My name is Marcus flex I am a normal teenager that loves TV shows specifically The originals a spin off of the show Tvd but I like the originals more The characters the storylines everything is so much more day I got stabbed in the street and died the next thing I know I wake up.
Marcus:How is this possible?I was stabbed I shouldn't be alive I should be dead?I stood up and looked in the mirror and was confused.
Marcus:Wtf why is there someone else in the mirror?in my reflection I saw a man with black hair green eyes around 5,10.
Marcus:Impossible have I been reincarnated?
I went around the city and found out I was in New Orleans?like New Orleans from the originals?wait so this city exist in real life?how?
At first I thought that this was my world and that I had just been reincarnated but things looked too familiar to the Tv show.
a week had past and I had got used to this body that's name is george.
One day at a party in the French quarter I saw someone and then I had only one thought.FUCK MY LIFE!ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RN?im in the tvdu in New Orleans a fuking shadow kingdom of vampires and I'm human no wait rn in this party I'm food?I realised it was late at night and I knew that there was only one way to survive in this world.either I get a vervain tattoo learn how to hunt and leave New Orleans.or become a vampire?I prefer the second option.
I saw Marcel talking with Thierry on the balcony.
It seems that klaus and the originals haven't come yet.
That means that I have time to become a vampire.
The plan was simple
1.get vampire blood
2.kill myself
3. Go to marcel and act all innocent and get him to teach me how to be a vampire and try become a daylighter.
It was night time which mean all humans here where literally food to the vampires now I had to take my chance get vampire blood in my system and then die again.The thought of being a vampire is scary and cool at the same time.More cool than scary.
I saw a girl dancing alone I knew it was a vampire so I whent up to her.
George:Hey sexy
Emma:And who are you?
George:The man who's gonna give you the time of your life.
Emma:Can i drink your blood? She asked with a smile
George:"this bitch is fuming bored she could easily just compel me and she probably thinks that I think that she's joking well let's see how far I can take this."
George:only if I can drink yours?
Emma:sure go for it.she then bites into her wrist not expecting me to drink her blood.
I quickly drink her blood to her surprise she pushes me of her.
Emma then drains me of blood as I die again I then fall on the floor.
Daylighter:Ia he awake?
Nightwalker:no man Emma fed on him after he drank her blood when he wakes up he's gonna be in transition.
Daylighter:what?how did he know she was a vampire?did she tell him?I only turned that bitch 2 months gonna go tell Marcel about this.if he wakes up make sure to feed him these blood bags.
Nightwalker:yes sir.
Daylighter:Your doing a good job man I'll put in a word to see if Marcel can get you a daylight ring.
Nightwalker:thanks man.
Daylighter:no problem.
I then wake up with a hunger for blood.
George:"Fuck my head is pounding and all I can think about is blood"
George:Give me blood!
Nightwalker:Take it.
He gives me the blood as I drink it all satisfying my hunger.after that I felt everything get heightened like everything everything like wtf I can hear music from a house 2 miles away.
George:turn that shit off!so much sounds!it's too loud!
Nightwalker:Turn it off control it come on you can do it ok you can control it.
A few days passes and I control my bloodlust I also found a way how to control what I can hear and I met Marcel he welcomed me to the vampire gang and embraced me with open arms.i acted all innocent and put on abut of an act so I didn't seem suspicious and I played off the drinking of the blood to me being to drunk.marcel might have been suspicious but didn't care too much to look into it.
Now I am part of the Nightwalkers I can earn a daylight ring by being loyal to Marcel.yeah fuck that I'm planning to leave in a few days make a deal with a witch to get a daylight ring and then come back.
I am not going to mystic falls no dopplebitch magnet and obsessive salvatore brothers.
I met the whole Nightwalker gang and found out I could jump on buildings and move really fast I was also more stronger now.
It was amazing and shit at the same time.once I get a daylight ring and can control everything properly though being a vampire will be the best.
This is a new story The originals fanfic.i am still doing teen wolf so don’t worry I am not dropping that I’m just going to be doing this aswell so I hope you enjoy!