
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Cómic
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79 Chs


Leo immediately closed the distance between the two Pokémon almost like teleporting due to his speed. However, Alakazam was able to use Protect in time to block his strike making Leo crash into an invisible barrier surrounding him. Leo then used Dig to disappear underground just as Alakazam tried to headbutt Leo with Zen Headbutt. 

Seeing Leo disappear, Alakazam began teleporting around the arena nonstop while charging up his psychic-type energy. Due to Alakazam being a psychic type he was able to block me from forming a link between the two of them. While was able to block them from detecting where Leo was. However, I allowed Leo to 'see' through my eyes where Alakazam was even though he kept teleporting around. 

'Leo jump out and use Fire Blast once it's charged up' I say seeing that he won't be able to get the jump on Alakazam. 

Leo then comes out of the ground once his move is charged launching as close as possible to Alakazam. Even though Alakazam teleported away the blast radius was large enough to make him still hit as half the arena exploded in a fiery blast. Alakazam cried out in pain and launched his attack but it went wide from the blast that shook the arena, striking the invisible barrier. 

Leo then closed the distance again, this time connecting with Alakazam who was sent flying into the invisible barrier from the power behind the strike. Then Leo closed the distance again, but Alakazam was able to push through the pain and teleport away. 

Alakazam began using Psychic invading Leo's mind and causing him pain. Leo grimaced in pain, but with a roar pushed through it charging Alakazam again. Alakazam tried to teleport away but was not fast enough getting slammed into again with a Wild Charge. This time Alakazam collapsed in a heap of body parts unconscious from the strike. 

"Alakazam is unable to battle! The winners are Trainer Lucas and Arcanine!" the referee says as Sabrina withdraws Alakazam while giving us a hate-filled glare before leaving. 

"She's still a bitch," I say as Leo nods his head. 

Leo and I then left for the Pokémon Center to get Mamoswine checked out again. Then we celebrated all together for getting into the semi-finals. The next morning the four remaining contestants, Lance, myself, Red, and someone from Red's generation came to the arena. Lance and I nodded our heads to each other in greeting. 

Then we stood on the field where the President of the Pokémon League came out and gave another speech about sportsmanship and our abilities to make it this far. Then how whoever won the next two battles would face the Champion and possibly become the next Champion of this region. 

Then Lance and I stood to the side behind the referees, as Red and the other trainer took to the arena. The battle was intense however, Red being one of the best trainers in his generation and possibly the world easily won the match. Then Red walked over to us, with the other trainer taking their leave looking a bit sad they finally lost. 

"May the best trainer win," Lance says to me as we shake hands before taking our spots in the arena. 

"I will," I say to him with a friendly smirk as he laughs and we make our way to the spots. 

"Please send out your first Pokémon," the referee says once we take our spots in the arena. 

Like usual I send out Mamoswine who upon seeing Lance and his Pokémon, gives an excited cry knowing it is our showdown to determine the strongest trainer of our generation. Lance at the same time threw out his Altaria. 

Altaria is a blue, avian Pokémon. Its body and cloud-like wings are covered in fluffy, white feathers. It often folds its wings behind it, obscuring its back. Two long, blue plumes extend like streamers from the back of its head. It has a short, hooked beak and prominent cheek patches, both of which are white. Additionally, it has beady, black eyes. It has a long neck and short legs protruding from its fluffy body. The feet are blue with four toes, three claws forward, and one backward. The tail is made up of five feathers, the outer two being longer than the inner ones.

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready. 

'Mamoswine buff up and then release your Blizzard,' I say through our link. Mamoswine then begins using his moves. 

"Quickly strengthen yourself and then burn them!" Lance says as Altaria uses Cotton Guard and Dragon Dance. Then she begins charging up fire-type energy. 

Just as Mamoswine released his Blizzard that blasted outward from himself, Altaria sent a Fire Blast toward Mamoswine. The two attacks met with Fire Blast exploding as the Blizzard reached it, with an explosion and steam filling the arena, the two attacks canceled each other out. 

Mamoswine then quickly began charging up Icicle Crash as Altaria began charging up another fire-type move. Mamoswine finished first, sending our spears of ice toward her. However, Altaria is a fast Pokémon easily dodging the giant spears of ice and closing the distance between them. 

Upon reaching Mamoswine, she released a jet of flames toward him. Mamoswine grunted in pain as the flames washed over him. Though he then jumped through it slamming into Altaria with a Heavy Slam, bringing her to the ground. She cried out in pain as we heard a snap and her one wing looked now broken. 

However, Mamoswine didn't waste any time and bit down on her with his Ice Fang. Altaria cried out again, then released another Flamethrower right into Mamoswine's face. Mamoswine cried in pain but appeared to bite down harder with another breaking sound heard then the flamethrower stopped as Altaria appeared unconscious. 

Mamoswine dropped her and grunted in pain as most of the thick fur on his face was burnt away showing some burns on his skin. Thankfully Mamoswine didn't appear that injured, just more annoyed that he took some damage in a fight that should have been an easy win for him. 

At hearing the request from the referee, Lance threw out his Charizard next who let out a roar on his appearance. He stared down Mamoswine who stared him back down. Now we are at a big disadvantage, though hopefully Mamoswine can pull out another win. 

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready. 

Mamoswine immediately tried to use his Earthquake since Charizard was on the ground. But Charizard immediately flew into the air at seeing Mamoswine rear up. Then Charizard used Sword Dance and Dragon Dance, spiking his attack and special attack stats. Charizard then began charging up a fire-type while dodging the ice spears sent his way. 

"Keep your distance!" Lance says as Charizard sends a blast of fire toward Mamoswine. 

Mamoswine cried out in pain as the blast exploded right next to him burning away most of his fur on his right side. 

'Mamoswine, use Rock Slide until he falls from the sky, then use Heavy Slam once he falls,' I say to Mamoswine right after the Fire Blast. 

Mamoswine then starts sending boulder after boulder at Charizard who is dodging them while charging up another fire-type move. Mamoswine this time paused waiting for Charizard to stop for a second to aim his move. Then he sent the boulder toward him. 

Just as Charizard sent out another Fire Blast, Mamoswine sent a boulder which exploded right in Charizard's face as the two attacks met. Then Mamoswine quickly sent a few more boulders which struck the stunned Charizard. Charizard cried out in pain, as one boulder struck his shoulder making him fall to the ground. 

However, Charizard caught himself just before he hit the ground. Unfortunately for Charizard, as he was falling Mamoswine closed the distance and used Heavy Slam on him. So as Charizard caught himself, he saw the several-ton Mamoswine jumping and just about to slam into him. 

Charizard cried out in surprise as Mamoswine smashed all his weight into him bringing him to the ground. Charizard like Altaria broke his one wing as Mamoswine slammed into him as a sumo wrestler would a smaller man. Charizard cried out in pain and struggled to move. 

Mamoswine capitalized on this moment, using Earthquake point blank at the collapsed Charizard. The move destroyed the remaining constitution of Charizard who coughed up blood and fell unconscious. Mamoswine released a roar of victory while half his fur was burned away looking funny at the same time. Once again at the referee's request, Lance sent out his next Pokémon, which was a Salamence. 

Salamence is a quadrupedal, draconic Pokémon with a long, tapering tail. It is primarily blue with a gray lower jaw and thickly scaled underside. There are red markings on its throat, the underside of its tail, and stripes on the inner surface of its legs. Additionally, there are raised red ridges above its eyes. Three flat fins protrude from either side of its head, possibly acting in the same manner that a Canard would on an aircraft. It has two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Each of its short legs has three claws.

"Begin!" the referee says. 

Salamence immediately flies up while using Sword Dance and Dragon Dance. While Mamoswine is trying to knock him down using Rock Slide. Then after dodging the attack, Salamence uses Sunny Day before quickly charging up a fire-type move. Just as Salamence released the move, I withdrew Mamoswine and sent out Leo. Leo was struck with the move, coming out unharmed but also buffed up due to his ability. 

"Trainer Lucas withdrew Mamoswine! Continue!" the referee says seeing me having already sent out my next Pokémon. 

Lance gave me a surprised look at my withdrawal. However, I just didn't want Mamoswine to fall unconscious again, plus with the Sunny Day and Fire-type move, Leo is now buffed up really well. 

Leo then quickly charged up a Fire Blast, as Salamence charged up a Dragon Breath. Even without the Sunny Day, Leo would have finished first due to his move mastery. But with Sunny Day his fire-type moves charged up almost instantly, plus were even stronger now. 

As the one Fire Blast flew toward Salamence who was not expecting the speed behind the strike. Unable to dodge the hit the attack exploded onto his body. Falling out of the explosion and smoke was an unconscious Salamence. 

"Salamence is unable to battle! The winners are Trainer Lucas and Arcanine! Please send out your next Pokémon," the referee says. 

Lance then sends out his last Pokémon and ace, Dragonite. Who gives Leo an excited look since the two Pokémon are like rivals, both being the starters of Lance and me, while having faced each other several times. 

"Begin!" the referee says