

Sakumo looked at the deeply sleeping girl and if asked how the Uchiha bloodline came to be here, not even in the village there is a sharingan outside the clan and especially here in an enemy village.

"This has just become problematic." Sakuma said and looked at the sword Yui was using and was curious how such a poorly made and cheap blade could withstand the power the girl was showing.

Sakuma lightly gripped the handle of the blade and raised it to watch her closely, "Eh?!" With a cracking sound the blade broke into thousands of pieces and fell to the ground, "EHHHHH!" Sakuma yelled as she thought of an excuse to give Yui when she woke up.

Meanwhile in Yui's dream.


"Get ready brothers, today we will exterminate this scum Xeno!" Yui watched her commander Astartes speak as she firmly gripped her sword and checked her plasma pistol.

Her battle brothers also checked their gear to ensure nothing was amiss at the time of disembarkation, "Launching Assault Capsule, I repeat launching Assault Capsule!" The AI's cold voice announced her departure and she said a little prayer to the Emperor .

( Launch!)

With a roaring noise, gravity reversed for a moment before coming back full force and the red light on the pod blinking repeatedly, if you looked from another angle you'd see a bunch of Space marines surrounding a smaller Space Marine loli.

"Impact in 10 seconds!" The captain yelled and Yui looked out the window and saw the planet full of Xeno scum that they were supposed to kill, the planet had animal ears and its continents were dog paws.

(What planet is this?)

Soon the view of the planet disappeared and the window was covered in a red glow of heat, " Impact at 3.2,1! (BAM!)" With a small tremor that made Yui lose his posture for a moment, the capsule hit the ground and the door opened.

"UWAAA!" The soldiers screamed and rushed out, Yui also screamed and went outside and soon saw his enemies and attacked them, "DIE FURRYS!" His sword cut a Furry wolf in half and blood splashed.

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" The soldiers shouted and fired their weapons at the furrys starting a massacre, Yui also advanced with other soldiers melee and attacked another furry decapitating him.

"Enemy fighters approaching!" A Space marine yelled as he pointed into the forest before a magical rainbow ray burst out of that spot and pierced his chest, "Brother!" His mate yelled and turned to face the assassin.

With animalistic furry screams dressed as mages and ninjas plus a large number of sexual furrys who wore almost no clothes and squandered fake breasts, the Space Marine opened fire on the sea of ​​furrys but it was soon swallowed by the onslaught and exploded.

"No retreat!" Yui heard his captain yell and lunged at a group of furry ninjas who threw shurikens at her but thanks to their small size they all missed, "Thunder breath first form: Hekireki Issen! "Lightning shot out of her feet and she inched forward quickly.

"NANI?!!" The furry ninja in front yelled before having his head chopped off, Yui didn't stop his movement and taking advantage of the momentum quickly used another form, "Water breath third form Ryūryū mai!" Leaving posterior images behind a trail of water passed through all the furrys in that squad before Yui landed gracefully behind the group.


The furrys' bodies exploded in different parts and a shower of blood ensued however before Yui could breathe a colored ray came towards her surprising her, "AHHH!" She screamed but the pain never came opening her eyes she saw her captain the front of her on her knees bleeding from her chest.

" CAPTAIN!!!" Yui yelled as he tried to support his commander by the shoulder but he just spat blood, "Don't worry about me soldier the emperor's enemies are still alive, go and annihilate them, by the emperor!!!" The commander yelled his last words before the color of her eyes faded and Yui shed a small tear.

"The emperor protects!" She whispered and attacked the furrys with the rest of her battle brothers, the battle lasted for days, blood flew, columns of fire rose to the skies, Furrys of all kinds attacked the Spaces Marine.

However with the emperor's will they resisted all the hordes until rivers of blood flowed through the land, "Coff, coff!" Yui coughed as he looked around, hundreds of corpses surrounded her and only a few of his brothers in battle were alive and only 2 able to fight.

"It never ends!" Yui said as he looked at the forest now in ruins with more furrys coming out of it, this horde of furrys with tentacles coming out of their backs came together on this offensive, "For the emperor and for my battle family!" Yui yelled and the the few remaining Space Marines yelled at her and prepared for her last stand.

However a guitar song with someone singing Spanish started, Yui looked around but found no one singing, "Over there in the sky!" She heard one of her brothers scream and she looked up to the sky only to see a car descending from the sky.

More specifically a Dodge Charger, "It can't be, can it?" Yui muttered in disbelief as the red-covered car hit the furry horde and caused a huge explosion that forced her to stick her sword into the ground to keep herself in place.

The car doors opened and two people got out, "Oh my god, Vin Diesel and CJ samurai!" Yui exclaimed as Vin grabbed his shotgun and shot a furry on the ground before approaching her, "No one plays with the family! " He said as he turned to the horde of furrys that continued to leave the forest somehow.

This time the background musical sound changed to GTA played on a guitar with a Japanese feel, CJ put his hand on his sword and slowly drew it before advancing towards the furrys.

All Yui saw in the next moment were hundreds of heads flying and bodies falling to the ground, (BANG!) She looked to the side and saw Vin firing his shotgun advancing also followed by his brothers in battle.

"We can win!" Yui said as she gave a sinister smile and moved forward to exterminate the Xeno scum.