
Reincarnated to be warrior

Guy named Tsuji was ordinary boy but one night someone shoot at him and he died,but after a few moments he will find out that he is reincarnated in another world,but little does he know,he is reincarnated to be future warrior who will save that world.But only way to save the world is to defeat war.Will Tsuji save the world or,will he die?

Burhan_Selimovic · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 3:First real training!

"I need to calm down"

Tsuji said it while he was trying to get up

"You're pathetic"

Akane calmly said as she goes out from the class

"She's right.I am pathetic!"

He said while he picked up his sword from the floor

"You aren't pathetic!She's only more talented than you.but that doesn't mean you can't get stronger"

Professor smiled as he was standing

"How can you said that when you sees what happened"

He stands while his uniform shakes a little bit and eyes opened wide

"Thank you Professor,i won't give up"

He smiled and goes away

"Just you wait Akane,i will be different person from before"

He smiled with confidence while his shadow started to goes away

Some time passed and Tsuji was sitting in his room with arms on back of the head

"I can become stronger.I mean it's not like i didn't do anything,i actually blocked some attacks"

Tsuji lay on the back and started to think

"I died and got new life so i need to do something important"

He close his eyes but someone started to summon

"Who is this?"

It was just Esa

"What's up Tsuji?"

She smiled and asked

"It's not that great"

Tsuji gets up and got angry at himself

"I almost died in training battle"

Tsuji was angry at himself

"Is that so?"

Esa smiled and puts her finger up

"Don't worry about it Tsuji"

He looked at her and ask her a question

"How can you be so calm about this?"

"I almost got killed"Tsuji angrily said

Esa stopped smiling and replied to him

"Listen,you need to train right away because you can't fail in this life"

"If you fail you will be coward for the rest of this and your previous life"She said while Tsuji looked at her and smiled

"You really are goddess"

Esa blushes at his reply and she smiled and replied to him

"Thank you Tsuji,that means lot to me"

"But you need to get better and train harder"Esa said with serious voice

"Don't worry.I will!"

"And i won't let you down"he said

"That's the spirit,but i need to go now"Esa said

"Okay,see ya tomorrow"Tsuji smiled and replied

She started to faint while he opened his eyes

"She's right,i need to train harder"

"It's settled.My goal for now is to picks up the pace so i can challenge Akane to rematch"He said as he put his finger up to the ceilling

Night passed and new day came up

"Wuahh,today will be amazing day"he said

Tsuji change his clothes and he goes downstairs to have breakfast with other guys

He opened door while everybody turn around in his direction

"Good morning"he said happily

"I'm so hungry"Tsuji said it with happy voice

He sat on free chair but then...

"What are you doing here?Get lost"

It was Akane which was standing in front of Tsuji

"I won't try to take your chair or something like that.And let's make it clear,I hate you,you're weak and dissapointment.If that was real battle you would be dead by now.So be happy that you're alive"She said it with calm voice yet she had anger in her body

"You're right,i'm weak.But i will promise you that i will train and i will battle you again but this time i will win"He said it with serious expression

"Is that so?I'm looking forward to it.I wasn't serious last time but now,i will try to kill you"She said it with calm voice while it was also angry voice

"Me too.I need to sit and eat.See ya"he said and he started to eat"

"This boy...he's weak.I will crush him next time"he said it in herself

Tsuji started to eat and while he's eating someone started to yell

"Okay boys.we will have our first real training.You all know that war will happen soon so we need young mans like you to protect this world"Professor loudly said it

"So just eat for now and later you will come to training room"he said

"Enjoy your meal"he said it and leave

"So today is first real training,i will be glad if she don't attack me"He crossed his arms and looked in the sky

"Okay.That was so delicious and refreshing"he said it and he gets up and goes to walk to the training room

"Okay everyone!Welcome to the first real training.You all know that we had first sparring and it was Akane against Tsuji.As you know,Akane was talented that time when she use her sword and her sword became flamelike.That's her power.It's easy to say that she's strongest.Unfortunately she isn't here now,But i understand that,because she's strong and talented"He said it loudly as he was smiling

But then...

Someone opened the door with crimson hair and red jacket,red skirt and her red shoes

It was Akane

"I'm here,let's get over with this"She said with calm and bored voice

Then everyone started to yell

Why are you full of yourself!You think you're the strongest!You don't belong here!get lost!

"You're only a bunch of weak and creepy guys.It's you who doesn't belong here,i can destroy any of you right now"She smiled and said it

"Okay,okay calm down now.She's right,she can destroy you"he said

Everybody started to yell at professor

That's not true!we can beat her!She isn't that strong!Even Tsuji blocks some of her attack

Tsuji and Akane both looked at guy who said that

"Don't make me laugh"She said

"The only reason he blocked my attack is because i wasn't serious.If i was serious he would be dead right now,so shut up"she said

Tsuji gets up and looked at Akane

"Okay,that's overconfidence"he said

"Calm down now.There's no need for fight.Let's start with training!

"Okay now,Akane don't need to get power because she already have one,so all of you don't have element power.You all have mana,the stronger mana means stronger spirit,I have punching machine which contain mana.You will hit it with your sword.Let's start!

After that speech everyone started to hit it and most of them have 50 to 100 mana and it was time for Tsuji to hit it

"I'm ready!"He said it while he held his sword toward machine

"Here goes"he said

Tsuji slash it and his mana started to count

"How many will i get"he said while he waits

It isn't how Tsuji was thinking


His mana is 20,the lowest of all guys in academy

"That's it for today"Professor said

"I was right,you're really weak!Akane smiled while Tsuji was on his knees

This is the first arc of this story