
Reincarnated Hero System

It was just a game; one Evan played way too much, but it was still a game in the end. At least it that’s what it was supposed to be... However, on the day the main quest ended, he discovered it was more than just a game. The world of Aidos was real and the demon threat was even more so. He was sent to be the leader of the new generation of heroes and save the world from the demon invasion by the god who made the game. Unfortunately, nothing was as simple as it may have seemed. As the truth behind the invasion and the previous Seven Heroes was slowly revealed, he began to have second thoughts about his choices. He began questioning if the demons were truly the enemies of Aidos. Even more so, when he discovered a new truth. That he may not actually be who he thought he was. #wsa2022 WSA 2022 Entry [Check out my other stories from my profile: Godslayer’s Legend & Beyond the Bloodline] ◇ ◇ ◇ Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ZXyAjGtS4r ◇ ◇ ◇ Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/michae_l ◇ ◇ ◇ I'm new to writing so I hope you all will support me on this journey. I'm hoping for your review on what you think about the book. Constructive criticisms are allowed too. Cover by KingU ◇ ◇ ◇ DISCLAIMER! This novel is a work of fiction and though it draws inspiration from historical places and events, it is by no means meant to be a realistic representation of any current or historical events, places cultures, or people. The story may contain themes and events that may be disturbing to some people and if you are "triggered" by pretty much anything at all, It may not be suitable for you as I will not limit myself in terms of themes, events, or topics while writing.

_michael · Fantasía
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853 Chs

Life in Luka

Outskirts of Luka Town

Great Western Empire

May 5th

Year 1051

As for those who went as far as to say Evan was foolish for running away, Evan was currently practising his methods of killing them on some unfortunate goblins that tried to attack him in a small forest clearing.


The goblin let out a strange sound as Evan slit its throat. Before it could even begin to bleed out, Evan tossed a fist-sized fireball to its neck and kicked it in the direction of two other goblins.

"Fire Magic: Flame Grenade."


As he invoked his custom spell, the small fireball he threw at the goblin Exploded with a loud noise, releasing a shockwave that knocked Evan off his feet, forcing him to stab his sword into the ground to prevent himself from falling.


A goblin that was behind him took this as a chance and charged at him with a club in hand.

[Don't bully master!]

A cute voice rang out as a small dark cloud formed above the clearing. From this cloud, golden lightning dropped down on the heads of not only the club-wielding goblin, but every other goblin in the area.




There was a total of twelve level 40 goblins that attacked Evan. These goblins were all led by a level 50 Hobgoblin, the only one that was strong enough to survive Kayla's lightning strike.

Evan pulled out his sword from the ground and kicked off the ground, dashing in the direction of the slightly stunned hobgoblin.


He called out internally as a small whitish aura enveloped his body, boosting his base strength and speed, enabling him to reach the hobgoblin faster than it could recover from Kayla's magic.


Nevertheless, the level 50 monster showed Evan just why it was the leader of its gang as it suddenly roared and threw a punch in his direction.


Sadly, it was stopped in its tracks as two dark shadowy claws crept up its legs and immobilized it.

It wasn't for long but it was long enough for Evan to slice off its outstretched hand, and then redirect his blade towards the hobgoblin's neck.


As he called out, his sword was engulfed with bright red flames that helped it cleave through the hob goblin's neck, ending its life for good.

[Level Up]

"Good work guys."

Evan wiped his brow as he praised the two spirits who were now resting on his shoulders. Kuro was as sleepy as always but he never slacked off in providing timely support for Evan.

Kayla on the other hand, was as hot-blooded as ever, but her attacks were even more so. This was evidenced by the fact that she took out nearly ten other goblins with a single lightning strike, just minutes before the trio encountered this group of thirteen.

"It's more than the guild wanted but I could use an extra reward since a certain goddess doesn't want to fund me."

Evan rolled his eyes at the sky as he spoke, causing a familiar notification board to pop up in front of him.

[The goddess 'Artemisia' suggests you rid your mind of such ideas as she would not do such a thing,]


Still, to think that news of me leaving has reached this part of the country, I really thought they'd keep it under wraps."

It was a fine Wednesday that marked the sixth week since he had left the Ducal mansion on that faithful night.

He had spent three of those weeks travelling to a rural town not so far from the Empire's borders with the neighbouring country.

The enormous forest he was in was what marked the borders between the two countries.

'I guess I'd go there soon, it's the one that had the spider dungeon after all.'

"goddess, there's no law that prevents me from killing humans, right?"

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says there is not. Your karma value might reduce though.]

"I don't really want to burden myself with a concept I don't have qualifications to find out about."

Those were his words as he counted the magic stones from the goblins in silence. After this, he made his way back to the city he arrived in a few weeks ago.

The town he was in was called Luka, and it was about two weeks away from the capital by carriage. For Evan, it took even longer to get there, he wasn't used to travelling without the convenience of cars and planes after all.

The town was average-sized with an equally average population. The dungeons close by were not high-ranked enough to warrant a dungeon city being built around them.

Despite that, the city still had an adventurer's guild branch and that was Evan's first stop as soon as he got there.

The adventurer card he possessed when he registered in the adventurer's guild of Merdin was not usable anymore.

If he took quests with it, it would be logged into the adventurer's guild database. If the royal family so wished, they could check what branch it was logged in from and zero in on his position from there.

As such, he decided to re-register under his 'real' name, Evan Bourne. In the past few weeks, he had managed to increase his rank from F to E, allowing him to take on both E and D rank quests.

This was also a win-win since he got to gain more fighting and battle experience, something he clearly lacked a lot of.

With a few tips from his contracted demon, Pride, who occasionally spoke to him through their link, he was able to gain enough experience to not be considered useless for his level by the high demon's standards.

That brought us to the reason why he was in a forest murdering poor goblins that were just going about their daily lives.

'Strength wise I'm a D- rank already.'

In the past six weeks, he had grown in level considerably and had acquired a new skill. Naturally, it was mimicked from a monster.

|Name- Evan Del Eris

Race-###e# ###s###e#

Gender - Male

Age - 12

Level- 47

Existence Level - Gold

Titles- The Second of Seven Heroes, Leader of the Seven Heroes, Reincarnated Hero, Wielder of Mystic Eyes, Loved By Nature, Heir of Eris Dukedom, #####c ########.

Class- Magic Swordsman

Health – D-

Energy – D

Strength – D-

Agility – D-

Durability –D

Intelligence- D-

Condition- Slightly Fatigued

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 1, Lightning Tier 1

Skills- Full Appraisal, Magic Control, Weapon Control, Paladin, Concealment, Language Comprehension.

Mimicked Skills-Energy Blast, Body Transformation, Aura Slash.

Unique Skills- Mystic Eyes of Mimicry (1), Adaptive Evolution, Blessing of Destruction. |

He was unable to use Aura naturally due to the fact that he wasn't a sword master yet, but the skill let him bypass that.

Naturally, this was only when he used the skill.

As for Pride, Kayla and Kuro, their levels were tied to his due to the nature of their contracts.

As such, until he reached Pride and Kayla's levels, they were unable to level up. Kuro, however, had levelled up comfortably.

While looking at his status, he entered the single adventurer's guild building in the town and walked up to the counter.

He thought about how quiet the spirits who were usually noisily chatting around him had become after he had given them a few not-so-polite warnings.

Submitting his adventurer's guild card, something that he considered to be a pseudo-smartphone, he waited for the receptionist to mark his quest as done before striking up a conversation.

"Yo, John. What Diner do you suggest I go to tonight? Preferably one that serves strawberry-flavoured drinks."

"Haa...this kid. Strawberries are out of season, you won't be seeing anyone selling them around these parts.

Besides, you always do this and always end up going to anyone but the one I tell you to.

What's the point of asking then?"

"I feel like?"

"Why is that a question?"

John heaved a sigh as he collected the bag of magic stones and gave Evan back his card before shooing away the twelve-year-old.

♧ ♧ ♧

Hey y'all, it's your friendly neighbourhood author, _michael here asking for Feedback!

What are your thoughts on the past 25 chapters?

What aspects do you want me to improve on going forward? 

Please let me know in the comments.

Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to you continuing on our Reincarnated Hero's journey.

This has been _michael.

Over and Out!✌🏽

Feedback Time!

What are your thoughts on the past 25 chapters?

What aspects do you want me to improve on going forward? 

Please let me know in the comments.

_michaelcreators' thoughts