
Accelerator Barrier (Fixed)

The major changes will begin next chapter until the beginning of canon. Let me know if anything needs to be changed.

Enjoy (*^*)/


Weiss pov:

 I've been busy with my heiress training and attending fancy galas to put my idea to practice but I was finally able to get a break and find some time to make my new defensive glyph. 

The plan is to replicate some of Accelerator's abilities, specifically the barrier that reflects anything thrown toward him. This will provide me with the defensive glyph that I was missing, a second layer of protection over my natural aura defense. To recreate the barrier, I'll need some repulsion glyphs to act as the reflector since I can't control vectors.

"Hmmm, I can't have glyphs on all the time. It will take too much energy to keep them on, and I want the barrier to cover my whole body," I say thoughtfully to myself. I ponder for a moment, thinking of ways to achieve this, until I remember the experiments I did in the previous days. 

"Aha!" I shout as I think of an idea. What if I make a bunch of small glyphs that are invisible to the eye and cover my body with them? This way, it covers my whole body. 

 My main problem with this lies in my reaction time and instincts. What's the use of having the barrier if I can't activate it quickly when needed?

I need to be able to sense when it's necessary to use it, even if I don't know why. For example, if a spear suddenly comes flying at my chest from behind, I want to instinctively react to the feeling of danger behind me. So, I need to find a way to develop some kind of spidey sense.

 I sit down and focus on the size I want the glyphs and what I want them to do, to remain inactive until I supply aura to them. When activated, they will repel everything that touches me. It takes a while, but I start to feel the glyphs form, although it is only the tip of my finger covered with the formation. 

"Sigh, I guess I don't have enough aura control to have them cover my body, but as I get improve my aura control, I'll have the control needed to cover my body." I thought feeling all the aura I used to just cover the tip of my finger. I used a lot of unnecessary aura that I could've used to cover more of my body but I'll get better at aura manipulation over time.

I form the barrier again and touch my lamp with the tip of my finger, but it just bounces off before it reaches my skin. 

"This is good. That means my idea worked. I have a lifesaving move now, and if I add gravity dust, it should make the barrier stronger if I'm not wrong." I speak out loud. However, I would have to add it mid-fight since dust and inactive glyphs don't mix at the moment.

I'll have to train to make it instinctive to have it cover me just like I did with my aura when I unlocked it for the first time. I formed it again, but to my surprise, I could only form half of the number of glyphs when I did before.

(AN: reminder cost no aura to keep the glyph inactive, but it does after activating the glyphs)

 Activating so many glyphs drains more of my aura than I originally thought. It should be fine if I make sure to apply my glyph before any fights so it shouldn't be much of a drawback, especially with how dense my aura is.

'I guess I should wait for my aura to fill back up" I thought to myself before sitting down at my desk and drawing a bit to pass the time.

As I drew I started to think of ways I could improve my Weiss sense, I could use a training facility and try to see if that helps in improving my instincts.

Also, I need to name this move I don't want to keep calling it a barrier is too plain, so I'll call it Aegis the Greek name for a shield which is perfect for this move as it'll be shielding me from deadly attacks.

"Fufufufu, I truly am amazing," I giggle and compliment myself.

As I get up, I put my pencil down on the desk and lie on my bed, resting my arm on top of my face.

I start to think about Ruby and my future team once again. I'm not going to try and become the leader I know I'm not fit to lead anyone, well mostly because of my mental state but just because I'm not the leader doesn't mean I'm just going to be in the background either.

I'll be Ruby's Zorro anytime she looks like she's in a tight spot I'll go and help her out and keep that bright smile on her face.

I lift my arm from my face and make a fist in the air. "Heh, I hope I don't lose my sense of direction though," I joke to myself. Zoro is someone I admire supporting his captain no matter what his decisions are and making sure that no one disrespects him even his crew (Ussop) is something I want to do for Ruby.

"Oh well, that's future me's problem to worry about. I'll just enjoy the peaceful moments I have right now." I say throwing my future self under the bus while grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

Interviewer: "Today, we are interviewing the rising star huntsman, Canis."

Canis walks onto the stage, waving at the audience.

Interviewer: "Canis, can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you became a huntsman?"

Canis: "Well, I grew up in a small village near the edge of the woods. My family was very poor, so I had to learn how to hunt and fend for myself at a young age. Eventually, I became quite skilled and decided to pursue a career as a huntsman."

Interviewer: "That's quite impressive. What inspired you to become a huntsman?"

Canis: "I suppose I just wanted to use my skills to help people. There are so many dangers out there in the world, and I wanted to do my part to keep others safe."

Interviewer: "That's a noble goal. Can you tell us about a particularly challenging mission you've been on as a huntsman?"

Canis: "Well, there was one mission where I had to track down a pack of Grimm that had been terrorizing a nearby town. It took several weeks of tracking and fighting, but I was eventually able to eliminate the threat and bring peace to the area."

Interviewer: "That's quite impressive. You certainly seem like a skilled and dedicated huntsman. Do you have any plans for the future?"

Canis: "I suppose I just want to continue doing what I can to help people. There's always more work to be done, and I'll be ready to face whatever challenges come my way."

I continue to watch TV while reforming Aegis after getting my aura back. Even if I'm relaxing, if I can, I'll be sure to practice making the reformation faster and make it more efficient, so I'm killing two birds with one stone.