
Reincarnated To Get A Girlfriend

The Protagonist of this story is named Marco Higurashi. He is a normal highschool student with normal life and skills from his previous life. But an unfortunate event came to his normal life. and it ended his story with a car accident. " But dying is not the end of his last chapter ". Marco Higurashi ascend to the heaven and met the creator of life and death, Who called God. The Almighty was generous enough to make him choose a different path. Reincarnation to a different world or stay to heaven?. Who knows what he chooses?. Be the one to know his answer. Asmodeus. Belphegor. Mammon. Satan. Beelzebub. Lucifer. Leviathan. - Yamisen •••

Yamisen · Fantasía
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1201 Chs

Last Tight Of Hope

" Can you really do it?. Heal my parents disease?". Fey whispery asked.

Well. I have a magic that can heal practically everything, Wounds, Internal damages But this is the first time my using it for healing disease.

" I'm not hundred percent sure if I can do it, but I will give my best ". I respond.

Fey then gently put her palm on my left chest; where the heart is and she looked at the ground.

" Please, You are my last hope, Please ". Fey said with a cry on her tone.

Must be hard huh?, being alone. I have healthy parents so I don't need to worry about this things, but what will I do if I'm on her situation?.

Haha, knowing the situation. I will probably give up and just go with the flow, I will just ride the wind where it takes me and live like a dead fish not fighting the raging river.

" I'll do my best ". I respond.

I carefully pushed the wooden door and entered inside the house.

The room was slightly dim with just burning lamp on the center of the room. I immediately saw her parents laying down on a futon right next to each other. I almost hear their pain because of their irregular breathing.