
Ch. 4 The New ghost.

" Hello~" I waved my hand at the man who answered the door, his expression morphed into fear, and out of desperation tried to close the door.

I caught the door and kicked it opened knocking the ghoul back.

" Dear?" A woman entered the hallway, and when her eyes set on my suitcase that held my quinqui, her eyes changed, and her kagune showed along with the man.

I used the suitcase as a shield and thrust my fist into the woman's face and yhrew the dagger into her shoulder before kicking the man back and ducking under his Kagune.

I activated my quinqui and stabbed he dagger into his kagune and used it to pull him towards me and used the other dagger to cut his head off.

" Ka...Kame..." The woman muttered in disbelief as I turned towards her. Fear overcame her entire being as I grabbed her kagune with my fist and stepped on her throat.

" Grackkk!!!" She struggled as the daggers poison started setting in. Her strength started getting weaker as I stared at her emotionless.

" Do you wanna know how I found you?" I kneeled down while switching my foot to my knee on her neck as she continued to struggle, but I could tell she was listening.

" Your son." Her eyes widened in surprise as I increased the pressure on her neck.


Until I broke it and stabbed my dagger into her neck just in case. I wiped my hands clean from the ghouls blood, but just as I was about to finish cleaning myself, I heard footsteps outside the house.

" Mom... dad...??" An ordinary looking boy stood frozen in the doorway.

" Ya...Yami... why?" He recognized me.

" Yo! Yu!" I greeted him with a smile as I realized I was still covered in his parents' blood.

" You!! Bastard!!" He screamed as he tried to swipe me with his kagune. I easily ducked and weaved through his attacks until I punched his stomach, causing him to arc.

" This is for the girl." I whispered in his ears as he threw up his food, which I managed to see a piece of human flesh.

I stabbed the dagger into the back of his neck tore his head off to finish him off.

' Your inexperienced hunting caused this.' I thought as I let his body fall. I took out my phone to call the others to clean this place up.

A few minutes later, a few cars arrived.

" Three ghouls by yourself, I must say Yami. You're becoming stronger by the day and more ruthless..." The investigator muttered the last part as he glanced the ghouls on the floor.

" They had it coming. The kids' inexperienced got him and his parents caught." I replied as I watched the others carry their bodies out of the house to make them into weapons.

" Sir! Please take a look at this!" A second grade investigator walked up to us as he showed us the family portrait.

" There's four of them! Look for the last one!!" The first investigator shouted as he ordered the others who immediately searched the house.

" Sigh... this feels like a plot... if these guys can't find her... than it'll feel like revenge story will start..." I thought outloud, which caused me to receive a weird look from the other investigators.

" You know... he might be right." One spoke up as he looked at the others who nodded.

I looked at my dirty cloak and decided to call my teacher.

" Hello?" She answered.

" Teacher... how did you keep your cloak clean when fighting?" I asked.

" Hmph! Skill issue." She snorted before hanging up, I looked at my phone and didn't know if I should crush it or scream at it.

" Old hag.." I muttered as I left the scene to the other investigators as I knew we wouldn't find that little girl.

' I should clean myself before either ghouls catch my scent.'

( Third Pov )

" Damn kid made a damn mess." One of the senior investigators complained as he saw the blood on the floor and walls.

" Did any of you find the last one?" He looked at the investigators who shook their heads.

" Tsk." He clicked his tongue as he glanced at the family portrait.

" Send out the picture. Sooner or later, she'll have to get caught." He ordered.

" Yes, sir!" Everyone answered.

' The ghost... with a mess like this... I'm sure he isn't close to the skull of that old demon. ' The investigator shuddered as he walked out of the house.

( Yami Pov )

" Skill issue... I'll show you the damn skill issue..." I muttered as I cleaned my clothes from the ghouls' blood and to cover the scent.

I am currently in one of my safehouse, which is a second house or an apartment that I use as a safe house for my weapons and supplies.

' Sigh... maybe I should start fighting like she taught me to...' I grimaced at the memories of torture my teacher put me through.

' I guess it's time to start fighting like one... and change like one.' I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and went back to washing my clothes.

' Still, though... couldn't believe I killed Yu and his parents... I mean, we went to the same high school before I skipped grades again.' I smiled at the coincidence but soon frowned when I remembered his little sister.

" Kuzen, I'm pretty sure he knows something." I thought as I left my clothes to dry and wore a different outfit.

A black jacket with convers, gray button-up shirt, and black jeans. After admiring myself in the mirror, I went to Aogiri Coffee shop.

And once I arrived I opened the door to see Touka looking at me as she wiped the tables.

" I'm sorry, we're closed–" She was interrupted with a cup breaking on the floor, and the little girl from the family I massacred looked at me with horror.

" Touka-chan. Please take her to the back." Kuzen spoke up as Touka quickly followed his order.

" You're too kind, Kuzen." I spoke as I took a seat across of him as he wiped his glass cups.

' Aren't they clean enough?' I asked myself as I saw Kuzen smile slowly fade.

" Don't you dare lecture me, old man. Her brother was starting to kill the young girls–"

" Yami-kun..." I saw him open his eyes, which he revealed to be a ghoul, I didn't show any surprise as I stared at him.

" I'm here to finish the job." I backed off as I stared at my hands.

" Then what are you here for than?" He asked as he closed his eyes and resumed his wiping.

" I'm here to want you that the investigators are going to be putting up a search party for her. You should get her out of here before their search reach here."

" Why? Why are you helping a ghoul, Yami?"

I stared at him for a few seconds before relying.

" Because I'm giving her the right to kill me in the future. Just like I had the right to kill the ghouls that killed mine."

I stood up and walked to the door and opened it, and just as I was about to leave, I decided to speak once more.

" The reason all of you are still here is because you are taking care of my friend, Kaneki." I glanced at him as I saw a little bit of his hair standing up before I left the building.

I am sure at the very moment. Kuzen is glad he made the correct choice to take in Kaneki.