
Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Feng slowly backed up to the door, “W—what’s up with you both?” Two tall blond men stalked closer and caged her in the corner, “Aiden, Ethan, you both are too—too close,” A warm palm suddenly gripped her waist and she was dragged onto Ethan’s warm body. “E—Ethan, let go,” she whispered peering into his unwavering green eyes. “I won’t and I never will let go,” he whispered close to her ear, “Feng, my dear Feng you have become so naughty, charming that bastard,” he groaned and nipped her ear. “W—what the hell do you mean!! He is just a friend,” Feng shouted pushing his head away. All of a sudden another pair of hands hugged her from behind, “Really? Then prove it to me,” “Aiden!! Not you too. How the hell can I prove something like that,” Feng shouted glancing back into his shimmering blue eyes. “Simple. Kiss me,” Aiden whispered with a blush. “Yes, kiss the both of us to prove your innocence,” Ethan chimed in with a naughty smirk. Feeling the situation grow dire Feng bit her lips. “BUT I’M YOUR SISTER*” (P.s- they are not siblings or step siblings, she just refers to herself as sister because she is slightly older than them.) (P.P.S- I dont own the cover art. Credit goes to Jyundee  

Lullabybao · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
237 Chs

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

A dark furred animal was hiding up in the trs Feng could spot it but she sieletnly ached it with vigilance. It was a chatah like beast called the garin. They hunt in tehmormning and they rerlaly relly lovehuamn flersh. Sad;y their lflesh don't traste that good.

Feng had hroatd and tate one pof tehm but the tastet as so nauatisating that she puked s badly the next day.

Her hunting instentwnet away instanly.\opeeirng up ta th beats she pouted 'if only you were a Musk dear.'

The mush dear like craetuesd were call fawn, they were goiagnatoic standing up to seven feet when they are fully grown. They tarve in akcs and when they run into husmans they love top tramebple in them. Feng had ran into such a group in her fist eyar of her stay here.

Fat fisrs she had fpancied buyt hwit hher tiem frze ability she was abel to eescape with ease.

Not only are thyee easy to hunt buyt they are fucking tasty!

Feng enjoyed musk dear meat the mos.