Las vegas,the bar crutaz
It has been a week and Allister has taken me to Las Vegas we're apparently vampires who hate klaus are gathering.
There are currently 91 vampires who have answered the call of Allister around the world some being old vampires and some being as old as him.
George:who's the oldest?
Allister:Varangian,diberto a vampire turned in the 1600s he was turned into a vampire after klaus slaughtered his villiage and killed his family in Russia while looking for katerija Petrova.
George:And the others?
Allister:Some vampires klaus turned in the 1800s others who are here because they hate klaus for other reasons.
George:ok,nice I'm gonna go grab a drink.
When I was drinking I was thinking about the system and the notification and thinking back to last night when I checked it out
Last night
I was sitting in my bed when I reluctantly said 'status'
A system appeared before me.
[*ding congratulations host has successfully unlocked the 'unique vampire' system*]
[*showing hosts skills and abilities and power level*]
<name:George >
Age:6+ months
Abilities:Dark blood growth,compulsion
[*Host can unlock more abilities by killing other vampires with said abilities*]
[*Host can become stronger by killing older vampires the more older the vampire the host kills the more stronger the host will grow*]
George:Wait,so if I kill vampires with my abilities I can get more abilities and the older the vampire I kill the stronger I get?well this is interesting!
George thought as he smiled but he knew he needed a change of plans 'should he still take the serum?'he didn't know yet but he would ask the system soon but for now he was going to go sleep
Present time
George was drinking when a vampire sat next to him.
???:Hello newbie are you joining us in our mission?
George:Yes,I am names George.
George said as he sticked out his hand ready to receive a handshake from the vampire infront of him but received an intense glare from the vampire along with an arrogant smirk.
"I'm juniper,now when were you turned and by who?"
George:6 months ago In New Orleans I was turned by a vampire.
Juniper:wow,your probably the youngest vamp here huh?Well I was turned in 1917 by this old man who happened to be a vampire apparently hunting his sons who he deemed 'monsters'.
George thought that he was talking about mikael and was suprised that mikael has aired another 'did mikael turn him?I never knew mikael sired vampires?mikaels life wasn't expanded on in Tvd or To apart from the fact that he hunted his children what the fuck was he actually doing for 1000 years?
George:You were turned by the destroyer the vampire who hunts vampires?
Juniper:You know of him?oh my it seems my mentor is that famous I mean he is an original vampire after all one of the progenitors of our race.
Allister used a bell to catch all the vampires attention.
Allister:Attention attention a battle is upon us where we are here to take down the man who had caused most our suffering.
"1672 klaus massacred your family in search of Katerina petrova and killed your witch family turning you into a family making it so you never had the chance to be a witch did he not?"
Allister said speaking to a Russian girl who looked angry.
"1827 at the noble mansion of cargatos klaus killed your father after compelling the audience to watch him torture him and laugh the entire time did he not?"
Allister said as he shouted and pointed to a Mexican man in a suit who nodded frustratingly.
Allister than began to point to the rest of the vampires and gave a revenge speech.
George:"right now it should be around season 3 maybe the middle?or towards the end?who knows what I do know is that I need to make sure I get the serum.
George thought to himself.
New Orleans
George was standing on a building in New Orleans when he looked through a window using his vampire hearing to hear klaus waffling
George:Fuck!Im I'm early season 3 huh?I don't even think strix have arrived yet?Shit Allister and the vampires will come to attack in a week.Well then I guess I should have some fun in the meantime and start grinding!
George said with a sadistic smile as he jumped of the building and ran out of New Orleans.
Little did he know a man in a suit was watching him.
Joshua:is that who I think it is?
Elijah:Indeed,Joshua I think it is.
Joshua:what is George doing in New Orleans?last I heard marcel and the vampires with the help of you and klaus had to put down the whole crescent wolf pack who were under some dark spell that told them to destroy New Orleans.
Elijah:Indeed,and now that he's back I wont let him get away without answering some questions.
Elijah said as his vamp face came out and he jumped between buildings at the speed of flash.
Joshua:Well,that's an original for you.
Joshua says to himself.
George was running out of New Orleans when he heard someone following him.
George thought in his head as someone grabbed him and threw him of to the side of a wall.
George:"Fuckin bastard that hurt like hell."
George thought in his head.
George:who are you?and what do you want?
A man stepped out of the shadows with a calm yet demonic aura that surrounded him.
Elijah:Well,well if it isn't the illustrious'George'you thought you could harm my family and escape punishment?
George:what are you?oh shit the wolves!
Elijah:me and my brother Niklaus dealt with them along with marcel and the vampires now imagine our suprise when Marcellus admits that you kidnapped him to get a dark witch to not only break the curse but cast a dark chaos spell in there minds.
George:"well,I'm screwed hey 'system' any ideas on what I could do to escape?or Inleast survive!
[*Ding host has activated the Ai of the 'unique vampire system'*]
(<Activating Ai>)
{<Ai 1 5 activated:Host can use his animation dark blood growth to amit poison into The enemy's body which will take minutes and last hour of the enemy be unconscious>}
George:"oh well that's fucking great I better start talking some bs like Gillian monologue than for 5 minutes." George thought to himself.
George:Elijah i did what I did and I am not sorry for it!But I must warn you Elijah killing me will only result in your death!
Elijah smirked as he moved his hands in a 'go on' motion.
Elijah:Enlighten,me young 'George'what role do you play in all of this?you useless puppy!I could end your life in a second and nobody would care.i could rip your heart out and put your body in that garbage bin to your left.
Ali nah states in a calm tone.
George says with a smirk on his face to which Elijah speeds infront of him and grabs ahold of his neck with relative ease.
Elijah:Now,now George tell me what do you know of the prophecy?
George:I know enough!
George said as he grinned.
Elijah was about to start torturing the information out of him when he felt a deep pain in his neck.
Elijah was weakened and George took this chance to get out of his grip and run away not looking back George ran far away from New Orleans.
[*Ding the host has 'survived an encounter with an original' The host has unlocked a new ability*}
George"Let's fucking go!
George thought in his head excited to see the new ability he has unlocked.