

As the sun rises, the sky is like thin, light-permeable glass, showing a transparent orange red. The breeze blows, and the dew rolls down from the rocks like beads.

Orochimaru, who was walking in the front, slapped a few hand seals to the rear to signal the troops not to slow down. At the same time, they stepped on the soil, and the speed was once again increased by a notch.

It's almost the core battlefield, there is no need to wander, the faster the speed, the more excited the ninjas can be aroused.

In a few minutes, Uchiha Tatsumi saw this master battlefield that had absorbed countless ninja blood from a distance.

It is not the Gobi of gray. The whole ground has become dark red because of the perennial infiltration of blood. Not far away, there is a little silhouette of Konoha Ninja and Hidden Sand ninja fighting.

Without Orochimaru's reminder, after entering the operation area, Uchiha Tatsumi was protected in the middle and directly used Genjutsu.


Like the sharp sound of a broken string, mixed with Chakra began to spread, the movements of the fighting Sand Ninja inevitably stiffened, and Orochimaru and Sakumo rushed up quickly, and blunt solved a few Sand Ninja. There is no chance for the other side to fight back or escape.

"Thank you Lord Orochimaru and Lord Sakumo."

The leader of Konoha Captain wiped the blood stains on his face, and then thanked Orochimaru and the others.

"At this time, etiquette is exempted." Orochimaru waved his hand, and then asked: "Are there anyone who was seriously injured?"

"There are two in the team , The other teams are not clear."

"Well, you can send your two companions back to the camp for treatment. We will take over at the core battlefield."


Most of the combatants on battlefield stayed up late to fight or spent a long time investigating. It is not a good choice to let this kind of ninja stay with them all night.

In the next few minutes, they encountered several ninja teams in a row. With the cooperation of Uchiha Tatsumi Genjutsu, it was as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo have experience, let alone those who have experience, anyway, Jiraiya is completely confused. This can be said to be a way to change the battle pattern, allowing him to refresh the worldview directly.

So Genjutsu can be used like this?

From Jiraiya's point of view, even if Genjutsu breaks the sky, it cannot be separated from the scope of art. As long as it is a technique, except for some special ones, do most of them need a hand seal?

As for Uchiha Tatsumi, the Genjutsu used is also the most common, but the problem is that there is no hand seal.

What a horror this is!

Why does ninja practice hand speed since childhood? Not for the purpose of releasing Ninjutsu faster in battle.

Otherwise, when you are still hand-sealing, two Fire-Styles from the other family will call you at you, so you'll be a fart. This is why non-seal Ninjutsu is so highly regarded.

Sharingan terrifying is terrifying in that it does not require a hand seal, and Dojutsu can be released through the eyes, but without sight, the ability of Sharingan will be greatly weakened.

But Uchiha Tatsumi broke this restriction. He doesn't need Sharingan, he can do it like Sharingan through fingers, voice, and any five senses, and he can release Genjutsu without hand seal.

Although the formidable power has been correspondingly weakened a lot, you can't guard against it even more, because you don't know when you will be hit by Genjutsu.

From Jiraiya's point of view, this is more than just a little talent on Genjutsu. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Kekkei Genkai.

Jiraiya is a little depressed. The plot in his mind should be like this: At the critical moment, he returned from Land-of-Rain alone to save Konoha, then ended Shinobi World War, and finally married Tsunade and embarked on the Peak of life.

This is the script he should use, is it sure that everyone has made the mistake? !

Just as Jiraiya became more and more melancholy, the remaining Hidden Sand on the main battlefield was easily resolved.

On the team led by Orochimaru, only Uchiha Tatsumi consumed some Chakra, while the others only consumed a little physical strength.

The Konoha Ninjas who thought they would help later, but in the end found that they were thinking too much. This battle can no longer be called a battle, it is a one-sided slaughter.

Once you win Genjutsu, even the lowest one, the ninjas of Hidden Sand will be sluggish for a moment.

It is precisely because of this momentary weak spot that Orochimaru, Hatake Sakumo and Jiraiya can easily kill the other side.

"...There is a ninja ahead, a very strong Chakra!"

Continuing to go forward for a while, the detective ninja on the flanks suddenly reminded.

Orochimaru moved towards the team showed a hand seal behind, indicating that they should stop first.

"What's wrong?" Jiraiya asked.

"The Lord is here." Orochimaru's expression was a bit solemn.

Uchiha Tatsumi can already see the close silhouette through Sharingan-the blue trench coat and the iconic Kazekage hat.

"The team behind will bypass this area from the side!"

Orochimaru's meaning is very simple. The Third Kazekage is held by a few of them, and the troops behind are responsible for Sand Ninja forces.

After myself gave the order, Orochimaru headed by, Hatake Sakumo, Jiraiya and Uchiha Tatsumi, walked straight forward like this.

"Should I give you a little appreciation for your courage."

The voice of Third-Kazakage followed the sound of the wind before he even approached.

"Third-Kazakage is the one. Hidden Sand Village has no one? You have to solve any battle." Orochimaru laughed softly.

"Of course I'm no better than Sarutobi Hiruzen. I'm always in the village. It's safer. It's a pity...

His discipline is going to die here today. !"

Third-Kazakage stands with his hands bound, his robe is airless, and a thin layer of iron sand supports him floating in midair.

As far as styling is concerned, Uchiha Tatsumi can't admire his handsomeness. It seems that his pretense is far from the Peak expert of Ninja World.

"...Four-to-one, the game is just right. I won't say you are despicable, after all, I am the third-Kazakage!" After he finished speaking, he completed the hand seal in the split second.

"Magnet-Style sand storm!"

There was a shock from the earth quickly, and the iron sand hidden under the Gobi at this time revealed a hideous face, tall and tall He raised his head and suddenly moved towards Konoha Ninja, who was farther away, and pounced.

The goal is not the prepared Uchiha Tatsumi and others, but the Konoha Ninja who are going to go farther.

Different from the previous hand to hand combat, Ninjutsu's formidable power is even more amazing this time. The straight-line distance from Konoha's ninja has exceeded one kilometer, but this move Magnet-Style hasn't weakened at all. Signs.

Third-Kazakage showed a mocking look, as if to lure Orochimaru and the others to attack.

Although I really want to attack the past, there are more important things to do now.

Orochimaru quickly bit his finger, and after completing the summon print, he pressed his hand fiercely on the ground.

one after another Summoning Jutsu •Rashomon!

With the light sound of bells and iron chains, a huge blue door rose from the ground! I split second, and the iron sand like a torrent hit the gate.

Third-Kazakage's disdainful shake one's head.

Ichiju Rashomon really looks down on me. Last time I hand to hand combat, this move was able to block it because...I didn't try my best!

Sure enough, in the next second, the entire gate was like a breakthrough dam, submerged in the rolling iron sand.