
Reincarnated into a fanatsy world : The system forces me to fight

As I lay there lifeless on the pavement , I couldn't help but think about how it all led up to this moment. I was never one to interfere in other people's business.but that day all the feelings of hopeless i felt exploded, and i wanted to fight back , i got anrgy , that brief moment of hot headed heroicness cost me my life And then, something strange happened. I found myself waking up in a different world, with a new chance at life. But this time, I was determined to be in control of my own destiny. I was given a system that allowed me to level up, but it came with a catch. If I refused to fight, I would be punished.

chhimi_sherpa · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Here comes truck kun

At a small, quaint café located in a bustling city, Xeneon was seated at a corner table, staring out the window. He was lost in thought, replaying the events that led him to this point in his life. Suddenly, he heard a gentle voice interrupt his thoughts.

"May I sit here?" the elderly man asked, gesturing towards the empty chair across from Xeneon. He was an older gentleman, with a kind smile and twinkling eyes that showed a life full of wisdom and experience. His hair was white and his skin was weathered, giving him an air of respectability. He was dressed simply in a plaid shirt and slacks, with a worn leather jacket hanging off the back of his chair.

Xeneon nodded silently, grateful for the distraction from his thoughts. The elderly man sat down, his joints creaking slightly, and took a sip from the steaming cup of coffee in front of him.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Harold," the elderly man said with a warm smile.

"Xeneon," replied the protagonist, feeling more at ease with the introduction.

"You seem lost in thought, Xeneon," Harold said, his voice soft and soothing. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

Xeneon was taken aback by the stranger. He had never confided in anyone before, but for some reason he felt like he could trust Harold. He took a deep breath and began.

"It's just not right, I feel like I've been cheated!" Xeneon exclaimed, his voice filled with anger and frustration. "I gave up on my dreams, put in all my effort, made sacrifices and worked tirelessly to have a shot at a decent life, but the recession took it all away from me. I studied day and night, sacrificing time with loved ones and having countless sleepless nights just to end up working at a dead-end restaurant job, only to be laid off today . My hard work, dedication and sacrifice, all for nothing. And now, with the economy being in shambles, it seems impossible to find another job, I'll just end up homeless on the streets." Xeneon shook his head in disbelief, feeling like his life had taken a turn for the worse and that there was no hope in sight.

Harold listened intently, nodding understandingly. When Xeneon was finished, Harold leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Xeneon.

"Remember Xeneon, acceptance is key," Harold said, a twinkle in his eye. "The path ahead may be uncertain, but embrace the journey, for it will lead you to where you are meant to be. Trust in the journey and it will guide you to a new beginning."

Harold finished his coffee, got up from his seat and put on his leather jacket. "I've got to be going now," he said. "Take care, Xeneon, and remember what I've told you. Life is short, so make the most of it." Xeneon watched as Harold disappeared into the crowd, feeling grateful and confused from the chance encounter. He couldn't fully comprehend what Harold had said, but it was comforting nonetheless.

Xeneon decided to sit there for a little longer , observing the people outside who were going about their day. The sun was shining, casting warm light onto the busy street. Pedestrians were walking with purpose, laughing and chatting with friends, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee like Xeneon. The sounds of the city mixed with the soft murmur of conversation in the café, creating a peaceful atmosphere. It was a moment of stillness amidst the chaos of the city. Xeneon took a deep breath and let out a sigh, trying to forget his troubles.

But just as he was settling into the calm atmosphere, a high-speed truck with a sleepy driver came careening down the road and rammed into the café. The sound of the impact was deafening, shattering the peaceful atmosphere in an instant. The café was in shambles, tables and chairs overturned, glass and debris scattered everywhere. The truck had come to a stop after hitting Xeneon, who was sent flying away from the impact. Despite the driver's attempts to regain control, the damage had already been done. Xeneon lay on the ground, stunned and in pain, as the reality of what had just happened hit him

Incredibly, no one else had been hurt in the crash, but Xeneon found himself lying on the wooden floor, looking up at the ceiling, surrounded by the chaos of the destroyed café. He was in pain, but his thoughts were a jumbled mess as he tried to process what had just happened. He couldn't help but think that this was it. The final culmination of all his struggles and hardships, the realization that his journey had come to an end.