
First Battle

When Asher returned to the camp, he gathered the hundred soldiers before him and accepted the system's notification.


A brilliant light enveloped the group and when it faded, Asher's eyes narrowed as the scene before him. Each soldier now wore a basic set of gear: a metal helmet with a fan-shaped crest, a layer of scales over their leather vests, vambraces and knee guards. The upgrade was as minimal as it could ever be.

Asher was a bit puzzled. These were supposed to be diamond-ranked soldiers. Was this truly their limit?

Levi stepped and clenched his fist. With two powerful strides, he leaped over ten meters into the air, his hair fluttering until he landed right before Asher.

Seeing this Asher blinked in surprise. He recalled that after becoming a diamond-ranked knight, Alex could only manage a seven-meter jump. But Levi had jumped an entire three meters more!