
Reincarnated To Get A Girlfriend

The Protagonist of this story is named Marco Higurashi. He is a normal highschool student with normal life and skills from his previous life. But an unfortunate event came to his normal life. and it ended his story with a car accident. " But dying is not the end of his last chapter ". Marco Higurashi ascend to the heaven and met the creator of life and death, Who called God. The Almighty was generous enough to make him choose a different path. Reincarnation to a different world or stay to heaven?. Who knows what he chooses?. Be the one to know his answer. Asmodeus. Belphegor. Mammon. Satan. Beelzebub. Lucifer. Leviathan. - Yamisen •••

Yamisen · Fantasía
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1201 Chs

3 Roots Of Evilness

" Hmm Little girl.... ".

Union lifter her head and stares at the Woman's eyes.

" I'm far more older than you, little girl ". Union stated with a menacing smile.

The Woman Immediately back off and step beside the two.

" Tsk, I could've stab her if you didn't walk towards her ". The man with the spikey hair stated.


{ Those 3 are confident in their powers, the old man is a wise person, the man with spikey hair has a phenomenal physical strength, and as for the last one.... She's pure fake }

Union took a step forward and pointed at them.

" First, I want to know all of your names!". She shouted.

{ Because calling you by nicknames is kinda tedious } *that's her reason.

< Hah... > The man signed.

" I'm Luke, that woman is Carla and this old geezer is Follon ".

{ Hmm?, I've expected more extravagant name, their names sounds very human }

Luke the took a step back and pointed at Union with a stern look in his face.

" So? You the hell are you little kid?". He asked.


Union suddenly appeared infront of Luke at fast speed and she's already holding a knife in her right hand; clenching it hard ready to swing it.

< Damn! >

Luke took a step back but he was scratched on his left cheek. He then put her fingers on it and see the blood flowing out.

" Impressive- ". Luke stated with a smile in his face.

" -I'll eat you after this you little rat!".