
Reincarnated in a chaotic world as a dragon

A man named Iriuyu, is a young adult who leads the mafia society of the family, named after the death of his father he faces various threats from his family. But one day victim of an ambush he was killed and then reincarnated in another world

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Chapter 1 : The beginning of a new adventure

In a country of Japan, more precisely in Tokyo in a rich district called Kurugu. Live a family at noble approach and distinguish. Said to be the richest family in the country, they are respected and adored by all.

Led by a certain, Iriuyu a young senior adult of the family. A man with brown eyes, long dark black hair and a dragon tattoo on his back and left arm. It is also called The Purple Dragon what a coincidence. A successful businessman, he runs a company that makes a fortune in the communication and armory sector.

His father died 1 year ago, and he was elected by the family councillors. Being like the worthy successor of his father. But one phenomenon worries them. Lately, their cargo is just stolen and their guys slaughtered. Faced with this scourge today the family organizes a general meeting.

Iriuyu is already in the meeting room, still punctual. He is then joined by his mother

- Ho, Mom, are you going to attend the meeting too ? Ask Iriuyu

- Of course my son, I'm here for that. Answer The mother

- Mom, after what you're going through today it's not a good idea to take part in the meeting. Says Iriuyu

- What for? Because your father died 1 years ago and so I can not really be useful because I would be tormented ?. Ask Thé mother

- You see what I was saying?, you're not well you haven't grieved yet so rest and don't participate in this meeting. Says Iriuyu

- Have you ever mourned your father? Or did you just dont give a shit ? Ask The mother

Iriuyu remains silent and does not say a single word. He looks his mother in the eye, all saying nothing at all.

- A murderer's look. The purple dragon huh?, look you have really become a heartless being, you only live to succeed. Says Thé mother screaming

- Mom, I'm not going to argue with you yet about whether you're going to rest. replied Iriuyu

Suddenly, he jumps on his mother and injects her with a sting that puts him to sleep on the spot. He then called, the nurses of the mansion to tell them to take care of his mother, Iriuyu sits down, and begins to read his book. After 20 minutes the most important members of the organization arrive and enter the room.

- Hello Mr. Iriuyu sorry for the delay we had an unexpected. Says Azaru

- An unexpected event more important than our organization? Is that what you mean Azaru ? Ask Iriuyu.

- I made a transaction to my personal account Mr. Iriuyu. Nothing else answer Azaru

- Based on my organization's analysis. We have detected a major diversion, one of you betrayed us quietly I would like to know today which one. Ask Iriuyu

- In any case, there is no possibility that his is me. I have been loyal to your family for over 32 years. Says Gagamaru

- Let's be realistic, you are mafiosi all like me with only one difference, this organization that you are through is for my family and me too and a man who respects himself and maintains his business properly. But for your case, a mafioso is ready to betray his master if we make him a much bigger offer look me in the eye and tell me that it is goddam false. Says Iriuyu

- Mr. Iriuyu, we are dedicated to you. You are our master and the biggest mafioso that this country is ever known there really is zero competition I assure you. Replied Haruku

- How do you know there is zero competition? To say this you have surely seen the opposing side. Says Iriuyu

- It is logical, my doubts towards you are only fanned Mr. Haruku. Says Azaru

- Accused his ally is also a diversionary technique to divert attention Mr. Azaru. Replied Iriuyu.

- But no, uh.... not possible I would never do that. Says Azaru

- Stay calm is silent is also really suspicious Mr. Zuko. Says Iriuyu.

- I'm not saying anything because I've really done nothing except worked like a hard worker for this organization. Replied Zuko

Iriuyu installs discord among his servants. He continues to observe their argument, threats and insults without saying anything and intervening. He continues to read, all listening carefully to the reproaches of these guys. When he finishes his book, he slams it against the table and everyone is silent.

- Sir, today you have proved to me that among there are not only treaties but also incapable. I just can't count on you anymore. Says Iriuyu

- why that sir Iriuyu ?. Ask Gagamaru

- Because, I managed to manipulate you as easily as cattle, to pit you against each other, it proves how much your mind lacks solidity and firmness. Someone can easily pit you against me, and I wouldn't let that happen. Answer Iriuyu

- You need us sir Iriuyu, ur help is precious. Says Azaru.

- come on, Even a whore provides a more lucrative and beneficial job than yours. Pursu Iriuyu.

Unable to bear to be insulted like this, Haruku stands up and pulls out his gun. And the point on Iriuyu

- Now, I dont hear talking Sir Iriuyu. Says Haruku

- Interesting a weapon. You know that even with this weapon I can easily kill you. Replied Iriuyu and approach Haruku

- What an assurance, but needless to say, there is no point in considering yourself to be superman. I just have to pull the trigger, and your head will explode like a watermelon and so I can appropriate your organization haha . Says Haruku

- But what a fantasy. But unfortunately, an incapable person like you can't run even a children's doll shop. But you know what's even stupider about you ?. Replied Iriuyu

- No, whats stupider about me ?. Ask Haruku

- You let me get too close to you. Answer Iriuyu.

Before Haruku had time to react, Iriuyu kicked Haruku's right knee as he kneeled in pain. Iriuyu, broke Haruku's wrist and retrieved his weapon and pointed it at his head

- Your path ends here, Haruku you have always been a little garbage and a task. Says Iriuyu and Kill Haruku.

Suddenly, a shot rang out aimed at Iriuyu. The bullet narrowly hits Iriyuyu's cheek. The rest of the guys try to catch Iriuyu to allow the anonymous shooter to kill him. But Iriuyu manages to control them all and kill them one by one. A shooting, has begun. Several shots are fired at Iriuyu who hides under the meeting table. He touches a spare button and pulls out a weapon that shoots from a distance but with a special heavy weapon trump card built-in.

The shots stop, the attackers surely thought to have eliminated their target and tried to retreat. Iriuyu takes advantage of this and stands at the window and incidentally kills almost all of the attackers, except for a handful who try to flee in a vehicle. He changes the ranged weapon mode to heavy weapon, and fires a mini rocket at the vehicle that blew it up 250 minutes from the mansion.

Iriuyu, lit a cigarette and indulged himself all by observing the massacre he made Then he screams from the window

- Oh, hurry up and take those fucking bodies off my land. And above all come clean the meeting room, it we really need to make sure that we never find these bodies. Says Iriuyu by screaming

Iriuyu, puts away without a weapon and sits on a table among the blood-speckled bodies. He continues to drink his cigarette, then he goes to the exit and closes the door. He goes to the bathroom, and takes a shower all disinfecting his wound on his cheek and puts a bandage on it. He changes his clothes and heads to his terrace, and has a glass of wine and begins a new reading.

Suddenly, calm is interrupted by his secretary. Who knocks on the door before coming to the terrace

- It's open, so it's for what Erika ? Ask Iriuyu

- Your daughter, just came home from school Mr. Iriuyu and I have been informed that she is the best grade in her class. Answer Erika

- it's good news, said to her to come and see her father Erika. Says Iriuyu

- She is washing Mr. Iriuyu but I would tell her. Says Erika and go.

After, 25 minute of waiting. The daughter of Iriuyu come and hug her father.

- My little princess, how was your day ?. Ask Iriuyu

- I had a great day my father. Answer Thé daughter with à big smile.

- In me heard about your prowess at school. You got the best grade in your class it's really amazing Amalia. You're like your father. Says Iriuyu

- Dad, I want to become like you in the future. Strong, courageous and very intelligent. Replied Amalia

- You are all that you just mentioned, my little princess. But I'd rather you don't become like me. Says Iriuyu

- Why are you seing that dad ?. Ask Amalia

- Listen. Each of us hopes to be like someone, but not everyone is the same. You will be a much better person than me, much smarter and braver. Just follow your way and stay yourself. Answer Iriuyu

The daughter hugged her father. And falls asleep on his chest caused by fatigue. Iriuyu looks at her and thinks that her daughter's life is really in danger, Iriuyu's activity has already taken the life of her daughter's mother. But Iriuyu doesn't count on it happening again towards the one he cherishes the most.

A call sounded, the phone rings right next to Iriuyu on the table. Iriuyu picks it up and takes the call quickly to avoid waking up his daughter.

- I hope it's important, and that you don't bother me for nothing. Says Iriuyu

- Mr Iriuyu, it's me Toneo. The Minister of Foreign Affairs. Replied Thé Caller

- Oh ok and that's why again?. Ask Iriuyu

- We are monitoring Mr. Iriuyu, join me in a Honuyo hotel. I booked a bar there, we will talk there see you in 17h34 sir. Answer Thé minister.

- Okay okay it's understood I'll be there. Replied Iriuyu.

Until the agreed time, Iriuyu takes his time. He puts his daughter to bed, and goes to work in his personal business. A company called Innovative Energy. Founded at the age of 24, this company stands out and dominates the world market. He goes to his office and works there. However today, Iriuyu finishes its work very early and looks to analyze the transactions of the last hour in their activity. He deduces that despite the fact that he has removed the treaties from his organization, the theft of their merchandise does not stop, and that the authorities let this pass without controlling them, whereas normally he is the only mafia with a pass to enter transactions.

Thanks to the surveillance camera, he finds the faces of the kidnappers. And stranger still he realizes that these same guys are paid by colossal sums for carrying out the theft, all paid by the same person the Code EOD, the big head of this big traffic. He tries to find the identity of the EOD Code in the database of justice, the police but finds nothing at all.

The story gets weirder and weirder. Iriuyu launches the offensive and calls on his men to execute one by one the men responsible for the theft. His henchmen, runs and leaves cleaned. The hour of the meeting with the minister is finally here. He gets in his car and drives it to the hotel. He dresses so as to pass unnoticed and arrives at the hotel. He arrives in front of the reception and asks if there is a minister named Toneo who has reserved a bar. He is taken directly to the minister and enters the bar.

- I hope you have not been recognized Mr. Iriuyu. Says Toneo

- No, I assure you no one have recognized me. Replied Iriuyu

- I brought you here to talk to you about a really serious subject, Mr. Iriuyu. Says Toneo

- Go ahead talk Toneo replied Iriuyu

- An anonymous organization is infesting our country. The top leaders of the country, allow them to do any crime without punishment until you were the only one to benefit from it. Explain Toneo

- I noticed this, these motherfuckers stole my stuff and killed my guys for no good reason. But the strangest thing is the EOD code. Says Iriuyu.

- You know the EOD Code. He is the one who holds all the strings. All cards in hand, I even been accused of conspiring with them, currently I'm being sued and making headlines. Replied Toneo

- You are really limited too. The best you can do is send me the essential clues such as documents, bad call traces and even the most guarded files you must share them with me without asking questions. Says Iriuyu.

- I'm sorry I can't do that Mr. Iriuyu. Replied Toneo

- Listen to me Toneo, you and I have the same problem. I'll get us out of here, but I need as much information as possible to do. And besides, why tell me about a problem if you don't even want to do the minimum to help me?. Ask Iriuyu.

Toneo, stay quiet and dont know what to say

- Do you want someone to comfort you? Go see a whore or buy a big doll. You want someone who wins? So leave it to me and just do what the fuck you have to do. Says Iriuyu and leave after that.

Back home, he enters the dining room and sees that his daughter was waiting for him to eat.

- Amalia, why you have wait me ?. Ask Iriuyu

- Everyone told me to eat, but I refused for the simple reason that I want to eat with my dad. Answer Amalia

- Bossy and knows what she wants, her is my daughter. Come on eat it now

Iriuyu and her daughter sit down at the table, and begin to eat. Iriuyu dives into these thoughts but was interrupted by his daughter.

- Dad, while you were away I read a book that reminded me of you. Says Amalia

- Oh yeah ? And what was Thé book talking about ?. Ask Iriuyu

- It was about a father, who did everything for his daughter. At the last moment against the bad guys he sacrificed his own life to allow his daughter to live. Her quote is "my baby girl I would always do anything for you". Answer Amalia

- Ahaha, and this book remind you of me ?. Ask Iriuyu

- of course dad, because you will always protect me right ?. Say Amalia

- It's certain, my daughter I'll always be there to protect you. Replied Iriuyu and kiss Amalia in the head.

- I love you daddy you are the best. Says Amalia

- I love you too, my beautiful Amalia. Go eat now it's getting late you need to sleep.

After eating, a delicious dinner. Iriuyu lying her baby girl. He falls asleep a few hours later. In the morning, he does his usual routine. Sport, cold shower and then he wakes up his little girl and takes her to school.

Today is the day of the children's project exhibition. Each child in this elite school will present a project and parents are required to attend. Iriuyu enters the room where the projects take place and sits down. Amalia is the first to go with her team, supported by her father despite her shyness she begins to speak to the public.

Everything is going well until a helpless child enters the room. He walks towards the middle of the crowd, a lady approaches him and asks him if he is looking for his mother. But suddenly the child takes off his t-shirt and a bomb is stuck to his chest. It explodes without waiting, a peaceful event quickly turned to disaster.

After the explosion passed, several dead and wounded were counted. Iriuyu having had nothing because he was far from the place of the explosion, he runs towards his daughter. Take her in these arms, the young girl in tears, Some twenty men dressed in black pursue Iriuyu and shoot him. Iriuyu has all the plans for each structure in the country to prepare for a possible ambush. So he takes a shorter route. He arrives in an empty room with a titanium door. He locks himself inside and makes a call for reinforcement.

- daddy i'm scared. Says Amalia in tears

- Don't worry my little princess, your father is here. Replied Iriuyu and hug his daughter.

Seeing that the school is not very far from the house, so the reinforcements arrive in less than ten minutes. And locates Iriuyu thanks to the GPS which transmitted them. Iriuyu opens the room, and with the reinforcements they all run to escape from the place. Suddenly, 3 armed men block their way, Iriuyu takes a weapon and kills the three men quickly and opens an issue for his men and his daughter. Suddenly, Iriuyu receives a bullet in the right leg, he falls to the ground. His daughter gets on her father and begs the assailants who come from afar to spare her father. Iriuyu seeing his daughter in distress he remembers the death of his wife, his father and the madness of his mother. So he pretends to give his daughter a hug and slaps her on the back of the neck to make her pass out.

- Listen to me carefully Erika. Take care of Amalia, consider her your own daughter. Help her to become better and above all live and be happy both I count on you. Says Iriuyu to Erika

- Of course sir I will honor your word. Replied Erika and take Amalia with her.

Iriuyu enters battle with these men, and devastates all in his path killing in cold blood. He reaches the roof all alone, his men died trying to protect him. Suddenly, he is surrounded by 4 armed men and the famous EOD enters the scene with a mask on which is written EOD. He take off thé mask and he is Toneo.

- What a surprise Toneo, you fucking bastard. Says Iriuyu

- You thought you were invincible, and irreproachable but today you will give up the ghost Iriuyu your dynasty ends here. Replied Toneo.

- Did you forget who I am?, I'm the purple dragon. Says Iriuyu And stretches out his arms, then starts laughing.

- Kill him soldier go ahead. Scream Toneo

Iriuyu has a rather special watch, which once touched gives its user an improved combat suit. Iriuyu touches his watch and gets a combat suit. He launches a smoke bomb, and easily exterminates the 4 men, When the smoke dissipates, other reinforcements have already arrived for Toneo. And the latter takes advantage of it while Iriuyu fights against his men to shoot him. Obviously the ball hits the stomach of Iriuyu who feels dizzy.

- What did you do to me Toneo? Ask Iriuyu

- I shot you with a poison bullet. This posion will kill you in a moment say your prayers Iriuyu.

Toneo, fired another 2 normal bullets in the abdomen of Iriuyu who falls but gets up all being, smeared with blood, In a final move, Iriuyu pulls out a gun and shoots Toneo who also shoots Iriuyu. Iriuyu's bullet hits Toneo's head and incidentally kills him, Toneo's bullet hits Iriuyu in the heart. Before falling from the top of the building, he draws a bomb

- No one can live after facing the crimson dragon. Says Iriuyu

Throw the bomb at Toneo's troop. The building explodes and Iriuyu falls from the top of the building, the debris chasing him down. During his fall he remembers the most incredible moments of his life. But he leaves this world without regret

- I have been a wonderful father to my beautiful Princess Amelia. I saved the family organization what else can I hope for? I can leave in peace. Says Iriuyu with a smile and close his eyes. Iriuyu crashes to the ground, and the building collapses on him and he dies.

Suddenly, a female voice asks Iriuyu to wake up. He jumps in astonishment. He is in an all white place where there is nothing else. Right in front, a beautiful woman who approaches him

- who are you ?. Ask Iriuyu

- I am a goddess my name is Creatius. Answer Creatius

- A goddess ? So am I really dead?. Ask Iriuyu

- exactly you are dead. Answer Creatius

- So, where am i ?, it's hell or paradis right there ? Ask Iriuyu.

- no one of them. Answer Creatius

- Then, where am i ? Ask Iriuyu

-You are in my dimension I decided to bring you here. Answer Creatius

- Why did you bring me right there ? Ask Iriuyu

- Because your courage, your bravery convinced me to give you a second chance. Answer Creatius.

- So does that mean I'm going to be resurrected?. Says Iriuyu

- Technically, you will be reincarnated in a world other than your own. Replied Iriuyu

- Why in another world? I can all just come back to my world. Says Iriuyu

- You can no longer return to your world, I offer you the possibility of reincarnating in a world very different from yours, and once reincarnated you will remember nothing at all. Are you ready to accept this?. Ask Creatius

- Yes, I accept Creatius. Anwer Iriuyu.

And that's how Iriuyu, is reincarnated in another world.....