
Reincarnated In A Mashup Anime World With A Power Randomizer System.

An ancient soul travels beyond the unexplored void, hoping to find its place in the universe. Having the highest karma is not easy for the soul. Sadly, for it, the vast majority of gods and goddesses would go to war just to have a piece of him. By the time the soul realizes it, not only was it reincarnated as a human young adult by a mysterious higher being of the void, but his new world, unlike any other he had ever seen, was a crazy mash-up of the Anime and Manga he had watched and read in his last life. But that’s not all, for he also possessed a system gifted to him by the void itself. The Randomizer System. A system that provides “random” powers periodically. “I wouldn’t trade this for godhood even if I got wasted.” [ New Power Obtained!] [ Toxin Immunity Acquired] “Well, never mind.” And so, Adam’s story begins.

Azarothh · Cómic
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33 Chs

Hanging Out With Anime Girls? Count me in! Part-2

"Uhm, are you guys just going to keep staring? Say something…" 

A few minutes after entering the café and introducing himself, Adam sat by the adjacent table to where the big group was. 

He was currently sitting in between Momo and Fubuki. 

The latter had left a chair empty next to her on porpuse. 

Yet, to the point where he sat, even after having introduced himself, not a single person said a word. 

Since the whole place was empty, thanks to Fubuki who rented the cafe as soon as she arrived, the silence was painful.


Even the Psychic herself was speechless. 


"Hey man, nice to see you arrived!"


In the most anticlimactic way possible, Louis joined the group after his little misunderstanding in the bathroom. 




Adam turned to look at his friend, it had been a while since he last met him. 


"Did you guys get to introduce yourselves?" 


Louis asked the group but received no answer. 


They were just staring at Adam cautiously. 


'I messed up, didn't I?'


He wanted to have a great entrance but ended up scaring everyone instead.


'It was cooler in my head…'


As he repented over his actions silently (not really), someone mustered up the courage to speak up. 


"What's your rank?" 


Adam raised his head to look around. 



'Oh, now that I look closely, every single one of them is a 'character'…" 


Instead of pondering on this for too long, he directed his attention to the questioner. 


"I was given an F-ranked evaluation, just like everyone else when they first apply as hunters." 


His answer just made the young man even more wary. 


"The average rank among all of us is C, yet we are still recovering from being exposed to your 'Killing Intent'. Not only is it impossible for a newbie to have killing intent in the first place, but to have one as imposing as yours, you must be a seasoned hunter."


'No shit, Mr. Obvious.' 


"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to, but that was not the presence of a rookie." 


Adam smiled amusingly at Shikamaru after he ended his speech. 


"You looked like the quiet type, didn't expect you to be such a talker." 




"Umu~, that's more like it."


Shikamaru remained silent, but he kept staring at Adam, hoping for a serious answer. 

Not just him, but everyone in the room was expectant in their way. 


"*Sigh* You all are just overthinking too much." 


In the next second, the same killing intent from earlier returned. 


After that second ended, it was gone. 


"It's one of my two supernatural powers. I call it 'Fear', it allows me to cause fear in anyone for a short amount of time." 

They all opened their eyes wide. 

"I heard you talking about me being a 'civilian' and felt like playing a little prank, that's all." 


A big, collective sigh escaped from everyone. 

"You got me good, dude!" 

The pink-haired guy said with a grin. 

"I thought you were some new high-ranked Variant or something. Hahahaha!"

Surprisingly so, Natsu's reasoning was right.

High-ranked hunters were famous. 

If you were an S-Ranked or Higher even the most distracted person on the planet would know you. 

So, how would you react when someone who can overpower an entire group composed of D to B-ranked hunters, by simply releasing their killing intent, arrives out of nowhere? 

 Suspicious right? 

RED was already publicly known as the fastest to reach the S-Rank a few days ago. 

His persona was the hottest topic lately. 

But, to the world, Adam and RED were two different individuals. 

To the group of young hunters, it made more sense for Adam to be a High Ranked Variant looking for trouble, than a rookie hunter with a supernatural power that instills fear in his opponents.

An ability that is hard to come by. 

'As soon as I'm done with these Variant groups, I'm revealing my identity. This is no fun.'

 He was planning to lie from the beginning to prevent them from figuring out his rank, but he didn't expect to be identified as a 'variant'. 

Fame had its downsides, but having to hide your power to prevent others from thinking of you as a variant was not one of them. 

In the meantime, Louis returned to his chair, getting over the fact that he was ignored surprisingly well.

 He already knew of Adam's awakening since the latter had told him. But as far as he knew, his spatial jump ability was the only power he possessed. 

This new power he mentioned came as a surprise to the medical student.

"Anyways, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that my little prank would bring out such a reaction from all of you. Mind if we introduce ourselves~?" 

If he was trying to sound apologetic, he failed miserably, but no one seemed to care. Most of them had figured out that he was a playful character by now. 

Seeing as the tension had decreased, he was the first to introduce himself. He had already done so a few minutes ago but they were too scared to hear him at that point. 


"My name is Adam Zenith, though you might've heard this from Louis already. I am 21 years old and an F-Rank part-time hunter. It is nice to meet you." 

From there everyone made their introductions and before long, the food they ordered started to arrive. 


"You haven't called me since that day. Were you evading me?" 

As everyone began to chitchat, Fubuki decided it was the best time to strike up a conversation with Adam. 

"I've been busy since this whole awakening thing, Fubuki. Why would I evade you?" 

When their eyes met Fubuki's attitude did a 180-degree turn, and the smile on Adam's lips only added fuel to the fire. 

It went over her head before, but now that she looked closely, she was at a loss for words. 

The air around Adam was different. 

His shy, almost innocent personality when talking to her was long gone. 

The look in his emerald eyes made Fubuki feel like prey about to be devoured by an apex predator. 

She could feel the amusement he was receiving from her reactions to his 'change'.

'T-this is the first time that he doesn't look away when I talk to him.'

While the Adam she knew was a cute under-classmate she loved to tease, the one she was currently facing was a playboy.

A man who knows how to deal with whatever you throw his way. 

"I s-see…" 

Adam smiled warmly at Fubuki. 

He enjoyed seeing her act all flustered, a sight that was new to him. 

"Were you lonely?" 

Time seemed to freeze when she heard those words. 

Yet, her body was anything but cold. 

The moment Adam's arm was placed around her right shoulder she instantly felt suffocated by desire. 

The sultry sound of his whispering voice next to her ear as he asked a single question made her go crazy. 

'W-what the hell is going on?'

Momo at the side, looked at the two with a blush. 

She had heard from Fubuki that Adam was a kind and gentle man, but in her eyes, he looked no better than a first-class player who had everything going for him when it came to seduction. 

"W-why would I-I be lo-lonely?" 

She whispered back, their intimacy uninterrupted as they were sitting at a different table from the rest, who were immersed in their conversations. 

"Didn't miss me then? That hurts. I've been looking forward to seeing you since that day. It felt as though you were about to tell me something important before I had to leave the party to drop off Louis's drunk ass." 

"I-It wasn't that important anyways." 

Adam's smile kept getting wider. 

"Oh~ Is that so?" 

His face was so close to hers; she could feel the air coming out of his mouth and brushing past her ears. 

Her heart was beating so fast it was painful. 

The heat emanating from within her body aroused hidden desires she didn't know she had. 

"Welp, that's a shame." 

And just like that, Adam removed his arm from around her shoulders and stood up from his seat. 

On his way out, he turned to Momo and sent her a wink, which only contributed to affecting the intensity of her blush even more. 

'Did… did he just tease me…?'

Like this, the teaser known as 'Fubuki' got a taste of her own medicine for the first time. 


'Hehe, that was fun~.' 

On his way to the other table, Adam spotted a silent girl on the far right backing the wall, slightly isolated from the group. 

"Hey there." 

The quiet girl almost jumped out of her seat from the sudden shock. 


"Oh! Hey Adam."


Her murmur-like voice was music to Adam's ears. 


'Hinata in the flesh. I wonder if Naruto bagged her already…' 


Since this was a different world altogether, there was no definite way of knowing. 


As far as he had seen, the characters he had met so far were not 100% equal to their anime counterparts. 


Irine was one example. 


The differing life experiences between the people he knew, and their Anime versions played a major role in their personalities. 


He was feeling flirtier lately, more so when Rumi gave him the green light to make a Harem. 

She was competitive by nature and would've been against it if it was the old Adam making the Harem. 

Yet, when she was overpowered by him in every sense of the word, especially in bed, she had nothing to complain about. 

This was a society where the strong ruled. 

He may have been adamant at first, but who was he trying to deceive?

His love for Rumi would not diminish by going after more women. 

'She said she must marry me before anyone else though. Even as a 'Harem' member, she doesn't want to lose. That is… very Rumi-like.'


A new thought arose in his head when he remembered all of this. All while looking at Hinata appreciatively. 

'Should I give it a try?' 

Fubuki was a closed case already, and while it would be smarter to spend time with her rather than talking to someone he didn't know, Adam thought differently. 

In his humble opinion, the more he teased and played with Fubuki the more the latter would try to get his attention. She was a wannabe yandere in the making. An obsessive girl who would go as far as to stalk him. 

It may seem insane to even consider a relationship with someone like that, but to Adam, there were no downsides to this.

'Variety in a Harem is key.' 

He wasn't too sane himself in the first place.








Final chap for today… I'll see if I can upload more soon…

Maybe, maybe not…