
Chapter 469 The Beautiful People

"Alright, calm down, it's not a big deal for me to alter your appearances. There is no need to panic." Cain tried to calm down the witches that had assembled inside the Inn's dining room.

"If it was no big deal we would already have done it ourselves." The wizened old Matriarch of the Coven countered, the pustules on her face pulsing as she waved her hand in frustration.

"Let's save some time then. Name a species." Cain announced, making the old woman give him a sneaky smile.

"Squirrel Kin." She answered without hesitation, trying to poke Cain into action.

The room was suddenly filled with a fleshy sound that made everyone present think that Cain had slapped the old woman for daring to rush him, but when the old woman lowered her hood and placed her hand to her face what was revealed was not a horrific bruise, but a pre-teen Squirrel Kin girl with brown bushy hair that had a pair of white stripes running through it starting at her ears.