
Reincarnated in tensura as a direwolf

Hideshi korono a 34 year old shop keeper dies and gets reincarnated into his favourite anime show tensura but as a direwolf with no cheats and special abilities.How will he survive?will he become a strong figure in the world of tensura?find out by reading!(The book cover is mc human appearance in the future until then he looks just like a normal direwolf)

Shadowking123 · Cómic
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7 Chs

chapter 4:Grinding in the caves and meeting goblins

It has been 2 months since Hideshi gained a unique skill throughout these two months he has been grinding in the caves.

Hideshi being a nameless monster in this world meant that he wouldn't increase in power as fast as rimuru or even be as strong as before rimuru was a demon lord.

Hideshi was a C rank monster and had slot of magicules due to his unique skill "demon fang" that he has been grinding in the caves in.

2 months earlier

Hideshi stepped foot in what looked to be a cave full of low rank monsters.

Hideshi:"huh it seems that all the ants in here are my level if not lower there lesser seems to be a C rank monster though with slot of magicules similar to veldora This whole cave was probably born from his magicules."

Ants then appeared on the walls and crawled over to Hideshi each of them surrounding him.

Hideshi"oh this will be fun!"

The ants jumped on to him but Hideshi used his claws to kill a lot of them Inleast killing 4 of them with one of his claws he then used his skill dash to dash at them and hit them with his claws.

Hideshi had eliminated stleast of 40 ants and there wheee 20 left.

Hideshi:"ok I've gotta admit theses ants are fast I gotta finish this quickly!"

Hideshi:wind wave!

Hideshi used wind wave and dashes st the ants combining both his skills making him faster.

after Hideshi had killed the ants he then went deep inside the cave looking for the boss.

Hideshi"where is it?"

While Hideshi was looking for the boss monster of the ants he was attacked from behind.


Hideshi screamed in pain as what looked to be a sharp red katana on an ants body had just slashed his back full of grey fur.

Hideshi turned around and was shocked what he saw behind him an ant that was Inleast a foot taller than him with a sharp red blade apart of his body that looked like a katana.

Hideshi:wind wave!

Hideshi dashed at the and and used his claws to repetitively claw the ants body he then jumped on the wall and used his unique skill demon fang to bite the ant.

The ant had stumbled on the floor but seemed to use its msgicules to try and weaken Hideshi.

The ant then took its chance to slash Hideshi making the direwolf fall to the ground.

Hideshi was on the ground struggling to get up.

Hideshi:"Fuck it was so easy for rimuru to take care of Monsters like this easy in the series all he had to do was use his magicules he was so strong!he was a calamity class monster than could wipe out B rank monster easily even at the beggining of the series!I have been in this world for 4 years and am not even c rank yet and even with a unique skil am about to die to an ant!No no I don't wanna dir I wanna get stronger I need to get stronger.

Hideshi got up from the ground and was cornered by the ant.

Hideshi:"water blade"icicle charge"

The ant was hit with 2 of the skips and was stunnned for 3 seconds.

Hideshi used this time to use his skill wind wave and dash in the air and slice the ant.

The ant looked weakened as Hideshi continued to claw the ant giving it no time to react.

Hideshi then used his skill demon fang to finish the boss monster off.

Blood could be seen all over the cave on the wall on the ground and a 7ft red ant could be seen dead in the cave with a direwolf next to it.

Hideshi:"That was hard I could've definitely died there!Just becasue I gained a unique skill doesn't mean I'm stronger than the other monsters in the forest!I need to be careful next time!"

Present day

Hideshi could be seen going near a goblin villiage when he was stopped by what looked to be a hunting party of goblins.

Hideshi:"woah this scene looks familiar?!wait why the fuck do the goblins look so much more cleaner and more confident then in the series when rimuru met them?"

There was a hunting party of 16 goblins infront of Hideshi with sheilds and spears that looked to be normal they weren't scared of Hideshi and looked like predators about to catch there prey.

Hideshi:"Fuck!Theres more goblins then there were in the series and there under the protection of Veldors so there species is not hunted to the verge of extinction by direwolves and there's only 1 of me and 16 of them of course they would be more confident!"

The leader of the goblin party then spoke.

Glothp:what's a direwolf doing in goblin territory?who are you and what do you want?did the direwolves send you?

The other goblins then started talking amongst themselves about killing the direwolf infront of them or bringing them to the cheif.

Hideshi looked a little scared by his confident and cocky they where acting but also realised they where still pretty weak and that he could still kill them all.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!Next chapter is Hideshi going to the goblin villiage.do you guys think he should get named yet?and if so by who?should he wait for rimuru?or search for someone powerful to name him with no drawbacks?

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