
Chapter 19

As I open my eyes, I see that I was crying in my sleep, I then wipe the tears on my face and I slowly got up and see where I am, then I see Tallahassee go to me and spoke.

Tallahassee: You okay kiddo?

I look at him and said,

Westlie: Yeah, I just had a bad dream.

Tallahassee: Did you dream about him?

Westlie: Yeah. So, what happened after I …

Tallahassee: You fall pass out? Well, we killed the other two but the one with a wound on his shoulder escaped.

He explained to me, and I then got angry again, Tallahassee sees that I was gritting my teeth, but after a second, I calm down immediately and then look at Tallahassee and said.

Westlie: Do you know where that man went?

Tallahassee shakes his head at me, then seats beside me and said.

Tallahassee: No, we don't and what happened to Augie is not your fault.

Westlie: Thanks Tal, it's just that this is the first time I lose someone close to me.

Tallahassee: I know kiddo. We all did lose someone… Augie was a great kid, knew many things, and was the greatest teammate ever had.

Westlie: Yeah. He did. He even taught me how to light a fire without using a lighter.

We stop talking for a few seconds and he said.

Tallahassee: You need to talk to Ben and the others and tell them that you're okay, is that all right?

Westlie: Yeah, thanks, Tal.

Tallahassee: No problem kiddo. Go talk to them they are worried about you, especially Little Rock.

He then smirked at me and then surprise at what he just said I just smiled weakly. I then got up and go to the others. As I was about to go, I turn again to Tallahassee and said,

Westlie: I said my real name to Augie.

He was shocked for a bit and smiled at me.

~??? POV~

??? take me to the greenhouse where I will work next.

???: Stay in here for a minute, I'm gonna radio down and find out what you're doing. Don't touch anything.

After saying that ??? she leaves me there and close the door. Then I see someone I know huddle in the corner.

???: Hey…

She didn't say anything.

???: Are you okay? I know it's…it's gonna be hard but you I'm here for you, okay?

??? nod at me and said.

???: thanks.

We stay silent for a bit then she finally talks.

???: My dad's never hit me before… Even when I was really bad… he never hit me.

I feel sad and said.

???: He didn't want to do it, Sarah. That bad man made him. He's the bad guy, not your dad. So, in a weird way, ???'s the one that hit you…not your dad.

Sarah: I guess so… Well, then ??? hit me super hard, 'cause it still hurts like crazy.

???: Yeah, it looked like it.

Sarah: Thanks… for trying to help ???.

I smiled at her.

Sarah: I don't know why people have to be so mean… Like, even when I'm really mad, I still don't want to hurt people.

The woman that left me earlier came back into the greenhouse and he brings another one.

???: Don't mess this up.

???: Yeah, I get it.

She then looks at us and said.

???: Reggie's in charge here, okay? Listen to him carefully.

We just nod at her and look at Reggie

Reggie: Yep. No problem, Tavia.

Tavia leaves and closes the door.

Reggie: Okay, we gotta do a good job, guys. The camp is counting on us. Come on, I'll show you what to do. it's super easy.

We then go over to one of the tables of plants.

I then look at him and spoke.

???: So, what are we gonna do?

Reggie: Pick up a pair of those shears.

We pick up the shears.

Reggie: Okay, so we're picking these berries, right? Just pick them up, and put them in the basket. Simple. While you're at it, if you see any dead branches, take those shears and cut them off, and stack them neatly for composting. Got it?

Sarah and I nod at him and go to our table. Reggie then approaches me.

Reggie: Hey, so… is she gonna be okay? 'Cause what happened down there… that was straight f*cked up. I don't want her freaking out and getting me in trouble.

???: Look she's had a rough few days, especially this morning.

Reggie: Yeah, what happened this morning was f*cked up.

???: I'll take care of her… you don't have to worry.

Reggie: Look… Bill's had it out for me ever since I helped those guys escape, so I gotta concentrate on my work.

He then suddenly pats my head.

Reggie: That was awkward. I won't do that again. I'm gonna go to work now.

Reggie walks away. I begin doing my work, but I notice that Sarah isn't doing anything. I then go the where she is and show her what to do. Sarah collects many berries and shears off the dead branches.

???: This isn't that hard, Sarah.

Sarah: I know, I'm just afraid I'll make a mistake.

???: It won't be the end of the world if you do. Just keep going and mistakes happen, just gotta learn from them.

Sarah and I smiled.

We notice that the bad guy is outside.

Reggie: Oh, sh*t.

Sarah: Oh, no…

Reggie: You didn't do any of your work.

He points at the table that I was assigned to.

Bad guy enters.

Bad guy: Just checking in… see how the new kids are working out.

He then notices the poorly done work and my table.

Bad guy: Reggie.

Reggie: Yeah, Bill. Hey.

Bill: What the f*ck happened in here?

Reggie: Look, Bill, they're new, and me with my arm, it's just not the eas---I just ha---I have one arm, so---

Bill: Shut up, shut up. Shut the f*ck up. You better have an explanation for this. And I mean now.

Reggie: Bill, please, just, Ju---

Bill: Sounds like you're about to give me an excuse when I asked for an explanation.

Reggie: We'll get it done, just give us some more time, we just ---

Bill: Times up Reggie. You had a task… and you didn't get it done. Looks to me like you failed.

I see that Bill is blaming Reggie, but it should be me.

???: It was my fault, I help Sarah. I didn't show Sarah well enough, I guess.

Bill: Nah, this isn't your fault.

He then looks at Reggie.

Bill: We talked about this, Reggie. Didn't we? But you just don't get it, do you?

Reggie: Get what? I…I…

Bill: Why don't you kids wait outside? Reggie and I have a few things to talk about.

Reggie: Thanks for the help, kids.

I and Sarah step outside the greenhouse.

Bill pushes Reggie through the door.

Bill: I gave you plenty of chances!


Bill advances on Reggie as he moves backward. Bill grabs Reggie and was about to push him over the edge of the roof when a soldier comes running at is.

Soldier: Sir! We got an emergency!

Bill then looks at the Soldier and looks at Reggie and said.

Bill: You live another day Reggie, But no more next time!

Reggie sigh in relief but still shaking from the fear he felt earlier, he was about to die but was saved. Bill then goes to the soldier and asked what happen.

Bill: What happen soldier?! I was in the middle of punishing a sinner! It's better be good or…

The soldier was scared but still, tell Bill.

Soldier: Jonathan is back from Atlanta.

Bill: SO?!

Soldier: He was wounded, shot in the shoulders, and he's the one who returned.

I see Bill was shocked at what he heard and then looks at us.

Bill: That's for today kids, I got something to do.

He then left with the soldier. I don't know what happen but thank God that something emergency happens if not, Reggie will die.

I go to Reggie and spoke.

???: You okay Reggie?

Reggie who was still shaking looked at me and smiled.

Reggie: Yeah, I almost die there. Whoever hurt Jonathan, I thank them from the bottom of my heart.

He smiled at us and I smiled back. What a day we had.

~Westlie POV~

I shivered, I don't know why but I think someone talking behind my back. I then go where Ben and the others are.

Another Chapter Done!

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