When Lucien suggested we go to a private place to chat I knew what he was going to do 'show his dominance'He was going to show me that he was one of the strongest vampires in the world the first sire of an original.
But me I knew this was gonna happen and I knew that if we fought he would win.
Unlike last time with my dark blood growth ability Lucien woukd kill me in a matter of seconds feeling threatened that I would go to klaus and tell him about his plan or maybe he thinks I'm playing him?
Well even with the strength of a 150+ vampire Lucien would destroy me.
as we went to speak In private Lucien pinned me against the wall with his hand against my neck.
"I,suggest you tell me the true reason you approached me and don't lie or I will kill you"Lucien said as his vamp face flashed.
George:Relax,ok?I actually came here to make a deal with you an army of 100 vampires came to New orleans in aiding to kill klaus and have joined Strix which has proved unwise due to there 'superiority complex'and I turns out I don't like strix and the originals will
Most likely slaughter them all so I want to make a deal with you!
Lucien:Go on?
"The strix have there covens of witches that broke the fire one of the origami's but only Elijah but I had a someone I compelled to steal the spell and now a witch I trust has the spell so it can be used again when the time is right."
Lucien:Impossibe how?How did you get it?Lucein said as he let loose his grip on George who gave him a sadistic smile.
George:(laughs)Did you really think I would leave New Orleans without a plan B?Or a plan c?I even have a plan D if shit goes sideways I compelled my own person fuking army of humans before I left!I have 71 humans that are still compelled.
Lucien:But,most of the humans have vervain.
George:I compelled them to never take vervain I also have a freind who has a freind who happend to be a friend of Sophie deveraux and well you can guess what happend right?
Lucien looked at me as he grinned.
Lucien:I have a feeling me and you are going to get along well.
Klaus mikaelson was in the quarter when Elijah appeared infront of him.
Klaus:Hello,brother any news you've been keeping from me?klaus said in an expectant tone full of hostility and betrayal.
Elijah:I,presume Marcellus told you Niklaus?Elijah said in a calm tone as he twisted his body to the side and fixed up his suit and sighed
Klaus:How could you not tell me about George!That traitor is in New Orleans and I have already ordered marcel and the vampires to search every area to go and find him becasue make no mistake Elijah when I find him I will rip into him and rip all his body parts out with no hesitation!
Elijah:That's fine Niklaus I'm not stopping you.
Klaus smiled as he sped away from Elijah.
I'm a basement we're 3 witches locked up in chains.
"P..please l…let us go!"
"Pleaseee you don't have to do this!"
"You monsters!"
Lucien:well,there are your witches do whatever you see fit with them.Lucien said as he left.
George:Well,then shall we begin?!George said with a sadistic grin on his face.
George had been forcing the magical energy out of a witches body and transferring it in a crystal ball with the help of a dark witch the crystal ball could store so much magic that even questsiya or the powerfullest bennet witch couldn't destroy it.
As he used an Electrical device to torture the magic out of the witches the crystal ball glowed even more as he tried something.
George:"System,How long will it take to absorb all this magical energy?"
[*Ding it will take host 26 days to absorb all the energy*]
George:And when I absorb the energy would I be able to use magic?
[*Ding host will be able to Sophie's magic and use magic and with evolution host could manipulate magical energy*]
George:"Interesting I recently found out that the sytem basically has a few cheats including I can become a heretic within a month if I absorb magical energy!So I just have to wait a while and I can use magic!And when I become a heretic I will be stronger!So I can kill older vampires and gain there stength!I don't know what 'manipulation of magic' is but maybe it's transforming it into some kind of energy?I'll find out soon!
When I finished up with the witches I went to go and visit Lucien in a 'definetly not creepy place where he keeps the venom of the seven werewolf packs.'Lucien has been experimenting with magical energy and trying to become a stronger creature for centuries he seems much more 'determined'in the show and you actually get an understanding about how deep his hatred for 'The originals'go.
As I went around and watched Lucien inject some shit into some screaming werewolves who seemed like they went through pain of 100 full moons with there glowing yellow eyes and there was even vampires here.
It was similar to Augustine but even more fucked up the show just didn't do this place justice!
Lucien:well then my freind,let the master plan begin!
A few days
The strix with the help of a witch made something similar to papatundes blade 'when they where having a witch spell a blade I secretly had s dark witch cast more dark magical energy within it but strix think that they made the weapon'The weapon can put an original into a deep sleep!so?basically it's another dagger?
Well anyways now we have this an army of over 150 angry vampires are marching towards the quarter right now.
George:'Well,well,well time to kill all the quarter vampires and then escape and when the Ruhr is over come back and steal the dagger and make sure to dagger Elijah and then use him to make a deal with klaus in the future!(wait what 💀💀💀💀💀)
'That feels so much better saying it in my head than saying it for real!'