
Reincarnated InTo Another World In Borderlands

Janar had awoken in the center of what seemed like an abandoned city and when she did an unknown entity was standing in front of her and had asked her a question will you be a player or citizen in where you in this world?

Elijah_Salmon · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs

[Edit] Executing plan to help Saory and Chota/ Starting our own refuge part 1

Chota says, we just got close when you guys were gone and that she really took care of him.

Saory sighs, saying Janar you're a woman and was a high schooler once.

You know, when you fight with one of your best friends over being where you shouldn't.

I say knowing, what she means and say it's ok I shouldn't have said what I said.

That I think of you the same, way as my best friend and I shouldn't have reacted like that but just as two highschool girls fight.

We should have, that same amount of reliability for each other.

Saory says, you're right from now on ours is like that no one will shake it.

I nod taking, the first antibiotic off after finishing administrating it and getting up to get the second one to be administered with the fluids.

After connecting, the antibiotic the 3 of us leave and go to take a nap to be ready to put our plan In action.

(Few hours later)

The sun is just setting, as we head to the gaming arena.

Saory asks don't you, guys think we should have come when the sun was already set.

Karube agrees, with her and says yea if we did the game probably would have been more in our favor along with the suite.

I say that's true, but being that if we did it at night we would have had a higher chance, of getting pulled into a spade game due to the lack of people.

Usagi says look, as she points in a direction we stop to look where she is pointing to.

We see a bus, with a lot of graffiti on it with lights on inside of a tunnel.

As we walk towards it, I say do you think that this is where we are meant to register.

Chota says mhmm, as he limps towards the bus as we walk slowly so he can keep up.

We reach the bus, and enter to see the phones along with some people.

We see Agony, and the guy in the grey outfit from the 2ec game.

Agony came over, to us and says so you 3 are still alive huh? maybe after this game if you're still alive you and your friends can come to the beach to join my military core.

Before I could say anything, we heard the usual ding meaning, the game is about to start.

(System in female voice: We have a total of 20 participants, the game will have 2 stages to clear difficulty is Joker. Perks it comes with, one request and a 2 day pass of any game you don't wanna participate in. The first stage is to reach the destination before the time stops and there will be an objective to you. You can complete it, it's optional but the participants that don't reach the destination before the timer is up will die. The second stage will start after the first stage cleared. 25 second until game starts.)

The other participants go into a frenzy, what do you mean that the game has 2 stages? I never heard anything about a joker card.

I say guys this isn't good, things will get chaotic turning this into a blood bath.

Chota asks why? all we have to do is work together to reach the goal.

I say that's the problem, yes on the surface it seems that if we just work together, we can clear the first stage.

As they are looking at me, I continue but with the fact this is a joker card, no one has ever played in or heard of making it unknown.

Makes people nervous, and then you add on the fact that it comes with perks of 1 request and being able to by pass not playing any games.

You don't want to play-in for 2 games, and only the ones to clear the first stage gets it.

Will make people wanna target people in groups, that aren't part of theirs and most likely they will try to get the stronger participants first.

Leaving the weak, that are wounded out to dry the we have this objective, even though it's said it is optional it could be a key objective.

To help clear the first stage, meaning everyone is going to want to get it.

Making this, the first stage seems like a spades but it's really a mix of all 4 suites.

Meaning one slip up and it can lead to our end.

And there's another stage, that we have to do that we have no Info about.

The guy in the grey outfit says, I see why now you 3 was able to make it this far.

Your friend here is very interesting, no wonder Agony wants you to come with us to the beach.

Why not let me, and Agony join your group again right Agony says Chishiya.

Do not say anymore than you need to.

I look to the others that look at me, as if saying the choice is mine.

I look back to Chishiya, and say as long as you don't mind that one of our friends is wounded you can join.

He says you mean the one, that you guys have in the middle with a 3rd degree burn sure why not.

The others turned to look at him, surprised that he knew Chota had a 3rd degree burn.

I ask how he knew, that Chota had been injured with a 3rd degree burn.

He smiles saying, if we survive this you might find out.

Before we can continue we hear ding! and the system voice is heard.

(system female voice: Game is commencing distance 0 timer 02:00:00 hrs.)

We get off, the bus to see that a few people have already started to go ahead.

Usagi says let's go, and is about to start jogging ahead, I say wait as she stumbles a little bit and says what.

I say Chota, I want you to stay behind with the bus.

He says why, as you can hear the worrieness from him in his voice.

I say before you all, start panicking look at your distance on our phones.

They take out their phones turning, their screens on and Agony says what about it.

I say it maybe just a guess, but look at this as they turn to look at what I'm telling them to look at.

I say this bus, is like those that are from the 70s, they all have v8 engines.

We all agreed, that the things with an ICU chip doesn't work, but the objective may involve this plus this might be the real goal.

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