
Reincarnated in Touhou with the Trolling system

A Internet Troll Was Walking Down The Street And Got Hit By Truck-Kun, and so was granted a troll system upon transmigrating in the world of Gensokyo -If you have anything to say then you can speak to me directly here https://discord.gg/fzgaHb4J Touhou Project, art and Story elements belong to their respective owners. I don't own anything, so please don't send me to swim with the fishes~

Blender_Person · Derivados de juegos
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30 Chs

Imperishable Night (Part 4)

As if in response to the heightened tension, the environment around Richard began to shift, the once-familiar surroundings transforming into a menacing red hue. The sky was red and there was nothing around him except for a floor made of red water that he was able to stand on, but the slightest movement would cause it to ripple

Caught off guard by the sudden transformation of his surroundings, Richard struggled to maintain his composure.

Richard: "What... what's happening?"

Richard's heart raced as he tried to make sense of the eerie red environment surrounding him.

Richard: "Where the hell am I!?!"

The once-familiar halls of Eientei had vanished, replaced by an unsettling crimson landscape that seemed to defy all logic.

Richard: "shit... did I look into her eye's?"

The unsettling crimson landscape surrounding him seemed to confirm his fears. He was trapped in Reisen's illusion.

Richard: "Arg! Of course I did! Now I'm trapped in some red water type hellscape!!"

Richard took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart and clear his mind

Richard: "this is so stupid..."

His voice echoed in the eerie silence, reminding him of his isolation

Richard: "..."

Richard: "...In the canon lore, people eventually get out from this right?"

His voice trembled with uncertainty, pleading for confirmation that escape was indeed possible.

Richard: "..."

Richard: "...Right?!?!"

As the silence stretched on, Richard's hope wavered, and anxiety began to consume him the oppressive atmosphere and his own mounting anxiety made Richard decide to sit down. He found a spot on the red water-like floor and lowered himself onto it

Richard: *sigh*

Feeling the weight of his situation bearing down on him, Richard let out a heavy sigh, He leaned back, resting his weight on his palms as he stared up at the blood-red sky above.

Richard: "Well... it is what it is"

Richard knew that dwelling on his circumstances wouldn't change them, so he mentally gave up on finding a solution.

Richard: "I cant change it now... unless"

Richard: "System, you there?"

The silence that followed his inquiry was deafening, His system would not respond to him. So Richard's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan.

Richard: "I guess not..."

Richard: "..."

Richard: "I wonder what's happening to the real world right now?


Reisen POV


Reisen had just used her powers of insanity to make Richard think he is in a red plane of insanity, Richard was standing tall and straight with the light out of his eyes, the only movements happening where involved in his heart and breathing

Reisen: "d-did I get him?"

Reisen's heart raced as she watched Richard standing there menacingly

Reisen: "..."

Reisen grabs her microphone and slowly approaches Richard, after getting into range with Richard. She starts poking his head with the microphone to see if he moves

*poke* *poke* *poke* 

But Richard remained eerily still, his eyes vacant and unresponsive. Showing that her powers had worked on him

Reisen: *phew*

With a sigh of relief, she lowered her microphone, her trembling hands finally beginning to steady.

Reisen: "I-I'm not normally like this, but Lunarians just..."

She trailed off, unable to find the words to express the complex emotions churning inside her. The mere thought of Lunarians seemed to trigger bad memories.


Reisen's voice quivered with a mix of frustration and fear

Reisen: "...why are they so persistent to find us?"

Her question hung heavy in the air, despite her not expecting an answer

Reisen: "Well... It doesn't matter right now!

Reisen: "I need to get rid of this Lunarian!"

Reisen pushed aside her doubts and focused on the task at hand. She knew that defeating the intruder was top priority

Reisen: "Sorry, but I need to do this for Kaguya, Eirin, Tewi and whoever else in Eientei"

Reisen's hands trembled as she raised her megaphone to Richard's face, pointing it directly at him, her voice quivering with a mix of frustration and fear.

she steeled herself, preparing to take action against the perceived threat to her home and those she cared about.


The powerful soundwaves hit Richard with an extremally destructive force. covering his entire upper body in smoke and dust

Reisen's heart raced as she witnessed the effectiveness of her weapon. Relief flooded over her momentarily, knowing that her actions had successfully killed Richard.

Reisen: "It worked... I-I did it!"

Reisen: "Ahh! I'm going to get punished for all of this dust!!"

As the dust settled, Reisen cautiously approached the spot where Richard had stood. However, as the smoke cleared, her relief turned to confusion and then to disbelief.

Despite the force of her attack, Richard remained standing, seemingly unaffected by the powerful soundwaves.

Reisen: "What... how is this possible?"

She had used all of her training and power to attack Richard, but he stood before her unscathed.

Reisen: "This... this isn't right."

Reisen: "..."

Reisen: "I must have missed, ill just do it again"

Reisen steadied her hands and raised her megaphone once more. She took aim at Richard, the tip of the microphone directly on the end of Richard's nose.

Reisen: "I cant miss this one"

With a deep breath, she pulled the trigger, unleashing another deafening blast of sound on Richard However, to her astonishment, Richard remained unscathed once more, his expression unchanged.

Reisen: " -_- "

Reisen: "Alright, you might be a little durable but I have all the time in the world"


Timeskip: 5 minutes later


Outside Eientei in a covered area surrounded by bamboo and foliage, Reisen worked meticulously, setting up a network of dynamite around a deep hole she had dug. After she had placed the last of her dynamite she wiped sweat off of her forehead and took a few steps back to admire her work.

Reisen: "Why do we even have this much dynamite in storage?"

Reisen: "But it has come in handy"

Reisen approached Richard's stiff and unyielding form. With a grunt of effort, Reisen heaved Richard's rigid body into the hole, the sound of his impact echoing through the silent landscape. Without hesitation, she quickly retreated to a safe distance

Reisen: "Let's see you survive this, Lunarian."

Reisen pulls out a switch connected to the dynamite and flips the switch


Reisen: "huh?..."

Reisen click the switch 3 more times

*click* *click* *click*

Reisen: "What's going on? Why won't it ignit-"


The explosion ripped through the air, sending shockwaves reverberating through the ground, unleashing a powerful blast that shook the surrounding landscape.

Caught off guard by the sudden eruption, Reisen stumbled backward, shielding herself from the flying debris with her arms. The force of the explosion sent dirt and rocks flying in all directions

Reisen: "eep!"

Coughing and spluttering as she struggled to regain her bearings, Reisen peered through the smoke and flying dust, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before her.

To her astonishment, Richard was still standing in the middle of the charred black crater, albeit with a large amount of charred dust collected on him

Reisen: "...how?"

Reisen: "How is he still standing?!?!"

She couldn't comprehend how Richard had managed to survive such a powerful blast unscathed while not even being knocked over.

Reisen: "I-I uhh..."

Reisen: "I must have missed"




Reisen can be seen with a jackhammer in her hands placed right onto Richards face

Reisen: "I-I must have missed last time, so take this!"

*rat* *tat* *tat* *tat* *tat*

The repetitive sound of the jackhammer echoed through the air as Reisen unleashed a barrage of strikes upon Richard's face.

But Richard was still unfazed, still standing in the same creator in the bamboo forest

Reisen: "This... this doesn't make any sense."

Reisen: "..."

Reisen: "I must of missed, right?"


Reisen can be seen with a massive slingshot crafted from bamboo and vines. With a determined expression.

she loads a giant boulder into the sling, pulling back on the elastic bands with all her strength.

Reisen: "Alright, Lunarian, I wont miss like last time!"

With a mighty heave, Reisen releases the sling, sending the boulder hurtling toward Richard. The boulder hits Richard with a deafening boom

Reisen: "Finall-"

When the boulder hit Richard, the sheer stiffness of Richard made the boulder ricochet off of him careening back toward Reisen with alarming speed.

Reisen: "Ack!"

The boulder crashes into the ground next to Reisen with a tremendous thud, sending dirt and debris flying in all directions.

Reisen: "..."

Reisen: " >:( "


Reisen can be seen with a banana peel in her hand With a swift motion, Reisen hurled the banana peel toward Richard's feet

Reisen: "If the problem is that you're still standing, then I just need to trip you up!"

The banana peel soared through the air, spinning slightly before landing right in in front of Richard's foot

Reisen: "..."

Reisen's frustration grew, and she gritted her teeth in annoyance at Richard's unyielding stance.

Reisen: "wait... people need to walk on those to trip right?"


Reisen can be seen looking desperate as she rummages through her bag, searching for something, anything, that might work

Reisen: "Oh! I have an idea

Reisen: "Kaguya always uses this to make me lose balance"

With newfound determination, Reisen approaches Richard, extending her fingers

Reisen: "Prepare yourself!"

With a mischievous grin, she starts to tickle Richard's sides, hoping to catch him off guard and finally bring him down.

Reisen: "hehehe, tickle tickle tickle"

But no matter how much she tickled, Richard's unyielding stance remained unchanged

Reisen: "..."

Reisen: "Arg! What am I even doing!!"


End of montage


With a defeated sigh, Reisen realized that her attempts to subdue Richard on her own were futile.

Reisen: "Alright... I can't do this alone."

Struggling against her exhaustion, Reisen mustered the energy to lift Richard's unyielding form. With great effort, she managed to hoist him onto her shoulders

Reisen: "I hope Eirin wont p-punish me for this."

With determination in her eyes, Reisen began the journey back to Eientei, each step heavier then the last one

Reisen: "I should of brought him to Eirin before I even started all of this..."

Feeling a mix of frustration and regret, Reisen trudged through the bamboo forest

Reisen: "What was I thinking? I don't normally get this emotional..."

After what felt like an eternity of trudging through the dense bamboo forest, Reisen finally reached the familiar gates of Eientei.

Reisen: "I'm back..."

Her voice was barely above a whisper as she made her way through the courtyard

As she approached the entrance to Eirin's chambers, Reisen took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She hesitated for a moment.

Reisen: "I-I wont get punished right?"

Summoning all her courage, Reisen pushed open the door to Eirin's room and stepped inside.

Eirin: "Reisen?, What brings you here"

Reisen: "Eirin, I... I messed up."

Her voice wavered slightly as she admitted her failure to Eirin, her eyes downcast with shame.

Eirin's expression softened with concern as she regarded Reisen.

Eirin: "What happened?"


{A/n here, or should it be Blender? I don't know , but anyway I kinda wrote hyself into a bad place since Richard kinda cant access the system, so he cant get donation... So technically I didn't forget to add a donation this time, So that's a win in my book}


{also remember to use you power stones blah blah blah}


Vote here:

1) Eirin Recognises Richard And decides to ask him why he left without even a goodbye

2) Eirin does not recognize Richard at all

3) Eirin Recognises Richard And decides to not ask him any questions on why he left and just keeps that to herself

4) Other


{DONATION PARAGRATH will double with last chapter because I DID NOT forget }




{pls send me more comments and gifs since it makes my brain give the good chemicals}


1954 words