
Reincarnated into Harry Potter world as Harry

The protagonist is full of intelligence, full of charm, full of force. He reincarnated as harry potter. In this fanfic With Hermoine and Neville and Yes no Ron Weasley. My native language is not English so if you find any mistake please mention. PS. Poster is not mine its fanart i downloaded.

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3 Chs

Chapter 3 Hagrid

Finally, as nobody seemed about to talk, Hagrid leaned across the table and placed his enormous hands on Harry's shoulders.

"Now, you're mum and dad were as good a witch and wizard as I ever knew," Hagrid began in a deep, comforting voice. "Head boy and girl at Hogwarts in their time. God, I remember it like it was yesterday. When I heard 'bout you, it all came back. You're a wizard, Harry."

Harry's expression remained composed, but inside, he felt a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

Hagrid continued, "And a thumping good one, I'd wager, once yeh've been trained up a bit. And at the best place in the world for young witches and wizards. Hogwarts."

Harry nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information and mentally preparing himself for the challenges ahead. He remained stoic, determined to adapt to this new life as efficiently as possible.

"But you're not alone," Hagrid assured him. "believe me."

As Hagrid spoke, the Dursleys exchanged anxious glances, realizing that they couldn't stand in the way of this magical world and this giant of a man.

"So, it's decided then," Hagrid said with a grin, pouring more tea for everyone. "Harry, you're coming with me to Hogwarts. You've got a lot to learn and a lot to see. It'll be a magical adventure, I promise."

Harry's response was a subtle nod of agreement, his mind already planning for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

After a tense standoff with the Dursleys, Hagrid made it clear that Harry would be going to Hogwarts, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. With a stern expression, Hagrid led Harry out of the house and into the night.

They walked through the quiet streets of Little Whinging until they reached the Leaky Cauldron, a shabby-looking pub in the heart of London. Hagrid nodded at Tom, the barkeeper, who acknowledged them with a nod of recognition.

Inside the Leaky Cauldron, the atmosphere was warm and inviting, filled with witches and wizards enjoying their meals and drinks. Harry and Hagrid walked through to the courtyard behind the pub. There, Hagrid tapped the bricks in a particular sequence, and the wall transformed, revealing the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Harry's amazement grew as he stepped into the hidden world of magic. The bustling wizarding shopping district stretched out before him, filled with witches and wizards of all ages, each going about their business.

Hagrid turned to Harry and said with a grin, "Welcome to Diagon Alley, Harry. This is where you'll find everything you need for Hogwarts."

Harry, still in awe, replied, "It's incredible, Hagrid. I never imagined anything like this."

Hagrid clapped him on the back, saying, "Wait till you see Gringotts, the wizarding bank."

Diagon Alley appeared exactly as described in the books. Harry spotted a shop selling potion ingredients, with gleaming cauldrons on display outside. A sign above them read: 'Cauldrons – All Sizes – Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver – Self-Stirring – Collapsible.' The shop was named Potage's Cauldron Shop.

Further down, there was a dark building labeled 'Eeylops Owl Emporium,' offering various owl species. Among the numerous shops were:

• Slug & Jiggers Apothecary

• Broomstix (a broom store)

• Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

• Flourish and Blotts (the bookstore)

• Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

• Magical Menagerie (a pet store)

• Ollivander's (the wand shop)

Despite the tempting array of shops, Hagrid led Harry past them all, not stopping once. They approached a towering white building with the carved words, 'Gringotts Wizarding Bank.'

There, they encountered two figures dressed in scarlet and gold: goblins.

"Goblins," Harry murmured.

"Harry, Gringotts is the safest place in the world to keep anything secure, except perhaps Hogwarts. Dumbledore often entrusts me with important tasks. Fetching you and visiting Gringotts for him is one of them," Hagrid said proudly.

Inside Gringotts, they faced silver doors inscribed with a warning about the consequences of greed. Hagrid presented Harry's key, and the goblin examined it closely, then read a letter from Professor Dumbledore regarding vault seven hundred and thirteen.

"Very well," the goblin responded, "I will have someone take you to both vaults. Griphook!"

As they journeyed through the bank's twisting passages in a small cart, Harry couldn't help but wonder about the contents of his vault. Griphook, the goblin, eventually led them to a vault filled with piles of gold, silver, and bronze coins.

"Mr. Griphook can you tell me how much is in my vault" Harry inquired.

Griphook didn't say anything just flicked his hand , a parchment appeared is hand, "Potter Vault: 45,000 Galleons, 875 Sickles, and 4750 Knuts." He said "and every year 4000 Galleons added from main vault"

"What do mean by main vault" Harry asked.

"Well potter family is an ancient family and this vault is special created for you by your parents so until mr. Potter became adult or became head of the house potter you can access this vault" Griphook roughly said

Harry didn't ask more because he knew this isn't time yet.

Harry asked about the cost of his supplies and galleons to pound exchange.

Hagrid, provided an estimate of 50-60 Galleons for standard supplies.

Griphook also informed harry about exchange 1 Galleon for approximately 25 Muggle pounds.

Harry requested 200 Galleons, which Griphook quickly arranged with a small space enchanted bag.

As Harry stored the pouch in his pocket, he couldn't help but ask "do you have bigger space bag that i can buy from you " because he knew space extension bags are banned by ministry only registered bank and ministry can provide extension bags.

"Yes it depends on how space you need" Griphook answered with smile.

This is the first time he smiled because he knew business opportunity is coming.

Harry bought a suit case with 10m2 space with 1000 galleons which deducted from his vault.

Hagrid then requested access to vault seven hundred and thirteen, and they then picked up philosophers stone.

And After everything is done, On way out.

Harry exchanged 20 Gold Galleons for 500 pounds at the Muggle exchange counter.

They continued their shopping for school supplies, buying books from Flourish and Blotts, a cauldron, scales, a telescope, and potions.

At Madam Malkin's, he saw various types of wizard robes. After purchasing his robes, they ventured to Ollivanders for Harry's wand, the final item on their list.

They made their way to Ollivanders, the wand shop, and as they entered, a bell tinkled overhead. Mr. Ollivander, a thin and eccentric-looking man, appeared from the shadows.

Mr. Ollivander greeted them, saying, "Ah, Rubeus Hagrid, how good to see you. And this must be young Harry Potter."

Harry nodded and replied, "Yes, sir. It's an honor to meet you."

Ollivander's eyes twinkled as he measured Harry's arm and handed him various wands. But at last destined one still the same one ,Harry felt a surge of energy as he held it, and Ollivander said, "Curious, very curious. The wand has chosen you, Mr. Potter. Eleven inches, holly, and phoenix feather core."

Harry was intrigued by the wand but wondered if his new system could provide more information. He silently invoked the system's assistance by thinking, "System, identify this wand."

A holographic display appeared in his mind, showing detailed information about the wand:

• Wand Wood: Holly

• Wand Length: 11 inches

• Wand Core: Phoenix Feather

• Special Properties: This wand is a growth type item, which means it becomes more powerful as the wizard grows in skill and experience. It will adapt to your magical abilities and grow with you.

Harry was amazed by the additional information provided by the system.

As they left the wand shop, Harry turned to Hagrid and said, "today's perfect, Hagrid. Thank you for helping me."

Hagrid grinned and replied, "No problem, Harry. Now, let's finish your shopping, and then I'll take you to the best places for a wizard like you."

Throughout their visit to Diagon Alley, Hagrid provided Harry with guidance and explanations, introducing him to the intricacies of the wizarding world. It was a whirlwind experience, but Harry remained calm and focused, knowing that he had a lot to learn before starting his first year at Hogwarts.

After purchasing his robes, cauldron, and other required supplies, they made a stop at Flourish and Blotts, the bookstore where all Hogwarts students bought their textbooks.

Harry browsed through the shelves, selecting the necessary books from the list Minerva McGonagall had provided him. But as he was about to leave the store, he noticed something else—an ordinary-looking book titled "Everyday Charms and Spells: A Beginner's Guide."

He picked it up and flipped through the pages. It contained simple spells and charms for daily use, from cleaning spells to basic protective incantations. Harry thought it might be useful, especially since he was determined to learn and practice magic before the school.

Hagrid noticed Harry's interest and said, "Ah, that one's a good choice, Harry. Sometimes, it's the everyday magic that comes in handy. It's not on the school list, but it's a smart buy."

Harry nodded and added the book to his pile. It couldn't hurt to have some extra knowledge at his fingertips. With everything they needed in tow, they left the bookstore and prepared to head back to the Leaky Cauldron.

As they left Diagon Alley, loaded with his suit case and a new pet owl named Hedwig which is obviously gift from hagrid, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. He was on the cusp of a magical adventure that would change his life forever.