
reincarnated in naruto as a dragon

saya is a student in high school who lost her parents in an accident she was an otaku she liked watching anime so much especially naruto. i obviously don't own naruto or any other characters. only the mc and some side characters that'll be creating, i will be adding some new jutsus too, English is not my first language so don't be harsh and this is the first time I'm writing a novel so it's gonna be only for fun ah wait it's a "fan-fic" btw wish u enjoy it (well you know what? I'll just upload it when I feel like it)

TheViciousVillain · Fantasía
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4 Chs

first day in the academy

saya:"hm that wasn't bad but there is alot of monsters here and there i should train more"

when saya was busy thinking about what she should do in the future, naruto come near her and said:"hey! saya-chan are you ready?"

saya:"of course! the exam will be a piece of cake,"sure it is!who would fall that stupid exam that the civilians are taking, they are just gonna test your stamina,combat power , and then put you in a class that fits your results.

naruto:"good to hear that!"

and like that they finally reached the academy

saya:" naruto what are you staying here for? you have to go to your class BAKA!im gonna do the exam!"

naruto:"oh right i forgot!"with that said,naruto started running towards his class

after that the hokage came and started bull***ting about the will of fire and that stuff..

saya:"that old and skinny guy really knows how to talk huh..... im sure all the people who are hearing his speech got brainwashed"

saya:"but really i didn't expect him to be so skinny, if not for the armor he is wearing under that hokage robe of his, you'll know what im talking about..."saya was talking to^ only god knows who..


when the hokage finished his speech alot of people started crying and others clapping and screaming.

saya:' what the heck they are doing that for' saya thought

an unknown chunin:" and now we will start the exams follow me "of course he was talking to the civilians and clanless kids

anyways saya followed him..... after a loooooooong time they reached a huge training ground

the unknown chunin said :"we will do it here! first of all we are going to test your stamina, then combat power"



of course saya broke the records and was first, she did 20 laps around the training ground(just like genius clan kids),and was able to keep up with chunin for a long time.

of course saya could do way more laps and she would be able to win the chunin easly but she didn't want to show alot of her powers, it's not because of danzo or something... if he tryed something stupid she would just deflect from the village,easy peasy right? but she didn't want to show her powers because if they became enemies'somehow' it'll be hard to win agains't them cause they will be careful and send alot of elits! hell maybe even jiraya will come after her,even if saya can teleport and has her own dimension that would still be troublesome! after all she doesn't wanna be hiding all the time!

all the presentes were shocked about saya's performance! and like expected she was chose to join 1-A class

*iruka pov*

hmm so a new student will be coming huh?while thinking about that i said to the class:"alright everyone, there is a new student that'll be coming today, be nice to her"

*third pov*

when iruka was telling the sudent's to be quite! saya entered the class and saw alot of familiar faces here and there.... when iruka saw her he said "alright saya-chan would you like to introduce your self to your colleagues...."

saya:"ok sensei....hello everyone my name is saya im an orphan i like eating food training and killing monsters 'and you are no different humans' and i hate when things don't go like what i want for it to :)"

and of course everybody were stunned to see such a beauty, some girls looked at her with envy and one of them said:"hmf dont try you luck with my sasuke or you'll suffer" and of course this was no one other then sakura

iruka:" sakura sit down , i told you to be nice to your colleague" then he looked towards saya direction and said"sorry saya-chan sakura is good girl but some times she is....."

saya:"it's ok iruka sensei ", 'it's not like i give the s*** ' saya thought

iruka said with an awkward smile and said:" you can go and choose your sit..."

naruto:"HEY HERE! SAYA-CHAN IM HERE!"screamed naruto

the others looked at him with a look that said "are you crazy" it's not like anyone would sit beside the "demon fox"

saya:"shut up naruto why are you screaming it's not like i didn't see you!"saya said with an irritated tone

"HAHAHA im sorry" naruto said with an awkward smile

with a sigh saya started walking towards naruto and then sited beside him

everyone was shocked at the scene that happend before them.....



*in the hokage's office*

hiruzen was looking at a document in his hands with great interest

and of course it was about saya and what she did in the exams

hiruzen:"that girl is a genius, it's nice to have a great shinobi in our village"

with that said,hiruzen heard the door shock open revealing someone with bandages over his left eye and hand.....


11~20 low genin

21~45 mid genin

46~70 high genin

71~89 low chunin

90~111 mid chunin

112~130 high chunin

131~147 special jonin

148~165 low jonin

166~189 mid jonin

190~220 high jonin

221~280 elite jonin

281~330 low kage

331~360 mid kage

361~430 super kage


sorry for grammer mistakes.....

(AN:there'll be some time skips cause im not gonna say what happend in all the academy days...)