
Reincarnated in Astral Pet Store As Su Ping

a story about a guy who reincarnated in astral pet store as Su ping note: mc is a member of the culture sect and watched a lot of anime, manga, novels, games, etc. And totally want a harem. P.s :- this is a fanfic and astral pet store belong to it's original writer

95_novel_maniac_95 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

In the forest, after finding a suitable hiding place the foreign visitors, huddled together sitting on the ground and looking at the person in front of them.

"Now that we are safe for the time being, I will explain everything one by one, any questions you have will come after the explanation is over." Said Su Ping as he looked at three girls sitting in front of him.

"Let's begin, first, what is this place?"

"In most simple words, we are in the Secret Realm, the same one that appears on the blue planet through space cracks."

"Second, how did we get here?" 

"I brought you here through special means"

"Third, why did I bring you here?"

"Duh, for training"

"Fourth, Won't it be dangerous?"

"Yes, it will be, extremely so but don't worry no matter how many times you guys die I can bring you all back to your peak condition."

"Fifth, What? , what the fuck are you talking about?

"Well, it is as I said, you guys will be revived no matter how many times you die because you guys are not here in a complete sense, rather think of this place as a virtual secret realm where your consciousness is being projected so no matter how many times you die you can be revived.

However, keep in mind that no matter what you do here, gain here, learn here, feel here, everything is as real as it gets. For example, if you pick up a plant here it's possible to take it back with you, if you gain a Rank here then even when we leave the change in your rank will remain the same."

"Is this guy cracked in the head"

"Me and my sister are here, what do you think?"

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous, it has to be a lie."

"I know and no it's not a lie."

 "Am I a god? Legend?"

"No, I am as much of human as it comes, and I am not at legend yet but I am close"

"How did I do it?"

"Not answering, I have already shown my trust by bringing you here, even if with a little restriction, if you want more then prove yourselves worth the trust I placed."

"How would you do that?, simple, stand by my side and I will tell you when I feel like it"

"I am being arrogant?"

"Maybe I am, sue me"

"Now, fire your question," said Su Ping as he stood in front of girls with arms crossed and a smug expression on his face but all he got from them was a deadpanned stare.

The group of girls, their pets, and especially Su Yanying and Lan Lele didn't know what to say at that moment, from all the unbelievable facts they should have had a lot of things to say but after seeing Su Ping imitating their reaction exaggeratedly whenever he proposed a question and answer those question with another over the top expression turned this whole serious situation into something akin to a comedic skit for them, but they aren't able to laugh because of the truthfulness of the things revealed, so all they could do is stare blankly at Su Ping whose smug expression did nothing but irritate them more.


"You done bragging brother? If you are then wipe that smug look and tell me how are we going to train, I am waiting since yesterday" came a voice from Su Lingyue who just wanted to get this over with. Even though she knew he had changed a lot, his smug smirk and bragging habit were still the same.

 "Of course, my dear little sis, should I continue?" asked Su Ping as he looked at the other two girls.

Digesting everything, Lan Lele proceeded to hold Su Yanying's hands to give her a mental reassurance, that Su Yanying wasn't alone and She would always be by her side, which Su Yanying needed quite a bit. Up until now, she was just a normal child from a normal household even if a bit talented, her whole world still revolved around her academy and her home. For her, a titled pet warrior was the ceiling and Legend rank a myth. But now getting her worldview broken, again and again, has left her unable to maintain her sense of reality, leaving her mentally vulnerable and at this moment feeling her friend's support eased the suffocation she was feeling and it also allowed her to feel the tremble in her friend's hand which made her realize that her friend despite showing a tough exterior was just as venerable as her, maybe even more as Lan Lele had always relied on money to secure her safety but after coming out of this well she is facing a situation where money will hold a little meaning and the false sense of safety she was used to, have crumbled.

Taking a deep breath Su Yanying affirmed her resolve and nodded to Su Ping, since Lele has resolved to be by her side then she would also do everything to stand by her friend's side no matter what may come.

"Since there are no inquiries, I will continue with the training plan. The first thing to know is the type of strength an individual can hone"

"Physical strength, mental strength, Soul strength and energy"

"Now there two ways to train and use them, raw which is easier and simpler, or using different techniques and skills which are complicated but efficient"

"Then here comes the question what are skills?"

"To understand this, let's take an example of a book with the Fire element as a subject which will correspond to the fire aspect of our world, on the first page of the book there are multiple words written all of which have their own meaning, these words will correspond to skills of fire family, once you understand these words you can use energy i.e. Astral power to interact with the reality of our world and bring out their meaning (effect of the skill) in existence and this is the level of ordinary Rank 1 to Rank 9 warriors, there is nothing special about this level but it does give a 100-500 years of lifespan"

"An example of words- Is skill dragon's flame breath, in this case, flame breath is the word, and its effect is the manifestation of its meaning, one needs to understand the meaning of the word or in this case understand how the skill works to use it, there is no other limit."

"Now when you make a sentence using different words it will correspond to a rule, meaning when you learned or understood that sentence in its entirety you can use any words that made that sentence, in this case, any skills that are contained in that rule, this is level of ordinary legend rank."

"This level can be divided into Ocean, Void, and Fate ranks each giving a 1000,10000, 100k lifespan."

"Understanding the whole sentence means, that you can use those words separately in their base form or combine one or more words to form new words (new skills) according to your needs, for ex- corrosive flame breath of corrosive jade dragon a popular legend rank pet, this is the benefit of knowing a complete rule, it allows the individual to adapt to situation easier and in a better manner"

"This is also one of the reasons aside from raw power that ordinary Rank 9 warriors can't win against an ordinary Legend"

"This gap only increases when we consider the whole page, a page contains a lot of sentences and once you read them they would give you insight on a whole different level regarding the subject, this page is known as a Law Path."

"Once you understand a Law Path, then instead of some predetermined effect that comes upon using skills, it allows one to manipulate the reality around them to bring out any effect they want that comes under that Law Path, the only way to defeat someone who knows a Law Path is to overwhelm their understanding of their Law Path or shatter/overwrite the effect of their Law Path with your own or raw power and the only way to defend against such means is also the same, the higher your understanding, the higher your raw power the less the effect of others on you."

"For example: A person who understands fire law won't be affected by any fire-type skill used by someone who doesn't know the fire law rather the person who knows the law would be able to subvert the control of the one who doesn't, making the skill a part of his own strength."

"This is the star level, and at this point, one can destroy a city with a wave of their hands, this level provides millions of years lifespan and people at this level can rule over planets."



"The next thing one needs to do to progress is to understand the whole chapter of the book, just like in studies, once you understand a complete chapter it would mean that you have a complete understanding of the Law Path that the chapter corresponds to"

"There are two levels to it, taking fire law as an example

1: Completely knowing the fire law- you know everything that was given in the chapter.

2: Perfecting the Law path given in the chapter- you understand everything that was given in the chapter and can apply it perfectly. 

An easier way is to consider it like a math formula, one Is knowing the formula while the other is understanding everything about it and being able to apply it whenever you need."


"This level is the territory of ordinary Star Lords, it is also a level where you can consider an individual a Demigod, at this level, an individual can open a small world in their body, this small world uses the laws one understands at Star level as its foundation which means this small world is governed by the laws one understand in Star state as it's core and same for the laws you get to know in Star-Lord state and so on , it also allows the Star Lords to use the power of faith, it's a power different from astral power and is produce by the beliefs others have in the Star Lords in question. The fait power is used to enhance the effect of your Laws, a kind of reinforcement making it almost invulnerable to anything level below it. Aside from a long lifespan, a Star-Lord can rule over a solar system"

 "Now you understand the chapter, then what you do next is to understand the other chapters, they can be from the same subjects or a different one. The point is to understand multiple chapters and combine all the knowledge to form a new bigger chapter according to your requirements.

In terms of cultivation, it means to combine multiple perfect law paths differently so that they produce a whole new effect. This combined structure is called a Dao Pattern."

"A Dao Pattern can also be considered a specialized Law, hm.. let's take an example- Trick Room Pattern- using this Pattern would create a territory around the user in which anyone other than the user would move more slowly the more they try to move fast. Now this pattern is made of multiple laws such as Speed laws, Space laws, Time Laws, etc. It's possible to have the same effect by using these laws individually or using multiple Laws simultaneously but in that case, the effect would be far weaker and easier to break free from. However by forming a complete structure of the pattern will provide a cohesion and stability to the effect making it much more pronounced and effective."

"You can consider Dao pattern as advanced level skills which use a combination of perfect paths and just like normal skills, they are much easier and quicker to deploy in comparison to using different laws to get the same effect."

"Understanding Dao Patterns is a major hurdle that one needs to pass to progress to Ascension State. After reaching Peak Star-Lord, one needs to form a personal Dao pattern also known as Divine Mark, and assimilate their small world with it to turn it into to a large world leading to the Star Lord's ascension. At this stage, you can be basically be called a deity or a minor god, at this stage one can create life although with difficulty. At this stage, one can rule over a galaxy"

"After understanding multiple chapters, it is time to understand a complete subject, as I said in the beginning, if the subject is fire, then understanding it completely means anything related to fire would come under your control, in cultivation terms it is called a Dao Glyph, in this case, it would be Fire Dao Glyph."

"Dao glyphs are also the foundation of the universe and everything is made with their combination, there are a total of 3000 Dao Glyphs in the universe, and by themselves, they are called 3000 Major Dao, these 3000 major Dao encompass everything"

"The next stage in cultivation is Celestial State and Dao Glyphs are their territory, after reaching a peak of Ascension State you would need to turn your large world into a small universe using your Divine mark as its foundation, reaching this state will also allow you to rule over a Star zone(a major part of the universe)"

"At this point, one understands a part of the foundation of the universe, so the next step is to use these foundations to create a branch, this branch is called a Dao and one thing you need to know is no matter what kind of Dao it is, be it one of the Major 3000 or one derived from them all of them are undying and eternal, they cannot be destroyed or erased, they simply reform, a simpler example for Dao"

"The Dao Heart State cultivators are the ones who mainly dabble with Dao, reaching this state is also the most important point of a cultivator's life. To rise from Celestial to Dao Heart, you have to find the core of your cultivation, in simpler words your reason to cultivate, and only by finding it can you continue your path. Finding an arbitrary reason won't work, you have to believe it with your very being, once you reach this you can fight for the ruler's throne of our universe"

"Why is Dao Heart State so important?"

"Once you find your Dao heart, it will get integrated into your universe and your universe will become alive gaining its own consciousness with your dao heart as its core."

"Your Dao Heart will provide you with the most unique feature of your cultivation path, it is something that makes you, you and it will also be your most potent ability"

"After reaching the Dao Heart State what you do is integrate your most prominent Dao in your Universe, it will devour all the other Dao and become the sole Dao that governs your universe alongside your Dao Heart, becoming one with it making your universe undying, It is also the state where you can travel outside of our universe"

"This is the Undying state and the cultivator in this state cannot die naturally, the only way to kill them is to overwrite and consume their Dao or universe and destroy the Dao Heart which in essence simply means deconstruction of their Dao to the most basic 3000 Dao, assimilating it back in them."

"This doesn't mean that Dao is erased, it's still present in the 3000 Major Dao, but your own and your universe consciousness will remain dormant for eternity."

"Be it physical strength, mental strength, soul strength or energy, everything can be trained using laws"

"This is our shop's moto so always remember it: Everything is a Pet, Everything can be trained"

"There may be higher levels but I don't know about them, if you have any questions now then fire them up"

A/n: sorry guys this was way too long a delay.

I won't make any excuses, after uploading the chapter, I missed one day, then it was like I will do it tomorrow then tomorrow then tomorrow, today I finally broke the lazy cycle.

I am hoping I will be able to continue updating daily, wish me luck.