raise up their voice.

"Why should we stay with this nobody?!" the both of them yell out at the same time.

"Because his majesty said so and He's the son of the duke and the duchess"

"Why does it matter if he's the son of a DEAD guy?!!" They yell out in rage

Harold Lawrence comes forward and shuts the both of them with his fists. The two of them look furious from the humiliation and Harold takes the two of them away and whispers to them

"You guys are lucky he looks to be just a 1 year old, If he was someone who understood those words then you guys would have gotten a bad beating from me"

"I'm sorry" the two of them say with a not so apologetic face.

I hate kids like these so much

"Introduce yourself to him now!" Heather says with a furious tone

"He only looks to be a 1 year old, why even bother telling our names?!"

"Just do it i said"

"I'm Harold Lawrence, I'm 4 years old" He says with a smile

"I'm Garry lawrence, I'm 3 years old"

"I'm Marlee lawrence, also 3 years old"

"Treat him like your brother from now on"

"W-whatt!!" the Marlee and Garry yell

"Did I stutter?" Heather says with a frightening smile


The two of them go away and Heather whispers to Harold

"Keep an eye out for them and keep Sebastian safe from the two of them ok?"

"Yes i will" he says with a smile while holding Sebastian's cheeks

So he is a good and mature kid, that's good although i don't like my cheeks getting used like this.

At the mansion

The knights have arrived at the bloodied mansion, They get off of their horses and inspect the location before heading inside the gate. The gate is opened and they are greeted by a pile of dead bodies scattered all over the place. The blood has all dried up and the once golden and white mansion has been painted red from the blood. It looks like an butchery with the corpses of humans lying everywhere. There are also a few piles of dead demons too. A large number of them lie on the ground as well.

One knight approaches the house. He walks up to the door and pulls it open. Inside he sees the butler who was killed by the demons. The knight steps into the room and finds his body torn apart. His intestines have been pulled out and thrown around the room. One of the knights inspects the scene and notices something under one of the corpses. He picks up the object and sees a small vial. He holds it up and looks at it.

"What's this?" He says.

He takes the vial and brings it outside where the other knights are standing. He shows them the vial and asks what they think it is. They all look at each other before one of them answers him.

"It's poison."

"How do you know?"

"I saw this exact same thing when I fought against a demon army once. This is poison and it kills humans. Only demons can survive this poison."

"Then we need to capture any remaining demons so we can interrogate them about how to make more of these poison."

"Yes sir."

They all set off in different directions to find the remaining demons.

One of the knights spots something out of the corner of his eye. He turns around and sees a demon walking towards him. He immediately raises his sword and prepares for battle.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

The demon doesn't even flinch when the human calls out to him. Instead, he keeps coming towards the human. The human quickly gets ready for combat and readies his sword as well

The demon stops right in front of the human and looks at him. He then speaks in a language the human hasn't heard before.

"What did you just say?"

The human catches the demon off guard with that question and before the demon answers the human quickly slashes the demon's head off.

The other knights quickly take care of all the demons around the mansion.


"We've successfully recaptured the mansion, half of us will stay here and do more scouting and inspection, the other half will go to the capital and inform the emperor"

"Good work."

"Yes sir."

"Well done."

"Thank you sir."

After the two groups split up the remaining group headed back to the imperial palace. They are escorted through the city by soldiers.


"Your majesty, The mission was successful and we've split the knights into two groups and the other group is at the mansion inspecting some more and we've also found this supposed poison, it was found under a demon's corpse, we did try to find some information from the demons left there but they did not understand us, that is all we've got from this mission"

"Very good. Now let me see the poison."

"Yes your majesty."

A servant hands the emperor the poison vial. The emperor examines it closely and shakes it.

"It seems to be ordinary glass, nothing special about it. Why would the demons make such a thing?"

"Your majesty, I don't think it is meant for demons. It's meant for humans."

"What makes you say that?"

"I saw this poison when I was fighting against the demon army many years ago. This poison is made for killing humans. Demons can survive it because they are immune to most poisons. It only works on humans."

"I see."

The emperor continues looking at the vial and thinks. He knows the demons have been developing new weapons recently and that they may have developed a weapon that can kill even the strongest of humans.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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