
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

30Degree · Cómic
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27 Chs

Chapter 5: Betrayal? What's the motive?

"The most dangerous enemy often wears the mask of an ally."

"It's easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."

-William Blake


Will Allan Foundre POV

When we arrived at the hospital mom and dad are taken to the ER immediately while I am left alone outside in the hallway waiting for them.

I looked at the clock on the wall it is 10:04 pm, not even an hour had passed since the shooting but It feels like days. I am walking back and forth in the hallway, I can't calm myself because of the scene when he appeared out of nowhere took mom hostage then shoot dad kept repeating in my head. It's like a nightmare that woke me up from my blissful dream.

I was frozen in fear and shock, I can't even do anything. I am fucking helpless...

I leaned my back on the wall, sat down on the ground, and put my head on my knees. I am an idiot for thinking that if I stay out in all of it, trouble will leave me alone... I am such a coward, why did I not even try to do anything? I am so scared of this new world that I thought If I just stay put everything will work itself out because there are already heroes in this world.

While I was thinking a police officer approached me. He kneeled on one knee in front of me and then said,

"Good evening, I am one of the officers that responded to your call. Can you answer some questions for me hmm...?" He asked me calmly while taking out a notepad and a pen.

"O-oh sure..."

"First what is your name and your parents"

"My name is Will Allan Foundre and my parents are Elisabeth and Byrone Foundre"

"Can you tell me what happened from the beginning?"

"Uhm... yes. We were in the parking lot when suddenly he showed up, grab my mom by the hair then aim the gun at us. He then hit mom in the head, shot dad then hit mom again until she falls unconscious to the ground. He then aimed the gun at mom but I jumped and tried to shield her so he aimed the gun at me then run away." I tried to answer as calmly as I possibly can.

Why did he do that? He could've shot us both but he run away... why?

He nods and writes it in his notepad then asked me again, "Can you give his description? anything at all, his height, body build anything that you can remember."

"He's tall... and thin looking, I guess he has black eyes and tanned skin but I'm not sure because it's dark. He's wearing a black hoodie and facemask, that's all I can remember... i-is that enough?"

He nods at me and then asked again, "Did he take anything? purse, wallet, cellphone, anything?"

And that's when it hit me, that bastard did not take anything! Mom's purse is still on her, dad's wallet is in his clothes, and the only thing that I have is his phone.

"Wh-what!?" So I couldn't help but shout.

"Calm down, tell me did he say anything before or after what happened."

I thought back again this time properly. Did he say something important?

'Get your hands up!'


'ELISE!! What do you want!?'

'You out of the picture.'


That's it! He must've wanted dad dead but why? For money?

"So?... anything?"

"When he shot dad he said something about 'being out of the picture.'"

"I see... can you think of anyone that might do this?"

"None... they are both good people. I can't think of anyone that might want to do this to them."

Sure dad is the CEO and one of the founders of the company but he isn't the only one. The company is founded by my dad Byrone Foundre and his two best friends Uncle Charles Balwin and Uncle Pierre Mirko.

Both of them visited our house before, Uncle Charles is a big guy with muscles for days although he looks scary on the outside but on the inside he is a softie. He has the most ineffectual laugh I ever heard and he loves traveling so he is the one that does most of the business deals and partnerships.

Uncle Pierre is a tall guy and with a suit on he looks thin but under that, he is strong and solid as a rock. He has the creepiest smile I ever scene, he does the eye-smile thing with his mouth closed showing no teeth. He is a chill guy and he is the one that is managing the day-to-day affairs of the company.

Both of them are not in New York, I think Uncle Pierre is on vacation with his family, and Uncle Charles is on a business trip. Also, what would be their motive? They have been best friends since high school and they've been through a lot together from establishing the company and building it to what it is now.

As I was deep in thought the officer questioned me again,

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I really don't know."

"I see... contact me again if you have anything." then he wrote on a piece of paper his number and gave it to me.

Then he stood up and reached out his hand to me.

"I forgot to give you my name, It's George Stacy."

When I was about to take his hand I noticed that my hand is still covered in blood but he still took it and helped me stand up. He then said to me,

"Don't worry I'll help you find the culprit that did this and bring him to justice." He smiled full of determination at me, I can only nod and watch his back getting farther away silently.

I looked at both my hands, then at the door of the operating room, and went to the comfort room to wash them.

When I walked in I saw that it is empty so I headed to the sink to wash my hands. I looked at the mirror and saw myself with a bloody hand and t-shirt and messed up black hair, I look like shit...


While I was waiting outside the door dad's phone rang inside my pocket, I took it out and looked at who is calling and I saw that it was Uncle Charles so I answered,

"Where the fuck are you Ron? I've been waiting for like an hour outside your house because I want to surprise m-"

"U-uncle?" I interrupted him because I know that he should be in France right now.

"Oh Will, I guess it's not much of a surprise now dereshishishi." I couldn't help but smile hearing his laugh again.

[ A/N: When I was writing this chapter I was listening to AMV of one piece then I heard the laugh and I was like 'I should add that' so I did. ]

"Will...?" He spoke again when I didn't answer.

"Un-uncle... something bad happened." After that I told him everything that happened and where we are right now.

"... I see, I'm going there right now." Then he hung up the phone.

I waited for almost thirty minutes outside the door with every second feeling like an eternity until finally, the door opened, and out came the doctor. He then looked and said,

"The operation is successful but they are still unconscious, further check-up is required but you may now see the patients whe-"

When I heard those words I couldn't stop my tears from falling out and relief flooding my body I almost kneeled to the ground but I walked and opened the door to see my parents.

I'm trying to add a bit of mystery hahaha...

The keyword here is 'trying'

I'm doing this because I grew up watching Scooby Doo and I always like guessing on who is the real culprit.

30Degreecreators' thoughts