
Reincarnated Destiny

Ladislavaloviisa · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Reincarnated Destiny (Part 1)

It's dark and it's the middle of the night, it's so silent that you can hear your own breath.

"This pawisak (earrings) that I am holding, I give to you, my love. I made this pawisak just for you, hoping that you will wear it and think of our love for each other" A calm and gentle voice of a man who I know very well but at the same time don't. It doesn't matter how many times I look and stare at his blank face, I cannot remember even a single thing about this man. But I know him, my heart knows him.

"I love you A-" I woke up before he could finish what he was saying, to me. My heart throbbed, It's a dream, why am I feeling this way.

I opened my eyes and took my phone that was on the table near my bed. I was shocked when I saw the time, it's 9 am. "SHIT!" I hurriedly shouted. I have to be at the airport at 10 to meet up with my friends as we are going to visit my friend Mildred's hometown.

I hurriedly packed and got ready, not long after, left. I was panting so much from running as fast as I could, good thing I catched up. I saw my friends anxiously waiting for me, my dear friends whom I've known since we were girls. "Where were you? And why are you panting so much?" Celia said as she used her handkerchief to wipe my sweat off. My very close friends, Celia, Ava and Mildred. They kept asking me what happened, I then told them while scratching my head, and they laughed at me. "Let's talk when we're in the airplane, we might miss it!" Ava shouted, we all laughed, then hurried to the airplane.

After a few hours, we arrived at our destination. We just booked a hotel since Mildred's parents weren't gonna be home in a week, we first left out things in our hotel room. My friends were sitting in the lobby of the hotel, when Ava spoke. "Let's go to a nearby cafe, I saw one earlier and it looked amazing!" They all agreed but I was planning on going to the library since I have a huge collection of books even though I spend most of my time playing with my phone, balance, am I right? "So uh guys?" I hesitantly said, "I won't be able to go with y'all, I'm going to the library! The library here is one of the biggest in the country, a famous one at that!" "Awhh but it's literally your vacation, you should be going out and exploring!" Celia said, I just stared at the until they agreed. "You really know how to win us over Camyy, but still after this let's all go together somewhere, alright?" I then replied "Yesss thank you thank you!!!" While kissing them each in the cheek. "Alright, we're going now" said Mildred, "TO THE MALLLLL" shouted Celia!

- Library -

While I was picking out books on a wooden ladder, it wobbled then I fell out of balance, someone bumped into it! I cursed in my head and anxiously closed my eyes. "Huh?" I didn't feel any pain, nothing actually. I opened my eyes the saw a tall, attractive man carrying me, it seems that he catched me. I stared at him because I felt familiarity and comfort with him, I just drowned into my own thoughts. "Just who exactly is this man? I'm more than certain I know him from somewhere, but I just cant put my finger on it." Squinting my eyes to see clearly even tho I have perfect eyesight, in hopes of actually identifying this man. "Miss? Are you alright?" Gentle as his voice is, I realized he was still carrying me. I jumped off of him and blushed to the point where I was as red as a tomato. I apologized, then thanked him. He introduced himself to me, "Well uhm hello miss, I'm Jake" His gentle but deep voice was astonishing to hear. "are you perhaps an angel?" I murmured to myself not realizing, he heard me. He gave out a laugh then said "Me? An angel? HAHAHAHA you might be, but I surely am not. I became even more embarrassed, but at this point I was so curious of him that I didn't give a damn. I asked for his phone number. He was pretty surprised, even chuckled at first, shortly then gave his phone to me.

What will happen next? Will they be closer to finding out their "past'? or get closer to each other? Updates will be a bit slow so please be understanding!

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