
Reincarnated with a Country Creation System

Prince Alexander Herald von Triesenberg was the fourth prince of the Empire of Triesenberg who was banished from the Empire of Triesenberg for the crime that he didn’t commit. On their way to the island where he would be banished, a powerful storm swept through and sank the ship. Alexander drowned and at the moment, he thought he died from drowning. However, when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the shore of a sandy beach and a floating interface before his eyes.

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95 Chs

Mission After Mission

"Oh give me a break," Alexander muttered under his breath. He just created the Legislative Assembly and now the system wanted him to create the ministries? What's next Judicial? 

There is a high chance of the system giving him that mission next as the pattern was apparently clear. However, a mission is a mission, and an instant gem is one of the precious assets that he could receive as a reward from the system. 

Just like in the Legislative, there was also autofill. 

[Would you like to autofill those positions with 1,000,000,000 treasury funds?]

Alexander sighed and nodded. "Yes."

[Deducting 1,000,000,000 Treasury Funds.]

[Autofill in progress...]

The interface flickered again, and names began to populate the previously blank fields.

Vice President:

Robert Mitchell

Chief of Staff:

Julieanne Carter

Attorney General:

Michael Johnson

Ministry of Education:

Luke Kennedy

Ministry of State:

Emily Harris

Ministry of Defense:

William Thompson

Ministry of Treasury:

Sarah Adams

Ministry of Interior:

John Taylor

Ministry of Agriculture:

Rebecca Morgan

Ministry of Commerce:

David Anderson

Ministry of Labor:

Sophia Clark

Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure:

Daniel Lewis

Ministry of Energy:

Olivia Roberts

[Mission#8 Complete]

[Rewards: One Instant Gem added.]

[Current Treasury Funds: 15,048,000,000,000]

[New Mission Alert!]

[Mission#9: Establish the judiciary branch of Valoria. You need to appoint judges for various levels of courts, including the Supreme Court, Appeals Court, and District Courts.]

[Rewards: Judicial Complex Instant Orb & 5,000,000,000 Treasury Funds.]

Alexander smiled wryly. "I knew it was coming."

[Judiciary Branch]

[Supreme Court Chief Justice:

Supreme Court Justices (8):

Appeals Court Judges (15):

District Court Judges (30):


[Would you like to autofill those positions with 1,000,000,000 treasury funds?]

"Yes," Alexander confirmed.

[Deducting 1,000,000,000 Treasury Funds.]

[Autofill in progress...]

The names began to populate the fields once more.

Supreme Court Chief Justice:

James Wilson

Supreme Court Justices:

Elizabeth Brown

Thomas Miller

Appeals Court Judges:

Richard Clark

Barbara Jackson

District Court Judges:

Jennifer Carter

Jason Mitchell

Emily Roberts

[Mission#9 Complete]

[Rewards: Judicial Complex Instant Orb & 5,000,000,000 Treasury Funds added.]

[Current Treasury Funds: 15,052,000,000,000]

With the judiciary now established, Alexander felt a sense of completeness. After almost an hour, he finished setting up the three branches of government. Now, he wondered where those people were? Could it be that their offices are inside the Volkshalle? If they are, then he wouldn't want that. He doesn't want his official residence to be crowded with politicians and staffers. 

He rolled his tongue and cheeks and tapped his foot rhythmically as he waited for another mission from the system. Usually, it would give him one right after he finished the last, but surprisingly, there was none, no matter how many minutes he waited. 

And then—his stomach growled. 

Sebastian heard the growl and cautiously spoke. 

"Your Excellency, it seems that you are in need of sustenance. May I suggest that we adjourn to the dining hall, where a meal can be promptly arranged for you?" Sebastian inquired

Alexander looked at Sebastian, considering his proposal. He had eaten anything since he had been whisked in this place, and he was craving for food now. 

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Lead the way."

Sebastian bowed slightly and began to walk down the elegant corridor.

As they walked, Sebastian spoke again. 

"Your Excellency, if I may, it is imperative that we ensure the smooth functioning of your newly established government. I would advise you to hold an inaugural meeting with your appointed officials to set forth your vision and directives."

"Maybe after I finish eating," Alexander replied.

They arrived at the grand dining hall, a room of opulent design with a long table set for a feast. The staff, as if by magic, were already in place, awaiting Alexander's arrival. The table was laden with an array of dishes, from roasted meats to fresh fruits and vegetables, all prepared to perfection.

"Please, Your Excellency, take your seat," Sebastian gestured to the head of the table.

Alexander sat down, and the staff immediately began to serve him. As he tasted the first bite, he couldn't help but marvel at the quality and flavor of the food. It was a stark contrast to the bland and sparse meals he had been subjected to during his imprisonment.

"Sebastian, this is excellent," Alexander said between bites.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. It is our utmost duty and pleasure to ensure your comfort and well-being," Sebastian replied with a gracious smile. 

While Alexander was engrossed eating his food, he didn't notice the sounds of the footsteps coming from behind. Sebastian noticed it but didn't step in her way as he recognized the person.


Alexander paused his spoon mid-air as he heard a soft and charming voice from behind. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a beautiful woman in her early twenties with deep blue eyes that seemed to draw him in. Her face was elegantly framed by golden blonde hair that cascaded down to her waist. Her well-endowed figure was accentuated by the form-fitting dress she wore.

"Who are you?" Alexander asked as if in trance.

The woman stepped forward, a confident yet respectful smile gracing her lips.

"My name is Julieanne Carter, Your Excellency. I have been appointed as your Chief of Staff."

Alexander's eyes widened slightly as he took in her words. "Chief of Staff?"

"Yes, Your Chief of Staff, I will be the one responsible for directing, managing and overseeing all policy development, daily operations, and staff activities within your administration."

"Ahh…okay?" Alexander uttered, still processing what just happened. 

"Your Excellency?" Julieanne called.

"Ahh…yes?" Alexander snapped back to reality. 

"The Legislative Assembly President, and the rest of your cabinet members are waiting for you in the conference room for a meeting about how we are going to run the nation. But don't rush, please take your time finishing your meal as this meeting can commence at your convenience," Julieanne added with a reassuring smile. 

"Actually…we can start now," Alexander said, grabbing a handkerchief and wiping his mouth before standing up. "Lead the way, Julieanne."

Julieanne nodded and turned to lead him through the grand corridors of the Volkshalle. Sebastian followed at a respectful distance. 

As they approached the conference room, Alexander took a deep breath, preparing himself for the critical meeting ahead. Julieanne opened the doors to reveal a spacious room filled with his appointed officials. They stood in respectful silence, waiting for him to take his place at the head of the table.

Alexander walked to his seat, taking in the sight of the people present inside. They were all in their mid to late twenties, and they had a fair appearance. Julieanne stepped forward and spoke authoritatively.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Supreme Leader of Valoria has arrived. Please show your respect."

At her words, every individual in the room, from the President of the Legislative Assembly to the newest member of the cabinet, bowed deeply.

Alexander, who was still not used to the gesture of reverence from his subjects, simply stood tall. If they revered him so much, then he must show them his most confident and authoritative self.