
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

30Degree · Cómic
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27 Chs

Chapter 14: Apology

"He who deserves the blame must blame himself."

"Apologizing does not always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego."

― Mark Matthews


Will Allan Foundre POV

July 31, 2005

The next day while I was in the hospital Uncle Pierre came to visit. This is the second time that he came here because after giving the news to Dad and wishing him for a fast recovery he never came back.

When Uncle Pierre opened the door I can hear Dad becoming angry again but not as intense as the last time. After coming in Uncle Pierre looked at me then said,

"Hey Will, why don't you go outside for now, me and your Dad are going to discuss some important matters." then he looked at Dad.

Dad looked back and it seems like they are having some sort of mental conversation, what are they telepaths?

"Go outside for now Will," Dad told me with a voice that wouldn't take no for an answer, so I just nodded and went out the hallway. It's not like a closed door will be able to block me from hearing their conversation.

"I managed to get the name of the one that shot you when I was negotiating the deal for leaving us alone, but he already escaped when he knew he failed his task. I hired some private investigators to find him and I already know where he is." Uncle Pierre said with a calm tone of voice but underneath it, I can hear his guilty and apologetic real voice.

He knows where that bastard is?

"Why are you telling me this?" I can hear his voice getting angrier while speaking.

"I wanted to ask you what do yo-"

"If that is all you want to say then you can leave."

"But I know where is the person that shot you that day and I want to ask you what to do with him."

"I Don't Fucking Care Who He IS!... do what you want with him, send him to the police I don't give a fuck!... Haaahhh... If that is all you want to say then you can get out and I'll see you when I'm better." Dad said with an angry voice but managed to restrain it at the end.

"Then tell me what do you want?! Do you want me to go against Kingpin and bring his fucking head to you?! Is that what you want!? Huh?"

"I don't give a damn on what happens to Kingpin! He can suck my dick and I wouldn't give a damn! I am already happy that my family is safe that is all I care about! I don't want you to go hunting the one that did this, all I fucking want from you is an apology! BE A FUCKING MAN AND OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES!" Dad said voice full of anger.

There was silence in the room, all I can hear is the sound of breathing then I heard a *thump*

"I apologize, I should have told you guys what is happening and we could have made a plan together instead I selfishly decided what is the best and put your family in danger. I wish I could turn back the time and warned you guys. If there is anything that I can do for you to make up for this I'll do it!" Uncle Pierre said sincerely

There was just silence, after less than five minutes Dad finally spoke,

"Then promise me that this would not happen again, because if it did we will not be brothers anymore..."

"I promise." Uncle Pierre said with a voice full of resolve.

"Then stand up you fool and apologize to Charles as well, he's been angry at you all this time and is waiting for you to come here on your own."

"Is that why I haven't seen him in the office? Where is he anyway?"

"He is with Thana buying some lunch because the food here is shit."

"Oh... I'm afraid that he'll punch me once he sees me... ahahaha. How are you feeling anyway?"

"First open the door and let Will come inside. And your right Charles will probably punch you so better man up hahaha."

Then Uncle Pierre opened the door for me and said, while we were walking inside.

"How are you, Will? What have you been up to lately?" He asked me while doing that creepy closed-eye smile.

"I'm fine, but what were you talking about?" I asked like a kid should.

"I was just telling your Da-"

Then the door opened again.

"We're back! We've bought som-" Then Uncle Charles stopped, dropped the plastic he is carrying on the floor and looked at Uncle Pierre, and shouted while running towards us with his fist held back.

"You bastaaardd...!" Then he punched Uncle Pierre right in the face.

"What the fuck were you thinking huh?! Doing something incredibly stupid as that! Come on say something!" Uncle Charles kept shouting while Uncle Pierre is on the ground.

"You knocked him out... hahahahaa." Dad laughed while looking at the scene.

"What the hell are you laughing about Ron?!"

"Please Mr. Balwin keep your voice down we are at a hospital and you almost wasted the food," Thana said while picking up the plastic bags on the floor.

"Damn you Charles! It has been a month since I've eaten anything than hospital food and now you almost wasted it!" Dad said while checking the food that Thana handed to him.

"Why the fuck are you caring more about the food this bastard is already here! Let's beat him up!"

"Uhmm... should we call a nurse?" I asked because none of them looked concerned about Uncle Pierre. I also want to know where is the culprit of the shooting because Dad may not care but I do.

"He looks alright to me."

"He'll be fine..."

"I shall call a nurse after we've eaten."

*Sighh* I'll just ask him after he wakes up.