
reincarnated in naruto au

reincarnated in naruto in a AU . In this world I am an ordinary kid with no mother and father. my name is kizuki kizaragi. I have no memories of my past self. But I remember all the anime and fanfic. My hope is to become the strongest in the world shinobi. because.....THIS IS MY STORY!!!!!! CHAPTER 2 IN TWO DAY,S

Old_Man_8754 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 Ichiraku Rsamen

"Ok it is not bad"

--Now, i was in konohagakure no sato.

In the newly awakened body. --

I look outside the window to see the sun rising.I thought it was too early but I could not sleep anymore.

So I went into the bathroom to wash up.

after i came out of the bathroom and sit on the bed.

I thought

'First I have to make a goal for myself. '


[] After sometime of thinking []

[[1: Steel sage body form naruto.

2: Try to unlock chakra and practice chakra control.

3: Try to collect kekkei genkai sharingan.

4. Stay low-key and don't go under the radar of danzo or hiruzen.

5. Bay a new shinobi face mask .#ps i have a face mask. it was a gift from my father. #

6. Explore the village to see new things.

After i was done planning i fall asleep. ]]


I was mentally tired of all that happened just now.

[] The next day in the morning []

my eyes open too see the time was 10:20 in

the morning.

I got up from the bed and yawn.

And got inside the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I got into the shower and open the water lain.

I took a shower after i was finished.

I got out of the bathroom in front of the mirror

my body looks terrible it's looks so weak.

I have to start my workout ASAP.

after some time.

I went into the kitchen to find....NOTHING!!!

"Why that son of a gun!!"

"He stop going to the market after his father died . He eat all their was in the house.

I have to go to the market for all the groceries.


since i don't have anything to eat maybe i should go to Ichiraku ramen."

I got ready to go out.

On my way to the shop i can't help but asked

"Hey...umm...system...where are you from?"

He asked why because he wanted to know the

origin of the system simple as that.

" system has been born from the host's soul.

after host dead it triggered the evolution as a result host is in a new world."

"because of the evolution , Host's soul is invincible and even if the host died the soul is so strong that the host will be reborn. "


"..So...what you are saying is that you are a part of my soul. "

" Yes host" the system replied.

"Ok ...so...system how can i use collect. "

"host can use appraisal, on the target to see the status and skills of the target, and collect

what the host whans. The host can get three collect every day."

" The host can use them however the host one's. "

"So...i can have 3 collect every day and there is also a 30% chance of success rate."

"I should wait and get more collect so that I have a bigger chance at collect .I think it is for the best."

I saw a shinobi shop so i went there. I saw a man inside and used 'appraisal'

[ Name: Heroshi sakamoto ]

[ Str: 13 ]

[ Vit: 15 ]

[ End: 11 ]

[ Dex: 13 ]

[ Int: 22 ]

[ Chakra: 85/85 ]

[ Control: 0% ]

[ Skill: Weapons master ] [ Rank-C level 8 ]

( All skills evolves a rank after 10 levels)

( The ranks are E > D > C > B > A > S and SS )


[ Allows +35% mastery over all weapons and 20% critical hit. ]

"Hey boss do you have shinobi face mask."

The man who is the owner come out and said.

"of course we have shinobi face mask. do you want one."

I smile and said

" Yes, can i have one."

He replied

"Sure kid you can have one. The price is 200 Ryo."

I handed him the money and took the mask.

I directly replace the old mask with the new one and left the shop.

In the direction of ichiraku ramen.

The reason why i wear a mask, is not because i look ugly, in fact i look very handsome. I can even be compared with kakashi but is because i had trauma. It was in my past life.

I just feel safe wearing a mask and so i wear one even in my past life i allways wear the mask to cover my face.

and because of that most people did not become a friend.

The friend i had left after a year or so.

And i was not a very social person. so making

new friends was a no-go.

after walking aimlessly to find the shop.

I stopped and in fornt of me was....

"The legendary Ichiraku Ramen shop"

I said out loud.

it was pretty hard to fine the ironic Ichiraku Ramen. I almost got lost even in my new life i was not very social person. And did not go out




3 DAYS. []