
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Cómic
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307 Chs

Going back!!

She looked at me and asked "Brother Yan, will you protect me in the future?"

Cliche, huh?

In the original, she sacrificed herself for Tang San, He can't even protect her.

Ah Yin also sacrificed herself for Tang Hao. Like Father, like son. They can't even protect their loved ones.

Speaking of Ah Yin, I have to meet her, she must be in that cave. I will go meet Ah Yin, after seeing 'her'.

(A/n: Because of Thought acceleration, he thought all of this in less than a second. Like Aoi Todo in Jujustu Kaisen who has an IQ of 530,000. lol. Best frendoooooo)

I smiled pinched her cheek and said "Yes, who would I protect, if I don't protect you."

She touched her cheek and said "But I am Spirit Beast transformed into a human. what if there is Titled Douluo, who wants to kill me?"

I patted her head and said "I will fight with them, I won't let them touch a strand of your hair."

She smiled sweetly, with a drop of tear in her eyes, she hugged me, with her head on my chest she said "Brother, you are so good to me."

"Of course, You are my sweet little rabbit after all."

I hugged her back and just patted her back gently. We sat like that for a while.

Then we again went to the grass field, I lied down to sleep. Xiao Wu lied beside me closely.

We slept like that looking at the moon above us.

In the morning-

I slowly got up from the grass and saw that Xiao Wu sitting on the same rock as yesterday, her hair spread out and she is combing her hair with a wooden comb.

I walked behind her and asked her gently "Shall I comb your hair?"

She thought for a second, smiled and nodded "Yes, brother Yan!"

Then, she gave me the ordinary wooden comb.

I took the comb from her hand, stroked Xiao Wu's hair gently, and then slowly combed it.

While combing the hair, she suddenly asked "Brother Yan, will you comb my hair forever?"

"I will only comb your hair." I replied without hesitation. Well, I will only 'play' with my other girls. Hehe.

I combed her hair into scorpion braid and it looks good on her.

After combing, she looked at the braid and said "Brother, Your skills are good."

"Yeah, I have more 'skills', I will show them to you when you are old enough." I said.

(A/n: Bro, you are under arrest.)

*Shows Loli license* (borrowed from Pektas bro)

(A/n: Th-This...the legendary Loli license? Squad Fall back! FALLBACK!)


She looked at me confused. I just smiled and patted her head.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed my pat.

Then we walked towards the Lake of Life.

Near the lake of life, Erming, Xie'er and Emerald Swan are all there. Erming is using his body as a medium to give Emerald Swan a steady stream of vitality to help it give birth.

   Noticing me and Xiao Wu's arrival Er Ming didn't say much, just briefly introduced the current situation.

   Xie'er has taken a few drops of the water from the Lake of Life, where she is absorbing and improving her life level, preparing to absorb the emerald swan.

Hm..Xie'er is doing well she can definitely absorb the spirit ring.

Xiao Wu pulled my arm "Come, Brother Yan, I will show you some great places in the Star Dou forest."

I nodded and went with her.

She took me to water falls, river and lakes. The Star Dou forest is truly beautiful.

On the way, I saw some rare herbs. Speaking of herbs, I have to visit Dugu Bo's Medicine garden after summoning 'her'. Such rare Eyes of Fire and Ice must belong to the Spirit Hall.


I spent my time with Xiao Wu. Now I am more closer to Xiao Wu in these two days, than Tang San who took 8 years years to develop the relationship.

Like that two days passed.

In the morning-

Now, I am near the lake of life, watching Xie'er absorbing the spirit ring.

Beside me, Xiao Wu is holding a small emerald swan. The operation is success.

After 30 minutes, Xie'er fully absorbed the spirit ring and opened her eyes.

She felt overjoyed, officially becoming a spirit master.

I walked towards and said "Congratulations, Xie'er.:

She sweetly smiled and replied "Thank you brother".

"Do you feel uncomfortable, Xie'er?" I asked worriedly.

She shook her head and said "I am fine, Brother Yan."

With that, we talked for a while. Xiao Wu is taking care of the small Emerald swan.

"Oh! Xie'er what is your spirit ring ability?" I asked.

She smiled at me with her eyes saying 'finally, you asked' "Ahem! My first spirit ring ability is increasing the soul power of the allies by 20% and it can heal minor injuries"

I nodded and said "Very good ability!" and patted her head.

Her face become flushed, she also closed her eyes to enjoy the patting.

Then I walked towards Xiao Wu and Erming. Seeing us coming towards her she smiled and showed the emerald swan towards us.

Xie'er exclaimed "Its cute." and rubbed the head of the Emerald swan.

We talked for a while, then I held Xiao Wu hand and looked at her seriously.

Looking at my serious face, she looked at me comfused.

"Xiao Wu, I also want to stay with you, but...I have to go back to my home."

Hearing this, she suddenly realised and looked at me shocked.

Then she suddenly fell into my arms with tears in her eyes. I patted her back and said "Silly girl, Dont't cry. I will come to you when you leave the Star Fou forest within a year."

She looked at me with her face on my chest "Brother, promise me that you will definitely come."

I smiled and said "I promise you."

I comforted her for a while, then we left under the reluctant gaze of Xiao Wu.

Er ming guided us outside of the core area until near the periphery of the forest.

Then me and Xie'er reached outside the Star Dou forest.

When I came outside, I can see Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo peobably waiting for me.

Then I explained what happened, without telling about Xiao Wu.

Then we got in the carriage and went towards the spirit hall!

At this time..


[Mission completed]

[Received rewards : 10 Soul fruit, 10 Spirit ring fruit,...


I hope you guys liked the chapter!

Sorry for the late chapter guys! I already said that this week I will be busy.

I wrote and uploaded using mobile, so if there are mistakes comment it.

What rewards shall we give him!

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-Have a good day : )

I am currently translating another Douluo fanfiction. You can reat it, Give it a shot.

Akkuzz_69creators' thoughts