
Reincarnated as Yukihira soma but why is my dad missing?????

In the bustling world of Totsuki Culinary Academy, MC finds themselves inexplicably reincarnated as Yukihira Soma, inheriting his culinary skills and a unique cooking system that grants them godly abilities. However, Soma's father, Joichiro Yukihira, has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the Yukihira family restaurant in chaos. (very different from original, not sure if to add crossovers of different programs maybe like master chef.)

Albi2468 · Cómic
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18 Chs

A Taste of Reincarnation

The early morning sun, akin to molten gold, filtered through the cafe curtains, casting delicate, sun-kissed patterns on the well-worn linoleum floor of Yukihira Diner. I stirred from my slumber, my awakening accompanied by a bewildering sense of déjà vu. As I pushed myself up, I found myself reclined in the same crimson diner booth where Soma Yukihira would often take his rest after late nights of culinary experimentation.

"Wait, this can't be right," I muttered to myself, struggling to process my surroundings. The sights, the sounds, and even the scents were unmistakably those of the diner I had come to know and love from the anime and manga. But I was not an observer; I was Soma Yukihira.

With careful deliberation, I pushed myself up from the cozy booth, my palms making contact with the worn fabric of the seat. My heart raced, and my senses were flooded with the overwhelming familiarity of the scene.

In the corners of my vision, I watched the diner's bustling kitchen come to life, a whirlwind of activity that was unmistakably a part of my new existence.

The kitchen was a well-worn symphony of stainless steel, with countertops cluttered with the artifacts of Soma's culinary conquests. Bacon sizzled harmoniously on the griddle, its savory aroma mingling with the robust fragrance of freshly brewed coffee. The mechanical ballet of the coffee machine, its steam rising like a serenade to the senses, filled the air with a comforting lullaby.

"I must be dreaming," I whispered to myself, feeling a mix of excitement and disbelief.

As I stood there, my disorientation gave way to curiosity. The surroundings seemed familiar, comforting, and yet utterly alien. The memories of my previous life were like delicate wisps of a fading dream, and I was now, unmistakably, Soma Yukihira.

Looking down at my hands, I marveled at the same roughened palms that had wielded knives, stirred pots, and crafted culinary delights. I recognized the chef's uniform; its fabric was as much a part of my skin as the human body that bore it. Soma's world, it seemed, was now mine.

But it wasn't just Soma's physical attributes I had inherited; it was his culinary genius, his intuition for ingredients, and a remarkable gift—a cooking system that bordered on the supernatural.

This power, this connection to the culinary cosmos, was undeniable, and it was a potent reminder that I was not just an observer in this new life—I was a participant in the grand symphony of flavors that had once been Soma's stage.

Intrigued and entranced, I decided to experiment. I selected a few simple ingredients: rice, eggs, and a selection of spices. The plump and eager rice sizzled upon meeting the hot griddle, the grains yielding to the kiss of the flame as they crackled in a joyful chorus.

"Eggs next," I thought to myself, my hands moving with precision and grace that felt as if they had been doing this for a lifetime. Eggs, beaten to a velvety perfection, flowed like a golden waterfall, cocooning the rice grains in a delicate embrace.

Seasonings whispered secrets into the mixture, each ingredient responding to my touch with a synergy that seemed preordained. A pinch of salt, harvested from a distant sea, offered its saline embrace. A dash of pepper, freshly ground and full of life, added its fiery zest to the ensemble. Finally, a secret blend of spices that had always been Soma's signature: a blend handed down through generations, a recipe as timeless as the art of cooking itself.

The spatula, an extension of my very essence, danced in my grasp as I navigated the delicate landscape of the pan. With the grace of a seasoned dancer, I created a masterpiece of culinary art, a canvas of flavors that was nothing short of divine. The omurice, with its golden hue and intoxicating aroma, was the embodiment of my newfound culinary prowess.

The first customer of the day, drawn by the magnetic allure of Soma's culinary prowess, entered the diner.

He couldn't help but notice my culinary dance and the dish I had crafted. "That smells amazing," he remarked, his voice tinged with anticipation. "What's your special day today?"

I smiled, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through me. "Today's special is an experience like you've never had before. It's a little something I've been working on."

With a sense of reverence, the customer approached the booth, his senses aflame with anticipation of flavors unknown. He gingerly pierced the omurice with his fork, the first bite igniting a symphony of sensations on his palate. The world around him fell away, leaving only the marvel of this extraordinary culinary experience.

"Wow, this is incredible!" he exclaimed between bites. "I've never tasted anything like it."

Flavors surged across his taste buds in a harmonious crescendo. The rice, imbued with the essence of umami, cradled the creamy silkiness of the eggs. The seasonings, a subtle yet intricate dance of the senses, whispered tales of mastery. Each bite, each sensation, was a revelation—a tribute to my culinary expertise.

With a satisfied sigh, the customer looked up, his eyes shimmering with awe and gratitude. "You, my friend, are a culinary genius. I haven't experienced flavors like this in years."

I chuckled, a mix of humility and disbelief in my voice. "Thank you. It's an honor to cook for you."

As the customer left with a smile on his face and a satisfied heart, I watched him disappear into the bustling streets of this culinary world. My thoughts were consumed by questions and wonder. What other enigmas lay concealed in this universe, and what extraordinary odyssey awaited in the days to come? In the heart of Yukihira Diner, the culinary adventure of MC Yukihira had begun, a journey as mysterious and flavorful as the masterful dishes I would craft.