
Reincarnated in Fate/kaleid as Shirou Emiya

A lonely soul not remembering much of his life. Did he live too long? Did something happen to cause the lack of his memories? He doesn't know nor does he care anymore. The only thing left that he is sure of is that he must finish what he started, willingly or otherwise. He doesn't remember why he started or even when but that's the only constant thing in his 'life' if you even call it that. There was however one memory that stuck with him. A promise that he made to some girl. That promise made him keep going. He after all promised to 'do his best'. It however ended with a loud *BEEP* and the lights coming from the truck. (Cover does not belong to me.)

kurit_kun · Cómic
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27 Chs

New home

(Shirou's pov)

Since I don't know what direction should I go I'll go where my intuition leads me and hopefully I'll reach my destination today. Otherwise, I'll worry my... family.

Strangely enough, I could already walk normally even though I shouldn't be able to in any way. Is this the power of Avalon? In that case, why didn't it work before?

I checked my head as well and there wasn't any wound left so I disposed of the bandages that were around my forehead. I left the one around my foot just in case. I'll check it later in my room.


Right, 'my' room. It's hard to think of it as my new life and in the same way to think about them as my family but I guess I'll need to get used to it. Luckily or not I don't remember my previous family, if I had any to begin with so it could be either easier or harder for me to accept this new life. Only time will tell. Now however I'll focus on finding my way home.


I can't find my home but I feel like I'm getting closer. I'm walking around places that look similar to what I've seen in anime and manga. The problem is that all residential look the same so it took some time.

On another note, I discovered that trucks cause me to go into fight or flight mode. I think I feel it's something similar to fear but not exactly. It's like I'm ready to lose my life which shouldn't be surprising since the last time I saw a truck was when I died.

"Onii-chan? Onii-chan! What are you doing here!?"

I heard the voice of a young girl behind me and as soon as I turned to see who it was I felt someone hugging my leg.

Looking down I saw a silver-haired girl with red eyes that didn't look older than 8. She also had tears in the corner of her eyes showing that she was crying moments ago.

Of course, I instantly recognised her. It was Illyasviel von Einzbern also known as Illya and 'my' sister.

I couldn't resist patting her head seeing her so worried. My heart almost melted.

"What happened Illya? Why are you crying?"

I went on one knee to gently wipe her tears away.

"O-onii-chan didn't come back for a long time so everyone went looking for you! I lost Sella-onee-chan and Liz-onee-chan. Mama and Papa are also looking for you!"

I see... I took too long to find my way home so they started looking for me.

"Sorry for worrying Illya. I wanted to take a walk around the town and I lost the track of time. Let's go back after finding our parents, Leysritt and Sella."

Hearing me Illya's mood did a complete 180 and smiled as if there weren't any other problems in her life.

It melted away all my worries at that moment so I smiled.

"Ah! Onii-chan smiled!"

"How can I not with such a cute little sister." I pinched her cheek and Illya pouted as soon as I let her go.

"Onii-chan, I'm not a child anymore! I'm 8 now! I'm almost an adult!"

"Sure you are."

I picked her up so I could carry her on my shoulders.

"Wow, I'm so high." Illya looked around in wonder. I wonder if 'I' ever carried her like that before.

"Now let's go find others and tell them that I'm fine."

"Yes! Onwards!" She pointed in a random direction but since I don't know which way is the right way I'll humour her. I think it's a pattern at this point. I mean, me not knowing the way.


Shortly after Illya and I found the rest and I got an earful for worrying everyone from Sella. Irisviel just hugged me while pulling my head between her breasts while saying how worried she was and that I should never do anything like that again. Leysritt and Kiritsugu were silent the whole time.

We returned or rather I arrived at my new home and I planned to go to my new room which wouldn't be too hard to find if I visited every room in this house. I'm at least sure it's on the 2nd floor.

Today Sella was cooking for everyone which was delicious. I wonder if I can cook. Is it similar to muscle memory and I would be able to do it by instinct or would I need to re-learn this skill? I will need to find that out when no one is around.

As I was ready to find my room I was stopped by Kiritsugu. Right now there were only two of us in the room.

"Shirou... is everything alright?"

Not going to lie, I didn't expect him to talk to me today. Not to mention asking me about my mood. It's not like I think of him as this cold-blooded killer I just found it strange as if I wasn't used to it. Is it 'Shirou's' or my thoughts, I don't know.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just like I said before I was in the mood to walk around without any goal and think about some stuff that was on my mind. Sorry for worrying you."

"No, No, it's alright. You are at the age where you want to have some time alone. You just never did something like that so I guessed something must have happened but if not that's alright. I just want you to know that if you have any problems I'm always here to listen."

He scratched his cheek awkwardly. "Although I'm not home that often I hope that you know that. Also no matter what you decide to do I'll support you and I'm sure that I will be proud of you. I feel like I'm not telling you that enough even though as a parent I should..."


I don't know why but these words hit me harder than I could have imagined for some reason. Because of that I just froze in place not being able to say anything.

"Shirou? What happened!?"

What did he mean? I may have frozen in place because of something but I'm sure I retained my poker face. To be sure of that I touched my face.

It was wet for some reason. I checked the other side and it was the same.

For some reason, tears started coming out. I hurriedly wiped them and reassured Kiritsugu that I'm alright.

But it was strange. My reaction I mean. It was completely unnaturally... or was it? I would need to remember my past for that. No matter how bad it could be.


I left to find my room and of course, it was the last one I checked but at last a bed. Before jumping on it, however, I looked around my new room.

There was nothing unusual except for a letter on my desk.

I picked it up to examine it but on the envelope, there was nothing written on it except 'To; Shirou'.



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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

kurit_kuncreators' thoughts