

"Father, you must not have an accident."

As the war was about to end, a white creature in a black robe was running wildly along the river.

"must wait for me." Fugaku's mind kept flashing through the silhouette of Uchiha Mountain, but a bad premonition still appeared in his heart.

At this time, the vortex face covering Fugaku's body whispered: "I guess I will enter the battle soon. Before that, I have something to say to you."

"What?" Obviously Fugaku's mood is very irritable now.

But vortex's face didn't care about these, but solemnly said: "The opponent is Konoha lightning, your battle strength is not equal to me, and you have been running wildly for four hours under the situation of being riddled with scars... "

"What on earth do you want to say."

"I want to say, it's better for me to help you when fighting."

Fugaku shaking one's head, I'm sorry: "I'm very grateful for what you did for me, but I don't have to.

My father is very strong, even Tatsumi may not be able to beat him, plus me, strength is definitely above Tatsumi ."

I said so, but Fugaku actually doesn't want to have anything to do with Madara.

Vortex's face seems unaware, nodded: "Yes, now you have a Hashirama artificial body, Senju and Uchiha combined with two powers, may be able to show unprecedented power "

Fugaku did not speak. As he progressed, the snow gradually melted and the surrounding temperature began to rise.

"What's the matter." Looking up at the sky, the anxiety in his heart became more intense, and he suddenly rushed to the tallest tree.

As far as the eyes can reach, there is a layer of weird black inflammation, constantly devouring the forest all around.

"My companion sent the message back, it looks like it should be there," Vortex said with a face.

"Okay, let's go." Fugaku yelled and jumped from the top of the tree.


At this time, Uchiha Tatsumi, who dug out the Sharingan pair, slumped on the ground, his face extremely pale.

Don't look at his appearance, but his whole body cells have been damaged after he has been immersed in the gods for ten years.

The final blow, if it weren't for Uchiha Mountain, the result would be really hard to say.

Beside the youngster lies Uchiha Mountain, whose life is about to disappear completely.

He gasp for breath with difficulty, and the snowflakes fell on the blood-stained face and immediately melted.

Uchiha Mountain suddenly smiled.

That year, when Madara left the village, there seemed to be such heavy snow, gloomy and cold.

Madara's departure undoubtedly brought a great impact to him when he was young, making him worried about Clan's future, but the best youngster of his clan held him softly and comforted.

It didn't take long until the youngster who comforted him was accepted as a discipline by Senju Tobirama.

Since then, their relationship has deteriorated.

He doesn't know why he hates this childhood friend.

He obviously knew that Second Hokage was only included in the discipline to win over Uchiha Clan; he also knew that this matter was agreed and promoted by within clan Elder...

But he was Inexplicably annoying.

Uchiha Mountain stubbornly attributed this sentiment to the hatred of Senju Clan, but this is not the case.

Deep in one's heart, he also dreamed of becoming the discipline of Second Hokage, then becoming the Clan Leader of Uchiha, and then embarking on the peak of life...

But Uchiha understands , He didn't have any chance, because the mirror was so good, it almost covered up all his rays of light.

Clansman's gaze will always be on the mirror. What is circulated in the village is only how good the six disciplines of Second Hokage are...

other people are always supporting roles.

At that time, Uchiha Mountain, which was still not outstanding, was so jealous of the mirror.

But the mirror didn't care about these dazzling auras at all.

Even after Senju Tobirama's death, when whole clan supported the mirror to compete with Third Hokage, he even gave up.

That was Uchiha Clan's closest approach to Hokage.

You must know that the mirror is not only the discipline of Second Hokage, but also made great contributions in the war, but also opened up the existence of Mangekyo Sharingan. No matter how you look at it, the dead monkey of Sarutobi Hiruzen... even if there is Second Hokage Death.

But the mirror just gave up and turned to support Sarutobi Hiruzen.

That was the time Uchiha Mountain was most disappointed with the mirror, and from that day on, the two completely separated and faced each other.

When did you hate it, but not so hate it?

I learned that the mirror died in an ambush, his eyes were dug out, and because of his death, I can fully grasp Uchiha Clan; I still saw his son become an orphan since he was a child, and he was driven to a Are people bullied in remote corners?

Perhaps, he has never really hated the mirror... It's just that the distance between the two is too far, and it is so difficult to get close.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because...he is dying too.

Uchiha Shan pulled his lips, his voice hoarse, and said the last sentence with difficulty.

"The mirror was...Sarutobi Hiruzen killed...Uchiha Clan will leave it to...you..."

Tatsumi's eyes were cold, and he cut off with a tilted hand knife This great head from Uchiha Mountain.


At this time, Fugaku rushed through the last bush in the forest, but at the moment he lifts the head, he saw through the burning black flame His for a lifetime, the last scene he wants to see.

"Why?!" There are only two pieces left in this World's white space, one is Fugaku, which is completely standing still, and the other is Tatsumi and Uchiha, which is completely dead.

Fugaku at the edge of the forest slowly raised his lowered head, the vortex face surrounding his cheek suddenly dispersed, and then reproduced the face that hovered toward him again.

The two 3-Tomoe Sharingan spin quickly, and the speed of the Sharingan spins more and more. After a while, the left eye forms a three-petal pattern, and the right eye forms a tomoe-like pattern of Head and Tail Connected.

Fugaku, trembling all over, roared and rushed towards Heiyan.

Vortex stuck his head out and eagerly persuaded: "...that thing can't be touched."

But where Fugaku cares, he has completely lost his mind now.

vortex face sighed.

With the current body of Fugaku, even if Mangekyo is turned on, it is impossible to be the opponent of Konoha lightning.

After all, even Uchiha Mountain died in his hands.

Furthermore, under its investigation, a team of Konoha Anbu ninja has already rushed here. If it rushes over so desperately, the final result can only reveal its traces.

Madara explained to it before she left...In any case, she cannot be exposed in front of the ninja of Konoha.

Since the goal of opening Mangekyo has been achieved, Fugaku can no longer continue to go crazy.

Thinking of this, vortex's face suddenly stopped the figure, and before Fugaku could react, white fist fiercely smashed his head.

Vortex took a deep look at the youngster who was dealing with the Uchiha mountain corpse, and then sneaked into the ground quietly.