
Reincarnated In Merlin

The MC gets reincarnated in Merlin with wishes. I wrote this for fun also English is my second language so this will probably suck. I only own the OC the rest belongs to their respective creators.

Anonymous2000 · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 10

Hadrian POV

Knights all shouted, "Long live Hadrian!"Uther smiled and said, "So Hadrian, good luck for the final fight?"Hadrian gave smiled and replied, "Thank you, My Lord."

Arthur and Hadrian fight began as Hadrian knocked Arthur's helmet off.So to make it fair Hadrian removed jis helmet and as both us pull down us mail coifs.Hadrian knocks Arthur to the ground and steping on his shield. While easily disarmed Arthur of his sword.Arthur who had lost his weapon had no choice but to give.The crowd cheered as Arthur spoke"Nice fight."

The feast had soon begun as Uther gave fake smile and said, "My honorable guests, I give you Sir Hadrian, your champion."The court applauded as l went and offered Morgana my arm as I asked "My Lady."

Morgana curtsies with a smile and replies "My champion."I whispered, "How is Arthur?"

Morgana replied"Well he okay knew his chances of defeating you are low. Also, he is okay with the fact it's you who defeated him."While smiling at everyone I asked Morgana in a low tone "What about Uther?"

Morgana sighed and replied, "He knew Arthur will Lose but he still made sure to berate Arthur and told him to train more."I felt pity for the guy for having a father like Uther. While we enjoyed our time together as I decided to take chance as I leaned and gave a kiss on the lip. Leaving Morgana stunned at the sudden kiss but soon smiled.

I returned back home as I was going through the information about how my town was prospering.I had made sure to ward it also most of its residents are either Witches, Warlocks, or Druids. They were people Gaius and I rescued from Uther. Because of the wards, they live a peaceful life as I thought"Druids are hard to find added to they are very hard to convince because of their secretive nature."

After that celebratory feast, our relationship moved changed as both of us accepted our feelings for each other as I started to spend more time with her as snow one of the owls used for spying landed on the window and hooted as I asked" What happened?"

Snow once gains hooted translation"Human those two you asked me to watch just took a body home."I sighed and thought"So Nimuhe made her move."

I went Gaius home the minute I opened the door I saw Gaius was inspecting the dead body as Gaius turned to me and asked"I should have known you would have found out about this Hadrian."

I studied the dead body and asked"So what have you found about it till now?"Gaius dejectedly replied, "I've never seen anything like this before."

Merlin questioned, "Do you think it could be some kind of plague?"I answered, "It's magic."

Gaius turned serious and asked, "Are you sure about this Hadrian?"I gave a nod and replied"This didn't come from nature. But who has this kind of power?

Merlin asked, "Who could have done this?"I shrugged and replied, "It can be anyone with how many sorcerers or sorceress Uther has made an enemy out of."

We suddenly heard Arthurs voice"Merlin!"Merlin opens the door before Arthur can come in and see the body. Merlin smiled and answered"Erm... I'm on my way. Sorry, I'm late."Arthur shook it off and replied"Don't worry. I'm getting used to it" He then saw me as he asked, "Hadrian you are here too?"I gave a nod and replied, "Yes Gaius asked me to come."

I decided to tell Arthur about the body "Arthur you might want to come and see this?"

Arthur nodded while Merlin was giving me the look saying 'What the hell are you doing' as Arthur entered as I showed him the Corpse Arthur Muttered"So you found another one?"Gaius heard this and asked, "So there has been another case, Prince Arthur."

Arthur nodded and replied, "Yes that's why I was asked by father to call you."Gaius nodded as Arthur questioned, "Have you found the cause yet."

I answered"Gaius and I narrowed it down to one thing sorcery."Arthur was shocked as he snapped out of it and said"We must tell this to my father."As Arthur was going he furrowed his eyebrows when he sees the flower in Merlin's scarf. Merlin looks down at it and said"Oh, er... Gwenviure, she gave it to me."

While both Arthur and I were heading back to the Council room Arthur in frustration muttered"All those people are going to get killed because of a sorcerer. Then we have to find him"I heard this and replied, "Permission to speak freely prince."

Arthur was curious as he knew Hadrian spoke like this only when something really serious as he spoke"You always have my permission, Hadrian."I smiled and replied, "We won't be able to find the person who did this as he or she would have just infected one person with sorcery then went out of Camelot, or She is spreading the disease through either air or water."

Arthur nodded and said, "True catching the sorcerer will be really hard."I looked at Arthur and said, "Don't take it the wrong way, Arthur."Arthur narrowed his eyes at me as I continued "The king has made many enemies out of sorcerers and Sorceress by killing g them for simply using magic so the one who did this may be anyone a person who lost a family member or friends. So the one who did this just wants the king to lose face after all if your father fail to find a cure everyone will try to cure it with magic."

Arthur wanted to rebuke but he then remembered Lily Collins as he thought"It might true father's hatred towards magic is the main reason for all this."Arthur himself had doubts about the great purge.