
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Love or Duty?

But this scene didn't last long as Felix couldn't control himself anymore and immediately murderously shouted, "You blasted demon! She's my princess! Let her go immediately if not I will kill you."

"Oh, is that so. Let's see you do it then." Rowan looked at him cocking his head to the side with a devilish smile full of arrogance and challenge.

"What?" Felix asked confused.

"You want her back so badly, well let's see you try," Rowan stated arrogantly with a sly smirk, with eyes full of amusement and mischief.


"Felix wait!" Both Lilith and Coraline yelled seeing as he had already started heading over towards Lilith and the demon.

"Luke," Rowan commanded, responding to him Luke nodded and disappeared to only reappear behind Coraline with one of his daggers at her throat.

"Coraline!" Lilith cried, lifting her up to see Rowan's face and saying, "Stop. Please. She hasn't done anything."

But he just stayed silent but still silently commanded Luke to not kill her and to just hold her captive.

"Lilith's Fiancé, you have two options presented to you right now. Either you choose to save the Princess or you choose to save your dear fiancé. The girl there will die if not chosen but if it is Lilith who isn't chosen then I'll be taking her. Now make your decision, will it be your duty or love?

Felix didn't even stop as he continues to walk to where Lilith ready to rip her out of the demons clutches. Seeing the disregard given to Coraline, she felt envy and frustration at Lilith and Felix. 'Why her? Not me? I'm a Princess and your a Prince. Isn't it meant to be? Why did you help before if you didn't care? Why now are you leaving me? Are you so in love that you won't think of anyone else that could be your princess? Why am I second to her...' Coraline thought vexed and upset close to tears at the thought of losing her life.

"FELIX! STOP! SAVE THE PRINCESS! Please..." Lilith cried anxiously as she saw him closing in on the distance between them.


"Felix. I know that you love me and it's your duty as my fiancé to save me but I don't need it. Save the princess please, her kingdom relies on her so please..." Lilith continued to cry desperately.

'At this rate, the princess will lose her life, and the kingdom will wage war upon the Dalias

kingdom and I'm to blame. My family will be isolated from society.' Lilith thought panicked, there was only one way to solve this...

"Felix save the Princess. This will be my last request as your fiancé..." Lilith stated trying to sound calm as if she wasn't aware of the terrible pain of Felix's heart being crushed right before her eyes.

"Oh, it seems like the little angel has chosen for him, does that mean you will be coming with me?" Rowan asked looking at Lilith in slight surprise, though he knew by the look in her eyes that she was struggling with her words.

"Yes, I will be going with you...I'm sorry Felix."

"No! I don't believe you. How can you tell me to save her? I'm your fiance, after all, you're the one I'll be marrying and spending the rest of my life with, I lov-"

"Stop! Stop! Stop this Felix," Lilith yelled with tears slowly dripping down her cheeks, "don't make this harder than it already is..." she softly spoke turning around to hide her face in Rowan's clothes, she couldn't face him and what she had done.

"Why? Am I not good enough? What do I have to do to be with you?!" He cried desperately, sinking down to his knees his sword clattering down next to him.

"Felix!" Coraline cried seeing his sorry state, wanted to yell at Lilith for breaking him but she knew that in this situation it wasn't her place to speak.

"What! What is it, Princess! Do you want to cause even more trouble for me, because of you I'm getting my fiancé stolen away from me!" He yelled upsettingly at her with rage.

"Please don't blame the princess, she has nothing to do with this...this was going to happen sooner or later, Felix..."

Seeing the man kneeling in defeat, Lilith couldn't stand it anymore and turn to look up at Rowan who was silently watching, "Let's go."

Lilith could tell that he could understand what she was feeling and didn't refuse as he placed his hand out for her to hold, "Okay, little angel."

But before Lilith's could place her hand in his, Felix cried one last time, "Wait! Why! At least tell me why..."

Hearing the desperation in his voice, Lilith turned around one last time and softly said with a sad smile, "I-I just don't see you that way..."

"Then what way do you see me as?" Felix asked sullenly looking at Lilith who was a only few metres away but out of his reach.

Lilith gave a gentle smile, to him before stating in a caring voice, "I see you as a younger brother, Felix. Ever since we were kids, you knew I was always mature even as a child, and growing up with you made me realise that, my time spent with you was like I was watching a younger brother grow up and mature over time."

"..." Felix couldn't respond to that and only thought over her words in silence, not looking away from her.

"I really do think you'll make a great king but your future wife won't be me, I will always be by your side no matter what but not as your queen or lover but as your sworn sister. Please let me go..." Lilith gently stated before turning back to Rowan and placing her hand in his.

"One, question. Would it have been different if we didn't meet me earlier?" Felix asked curiously, his anger finally dissipating.

"Hmmm, maybe it could've been but I think that in this lifetime theirs already someone I'm destined to be with even if I haven't met them yet," Lilith said calmly so longer scared to face the mess she had made.

"Ready?" Rowan asked waiting for Lilith's confirmation before leaving.

"Yes," Lilith replied while nodding to him, and mouthing a goodbye to Felix.

"Luke, let go of the Princess it's time to leave. We got what we came here for." Rowan commanded sternly before teleporting away with Lilith.

"Yes, sir." Luke saluted, removing his blade away from Coraline's neck and shortly advising her, "See you around Princess, you might want to go save that prince over there." After which he gave a wink at her as if to go for it, before teleporting away.

'How did that demon know that I liked Prince Felix?' Coraline thought before rushing over to Felix who was still on the floor kneeling.

"Felix, are you alright?" Coraline asked tapping his shoulder with a look of concern and extending her hand out towards him.

"Yes, I'm fine Princess Coraline. There's nothing left here for us to do, so let's leave." Felix said standing up and dusting himself off, completely ignoring her extended hand and heading towards where they had come from.

"Oh, okay," Coraline responded running to catch up with him after she had one last look at the golden snake statue. She didn't feel upset that he didn't take his hand rather she pitied the man as his fiancé had just been stolen away from him before his very eyes. So, she made the best decision to wait until he came around...Well, that's what she hoped would happen though deep down she knew that it would never happen whether in death or marriage he would never get over his love for Lilith.

So, she made the best decision to wait until he came around to propose an idea of getting engaged...

Well, that's what she was hoping for though deep down she knew that it would never happen whether in death or marriage he would never get over his love for Lilith and she felt so helpless just watching the man she had come to love crumble.

With Lilith, she was teleported back with Rowan to somewhere hidden from the rest of the world.

"Where are we?" Lilith asked seeing her surroundings and being fully struck dumb to see it was an elegant red and black themed study, full of books and old paintings organised neatly around the room.

'This wasn't the place I was expecting to be transported too' Lilith thought silently admiring a beautifully woven embroidery of a mountain landscape placed behind what she presumed was Rowan's work desk as it had papers neatly stacked with all approval seals on them.

"We're at my private estate on Redthorn isle." Rowan answered walking over to the empty sofa in the corner and drinking a warm cup of tea that had been waiting.

He gestured for Lilith to come to join him, though she knew that it wasn't appropriate of her too, but she couldn't have cared as she had enough of today and just wanted to relax.

'What is he even thinking? Isn't he meant to be one of the enemy's workmen? If so why is he treating us like guests and treating us to a nice cup of tea?' Scarlett had voiced out to Lilith confused yet suspicious, she just didn't trust the man in front of them.

'Scarlett, you've been quiet lately and now choose to speak when he gives us tea. Don't you think there were better times you could've voiced your suspicion yet you find offering a cup of tea the most suspicious?' Lilith retorted slightly annoyed at her friend's timing of concern, 'ehehe, you could say I was slightly busy...sorry' Scarlett said in a guilty but light tone, before turning her attention back to the man.

'He's a demon like me...' She said sadly, with slight regret in her voice.

'mhmmm, what about it?' Lilith agreed, asking what she had meant by her words not being able to detect her sadness.

'Just, be careful we don't know what his motives might be.' Scarlett said sternly sounding very serious before silence enveloped both of them waiting for each other's next words but before that could happen Lucifer's voice echoed in the silence between them, 'Scarlet!'.

'Oh, I gotta go now Lucif needs me.' Scarlett immediately responded in a hurry while getting ready to leave the conversation.

'Lucif?' Lilith asked teasingly at her frantic behaviour.

'Uh, yes...Bye!' Scarlett quickly yelled flustered at Lilith's words before cutting off her connection and running away.