
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

4-year Findings

~4 years have past~

These past 4 years were filled with some very unexpected events.

First my mother and father found out that I could walk, read and talk at 4 months because they caught me sneaking into the library. From that point onwards I was labelled a genius, then when I turned 1 they hired a talented etiquette teacher to teach me Dance and Mannerism and a skilled scholar to teach me Mathematics, History, English and Magic. Where I excelled at and with 2 months both teachers were singing praises, and that's when I was then labelled a child prodigy only seen every 1000 years.

My relationship with my family is great, their the best parents I could wish for and Leona is the best big sister ever. We usually play together in the garden and visit the servants in the house and learn from them.

Also Scarlett woke up last year and informed me that we got reincarnated into a world similar to an Otome game back on earth called 'Epiphany Wings: Red strings of Fate'. The reason why Scarlett recognized this place was because the test subject before me, had played this game and Scarlett took her memories when the madness took over the girls body.

Apparently in the game the heroine was an only child, there wasn't such a character called Lilith Rosie Carter. So, we came to the conclusion that this new world that I'm currently in, is similar to the otome game in my past life, but not exactly the same. This world isn't just a game it is real and if I die there is no such thing as restart. But guess what...In this world...THERE'S MAGIC!!! I will finally be able to live my dreams, I can't wait to start...

*knock Knock*

"You may enter." I casually said whilst looking up from my journal.

"Young Miss, it's time for tea. You family is waiting for you in the garden." My personal maid, Eli informed while curtsying.

"Okay Eli, let's go." I say closing the writing journal and gracefully jumping down from my reading spot next to the window.

My long, silky smooth, silver hair shining softly, contrasting with my beautiful golden eyes glistening like gemstones in the sunshine. Today I'm wearing a very cute but elegant dress in a sunny yellow and white in colour.

Since walking would take to long, because of my short legs. I get Eli to carry me to the garden where my family awaits.

From what I have gathered from all the books in our estate's library, the continent I'm in right now is the South Eastern continent Halisis, with our kingdom being the Dalias kingdom, the 2nd most powerful kingdom out of the five.

There are 3 main continents, with 5 kingdoms. First, we have the North Western Continent, Genesis with their two kingdoms being Gloria and Azrael. Then we the South Eastern Continent, Halisis with its two kingdoms, Dalias and Floris. The last continent is the middle continent, it's the most powerful continent and the kingdom in charge of all other kingdoms, the Yuriki kingdom. That's where the Academy of Magic, 'Epiphany Light Academy' is located. Citizens of all continents, no matter if your noble or of commoner background, all who possess affinity for magic and a guardian spirit beast have to attend this academy, where they are taught how to control and utilize their magic. That is also the location for the Otome game, where my big sister Leona will capture the hearts of the 4 handsomest prodigy's in the academy and later pick who will be her true love.

*sigh* I really wanna learn magic as soon as possible, but the problem is that I can't, since everyone gets tested to see whether they have an affinity for magic and they guardian spirit beast once they turn 6. The reason why they test to see if you have an affinity for magic then your spirit beast is because only those who do have an affinity for magic will have spirit beast since guardian spirit beasts feed off the hosts spiritual prowess in return for lending their powers. Normally the higher your affinity of magic is, the higher the rank of your guardian spirit beast will be.

*Knock Knock* Eli taps on the big wooden door waking me up from my thoughts.

"You may enter" a deep voice granted.

"Mama, Papa, Big sissy. Lilith's here." I happily greet them, my voice soft and sweet.

"Hello Sweetie, Eli please bring her here I'll hold her, you can have the rest of the day off," Mother says, her voice soft and light.

Eli brings me over to Mother and politely exchanges her greeting, then takes her leave.

I stare at the sweets on the table, then look up at mother giving my signature puppy dog eyes, "Mama can I have cake, Please."

"Of course, sweetie anything for you." Mother says while giggling at my behavior.

As I dig into my piece of strawberry cake, Father, Mother, and Big sis look at me. Both my parents are pink in the face, but since it's a regular occurrence I just pass it off and look at my big sister confused.

"You look so cute and happy when your eating sweets Lily," Leona says giggling at my confused face. 'Lily is the nickname Leona gave me 3 years ago, she says that I'm as pretty as the flower. Not that I don't agree, anyways today I'm matching with Leona, she's wearing the same dress as me just in a light shade of blue. She reminds me so much of Alice from Alice in the wonderland with her golden hair and blue dress.'

"Umm,...thank you?" I say, completely lost to what's that got to do with the pink faces of mama and papa.

But the moment I said that, Father and Leona burst out laughing, while I just sat there completely lost with a look saying "What did I do?". I turn my head to face mother, wondering why they were laughing, but when I see her, she's covering her mouth giggling whilst looking at me with love.

The atmosphere brightens up the whole garden with joyful laughter. And after a few minutes, everyone has calmed down, we start talking about each other's day.

"So, Sweetie how is my Little angel been?" Father asks with his usual cheery smile.

I swear father's smile could kill any woman instantly but luckily his smile is only reserved for us, Me, Mother and Big Sis.

"I'm good Papa, I was just quietly reading in the Library before. Also mama and papa I have a request. This year can I attend the affinity test ball with you and Big Sis. I want to be there with Big sis cause this year is going to be her debut." I say while giving them my best puppy dog eyes, that could melt any cold person's heart.

"Mama and Papa, I think that Lily's request isn't too unreasonable, she could just wear a veil to cover her face." Big sis suggested cutely.

"I'm sorry Sweet-Hearts but we can't the reason why no one until the age of 6 can came is because it is a debut, but on top of that a lot of exposure to spiritual magic in the air can lead to harmful effects on a small child's body," Papa explained slowly whilst trying to make sure that his two little angels don't cry.

"...I understand papa." I said dejectedly, *sigh* well that wrecks my chances of seeing magic, but luckily I have a plan B.

"okay since this matter is settled now why don't we finish our tea time with a nice walk in the garden before the sun sets?" Mother suggests, shifting the topic.