
Reincarnated Magical Girl

Daniel Aurora is an average boy who just lost all his friends, but he gets killed by a truck, only to wake up a magical girl in the other universe, magical girls are the guardians of the universe, the ones who protect it from magical creatures.

Light_Weeb · Fantasía
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3 Chs


Daniel felt grass on the back of his body, he began to feel his body again and could see light through his eyelids. He then opened his eyes. He found himself on a field as he sat up. Something felt strange, aside from the fact he shouldn't be alive right now.

He looked down and noticed a clear difference in his body, his body was a lot more feminine and he was wearing this weird outfit. It was a purple and white, mostly purple, dress that looked like an outfit that came out of one of those magical girl shows he used to watch as a little kid. He also wore a pair of white gloves and black shoes.

He looked around, turning his head left and then right. There was a lot of different flowers, there was irises, roses, violets, poppies and other ones around the field.

He then stood up and walked around for a bit, confused about where he was, it seemed as if the field was endless. Everything was more colorful than it ever had been before he got ran over, killed and woke up.

"What in the actual fu-" He said before a small fluffy creature appeared, floating right in front of him.

"Shhhh! Watch your language!" The small fluffy creature yelled.

The small fluffy creature was the size of a cat, specifically, the size of a leopard, it had white fur with blue eyes, purple dog ears, pink bird wings and had a black and white heart necklace.

"What in the actual- what are you?!" Daniel yelled as he jumped back a bit when he saw the weird looking creature.

"I'm Puppet Fluff. Weird name, isn't it?" The little fluffy creature responded.

"Puppet Fluff, do you.. happen to know… what happened to me? And where I am?" Daniel asked, needing answers to what happened and why he was in the flower field.

"Well, you were reincarnated as magical girl." Puppet Fluff answered.

"What? A magical girl??" Daniel said, confused.

"Yeah." Puppet Fluff answered.

Puppet Fluff created a human size mirror and made it float in front of him.

He now saw his entire body. The cutesy colorful purple dress. His eyes were green. He had brown hair that went down to his shoulders and white skin. It was like girl version of himself from his past life.

"Wha…" Daniel didn't know what to say in this situation.

He then ended up passing out due to shock of what had just happened.

"H-hey! A-are you alright?!" Puppet Fluff yelled, surprised that Daniel had passed out.

A few hours later, perhaps around 5 hours later, during nighttime.

Daniel slowly began to wake up again and looked at the beautiful moon.

"Are… you alright?.." Puppet Fluff asked with a concerned voice.

"I… you said I was reincarnated… right?" Daniel asked in a concerned and sad voice as he slowly stood up.

"Umm, yeah.." Puppet Fluff answered after being quiet for around 10 seconds.

Tears began to form in Daniel's eyes as he began to realize something.

"Am I… in another world..?" He asked, the voice made it clear he was on the verge of crying.

"Well… yes.." Puppet Fluff hesitantly said, Puppet Fluff had a feeling Daniel won't like this at all.

Daniel fell to his knees and his hands were trembling. His tears ran down like a waterfall. He then began screaming at the top of his lungs.

Puppet Fluff backed away a bit, the expression on Puppet Fluff's face was one of concern and sympathy.

"I… can't believe it… this means… I-I'll never see my mom again.. and that I-I spent my last moments with her by yelling at her and making her cry… I never even got a chance to say sorry… and I'll never return to my normal life.." He said, still sobbing.

He couldn't believe it, in a matter of moments, everything he ever had was gone.

Puppet Fluff walked over to him, trying to hug him, but Puppet Fluff's arms weren't long enough to do so, so Daniel hugged Puppet Fluff Instead.

The next day

Daniel woke up on a bed in a room only lit by the sunlight from the window, the walls were yellow, there was a wardrobe on the other side of the room and a desk by the window next to his bed.

He slowly got up and walked out the room. Puppet Fluff was waiting for her at the dinner table.

"You're finally awake now." Puppet Fluff said.

"Y-yeah… so where am I now?.." Daniel asked.

"You're in your new home, in the Garden of Magic." Puppet Fluff answered.

"The garden of Magic?" Daniel said, confused.

"This is where magical girls live. After magical girls are born, this become their home, the Garden of Magic, an infinite sized realm for magical girls to live at." Puppet Fluff answered.

"So… what are real magical girls?" Daniel asked, after all, there could be differences between the magical girls he saw on TV and the real ones.

"Magical girls are beings similar to human girls, but with powers, they are considered guardians of the universe, they fend off creatures like demons, goblins, ogres, dragons, and others, and in the past, sometimes gods." Puppet Fluff explained.

"So… are they all reincarnations like me?" Daniel asked.

"No, you'd be the first magical girl to be a reincarnation. In fact, I think you're actually the first person to ever be reincarnated at all" Puppet Fluff replied.

"Wait, I am? That's.. interesting." Daniel replied.

"So… do I have to pay rent?" Daniel asked.

"No, in the garden of Magic, you don't need to, you'll be protecting the world from evil, that should be a lot more than enough." Puppet Fluff stated.

"Well, that's at least something to be happy about.." Daniel said, he hadn't had a happy expression at all due to the fact he'd never see his mom again or live like before.

"So… what's your name?" Puppet Fluff asked.

"Well.. wait, since I'm a new person with a new identity, could I change my name?" Daniel asked.

"Sure, if you want to." Puppet Fluff replied.

"Hmm.. for first name, Poppy. For middle name, Daimao. For last name.. I'll just keep it as it was in my past life, Aurora." Daniel said.

"Poppy Daimao Aurora? Sounds good then." Puppet Fluff said.

Daniel, who was now Poppy, and was now a she, ate her breakfast and then went out of the house to see the rest of the garden of magic.

Poppy looked around, beautiful flowers were everywhere, there was a big rainbow far away and there was multiple houses.

She began to start walking down the street, there were many magical girls that were walking around, talking and laughing with each other.

One of the magical girls walked up to her with a big smile. The magical girl had long black hair, mixed skin, brown eyes and wore a black dress.

"Hi, I'm Kaida Landon! I haven't seen you here before, are you a new magical girl?" the magical girl asked with a smile.

"Indeed I am." Poppy responded with a nervous smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Kaida said while reaching out her hand to offer a handshake.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Kaida. I'm Poppy Aurora." Poppy responded as she nervously shook Kaida's hand.

"Would you like me to show you around?" Kaida asked.

"S-sure." Poppy responded.

"Great! Then, follow me." Kaida said as she took hold of Poppy's hand and began leading her down the street.

I’m nervous, starting this novel, but I’m determined!

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