
Reincarnated In High School DxD With Cheating Abilities

A man died after being killed by the woman he was playing with. His soul, which seemed like it would just return to nothing, meets a higher-dimensional being, a goddess or something, gains a Cheating Abilities and the body of a high ranked and pure blooded devil in the underworld. And so, he has been reincarnated into another world. He takes on the anti-hero character of Riser Phenex in the world of High School DxD. And without thinking about his previous life as a bad man, or try to make up for it, he continues on his path of evilness. -------------------------------------------------- Advanced chapters at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ab_nani

AB_NANI · Cómic
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5 Chs

The Pieces of a High-Class Devil King

After finishing breakfast, and feeling at ease, longed for the warmth of Grayfia.

"I sat in the center of the bed and embraced Grayfia from behind, placing her on my lap. With my outstretched left hand, I firmly grasped her ample chest over the maid outfit and kneaded it, while using my right hand to caress her lower abdomen with my fingers. As I did so, I brought my face closer to Grayfia's ear and spoke.

"How are our new maids doing? Have they been well-trained?"

"Yes... Every one of them is excellent, and it seems they don't require any further guidance from the education department."

"I see."

While gripping her big boobs with my fingers and playing with her nipples, I pinched the tips with my fingertips. As per my instructions, it seemed she wasn't wearing any underwear beneath the maid outfit. The fresh, crunchy feel of her nipples felt so good, and I kneaded them like crazy.

"Ahh, Fuck..."

She moaned with a hint of humiliation but that was all. Grayfia never genuinely resisted my actions. We have a contract between us.

Grayfia's eleven-year-old son, Millicas, was suffering from sleeping sickness a while ago. This sleep disease is a unique illness among Devils, causing sudden and unannounced comatose states. With treatment, it is possible to keep the person alive even in a bedridden state, but there is no cure for this incurable disease, and there is a high possibility of eventual death due to deterioration while still asleep.

Upon hearing about Grayfia's son falling ill, I made a proposition to her.

I requested her to serve as the mentor for the new maids of our Phoenix family, helping them become fully skilled. In return, I would give her a specially crafted Phoenix Tear that can even cure incurable diseases. Grayfia readily accepted this proposal without hesitation. I still vividly remember her bowing with her husband, Sirzechs, by the side of her son who had fallen into a slumber.

I happily provided the Phoenix Tear.

Holding the still-dazed Millicas tightly in their arms, the couple showed tearful smiles.

I watched over that scene from afar and smirked.

I have the ability to cause abnormal states in others and also the means to heal them. It is easy to turn someone into a complete puppet with this "Cheating Abilities" powers of mine, but that alone is not interesting. It is only natural to desire not only the body but also the heart of a woman you truly want. In my case, that woman was Grayfia Lucifuge.

After her son's illness was completely cured, Grayfia gladly came to me. From Grayfia's perspective, I might have appeared as a kind person who gave her the incredibly rare special tears of the Phoenix in order to hire a maid instructor. Or perhaps it was seen as a matter of adhering to the contract, so that Grayfia and the others wouldn't feel an excessive sense of gratitude towards me.

Either way, I shouldn't have been perceived as a bad Devil, back then.

Until I forced a physical relationship upon Grayfia.

She was such a delicious mommy.

"I pushed Grayfia down on the bed and engaged in days of impregnating sex. I left the care of the surroundings to the maids in my house and embraced Grayfia morning, noon, and night. I greedily kissed her lips, dominated her pussy with my cock, and continuously poured my semen into her womb.

"I used "Persuasion Ability" to ensure she wouldn't resist or attempt to escape, so I urged her not to do that, but it might have been unnecessary.

The position of being the person who saved her son was strong enough that even a strong-willed woman like Grayfia couldn't defy it.

"For the sake of the maids' training in night service, do your best, alright?"

The maids were skilled in their work, but they were still inexperienced in providing sexual services. So, I called upon Grayfia as an instructor to teach them the ways of fucking. Grayfia weakly protested, saying she hadn't agreed to such a thing, but I didn't recall ever lying. Night service was also an important duty for maids, after all.

In the end, I barely used "My Mind Control powers, ability of persuasion" on Grayfia and held her while keeping her sanity intact. I recorded the scenes as visual records under the pretext of showing them to the maids, thoroughly loved her from head to toe, and imprinted the history of her being touched by me.

"From now on, take care of me." Said Grayfia.

Yesterday, I filmed the scene of Grayfia, exhausted from enduring long-lasting sex, restrained in a rear-entry position, with semen being injected into her vagina. And today, I had her perform morning blowjob as a service.

"Well, from my point of view, you're still not fully experienced. So, I'll be counting on you as an instructor to the others."

Implicitly conveying that I had no intention of letting her resign as an instructor, I licked Grayfia's neck.

"Why don't you do this to your own subordinates, Riser-sama?"

"Are you asking me that now?"

Grayfia, trying to maintain her lack of emotion, brought up the topic of becoming my follower, causing me to contemplate.

As a Devil born into an upper-class clan and given a noble rank after reaching adulthood, I was bestowed with the Devil King Piece, which is referred to as a Devil's Pawn. This piece, resembling the game of chess, which is a form of entertainment in the human world, doesn't include a piece representing oneself,

The "King ♚."

However, it consists of other pieces, namely:

One "Queen ♛,"

Two "Bishops ♝,"

Two "Rooks ♜,"

Two "Knights ♞,"

And Eight "Pawns ♟."

By using these pieces on someone I wanted to make my servant, I could grant them the characteristics and power of each piece. Depending on the qualities of the servant, it could require consuming multiple pieces, so the number of individuals could vary, but I could create up to fifteen servants at maximum.

Riser Phenex had used all fifteen pieces and had fifteen retainers in his possession. Ravel was one of his relatives, but she was also one of his retainers. Despite being exasperated by Riser's proposal seeking a sister-type, she had accepted and become one of my retainers.

Before I awakened as Riser Phenex,

Riser and his followers were on good terms, but now we rarely interacted beyond occasional advances. My followers are all beauties like Grayfia. But if I were to engage with them, it would only happen after I had successfully conquered Grayfia.

"Right now, I want to cherish the time with you more than any of my followers."

I touched her breasts and lifting them up from below, I felt the milk and squinted at the softness. Her clear profile was a sight to behold, and I pressed the bulge of my crotch against Grayfia's ass.


Grayfia flinched slightly, perhaps remembering being used by my cock.

Relentlessly ravaging her inner depths, I directed my desires towards Grayfia, a sinister mass of flesh that could endure countless ejaculations without losing its vigor. Despite enduring such torment that would have long broken an ordinary person, Grayfia remained composed and showed only this level of reaction.

She's a strong woman. Indeed, I desire her even more.

"I'll rely on you again today. Repay me for saving your son, won't you?"

Grayfia didn't say anything. She closed her eyelids as if giving up and nodded slightly.

I laid Grayfia down on the bed and moved on to some serious foreplay. I asked Grayfia to lift up her skirt and brought my face close to the center of her thighs, which were wide open on either side of her. Because she wasn't wearing a bra or underwear at my request, her beautiful pussy was completely exposed.

A clean and beautiful genital area that you wouldn't think had given birth to a child. When I hooked my finger on the slit of her vulva and spread it apart, a pink garden appeared. There was a small vaginal opening that boasted a beauty that didn't seem like that of a mother.

It looks so delicious to eat fuck for the rest of your life. Riser gathered saliva in his mouth and brought his lips to her vaginal opening.


"While listening to Grayfia's moans, I licked her entire genital area with my tongue, as if familiarizing it. I made several back and forth motions, layering saliva on the already wet spot, and finally inserted my tongue into her vaginal opening.

Although it had been thoroughly washed away by thorough bathing, her vagina should have remembered the taste of my semen from the endurance sex until yesterday. I pushed my tongue into the gradually tainted vaginal opening and let saliva flow while rubbing against the soft flesh.

With Squelch, squelch The sound of water began to resonate. Most of it was due to my saliva and tongue entering her pussy, but there was also a wet sound mixed with the slightly leaking love juices. I pushed aside the saliva and caught the love juices that overflowed with my mouth, swallowing them.

"Thank you for the feast."

Grayfia was absent-minded. She didn't respond or say anything. Perhaps she wanted this time to end quickly. Feeling exasperated by Grayfia's unresponsive attitude, I straightened my body and brought my waist closer to the space between her thighs.

There's no need to ask if I should enter. With the movements I had become accustomed to over the past few days, I grabbed Grayfia's thighs and moved my waist forward, aiming the tip of my cock at her vaginal opening. Sensing the finest bait, my flesh trembled with excitement and swelled as it entered her vaginal opening.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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