
Reincarnated as Yukihira soma but why is my dad missing?????

In the bustling world of Totsuki Culinary Academy, MC finds themselves inexplicably reincarnated as Yukihira Soma, inheriting his culinary skills and a unique cooking system that grants them godly abilities. However, Soma's father, Joichiro Yukihira, has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the Yukihira family restaurant in chaos. (very different from original, not sure if to add crossovers of different programs maybe like master chef.)

Albi2468 · Cómic
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18 Chs

A New Challenge Awaits

The days continued to pass with the same comforting rhythm at Yukihira Diner. Soma and Erina had been spending more time together, and their culinary exchanges had become a delightful blend of playful teasing and profound discussions. Soma's cooking had improved by leaps and bounds, thanks in part to the hints and insights Erina shared.

One sunny afternoon, while Soma was experimenting with a new dish in the kitchen, Erina sat at the counter, watching with keen interest. The tantalizing aroma of spices filled the air as he crafted a complex curry, the flavors rich and vibrant.

Soma couldn't help but glance over at Erina, a sly grin on his face. "So, what do you think, Erina? Ready to admit my cooking is beyond your wildest dreams?"

Erina rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in her expression. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Soma. Your culinary journey is still a long one."

Soma chuckled, appreciating her honesty. He presented a steaming plate of curry, vibrant with colors and aromas, and placed it in front of her. "Well, then, taste this and tell me what you think."

Erina took a cautious bite, her eyes widening in surprise. The explosion of flavors on her palate left her momentarily speechless. "This is… incredible," she admitted, her tone betraying a hint of genuine astonishment.

Soma couldn't resist a triumphant grin. "Ah, finally, the great Erina Nakiri is speechless in the face of my cooking!"

Erina quickly regained her composure, her cheeks slightly flushed. "Don't get too cocky, Soma. You've got talent, but there's still room for improvement."

As the afternoon turned into evening, Soma and Erina found themselves engaged in a more serious conversation about their shared culinary journey. Soma couldn't help but feel that he was inching closer to unlocking the full potential of his unique culinary system.

Erina leaned in, her eyes focused and determined. "Soma, I think it's time you faced a real challenge. There's a prestigious regional cooking competition approaching, and it's the perfect opportunity for you to prove yourself."

Soma's curiosity was piqued. "A cooking competition? I'm up for it. But what's the challenge?"

Erina's smile was enigmatic. "I can't reveal all the details just yet, but it's a competition that will test your creativity, skill, and adaptability. Are you ready to take the plunge?"

Soma's eyes sparkled with excitement. He loved a good challenge, and this opportunity was too enticing to resist. "Erina, you've got yourself a partner. Let's show them what we're made of."

As the evening sun bathed the diner in a warm glow, the pair discussed their strategy for the competition. Soma decided to prepare a dish that would showcase his ability to balance complex flavors.

The key ingredients included plump, juicy shrimp, handpicked from a local fish market that morning, and a medley of fresh vegetables – vibrant bell peppers, crisp snow peas, and aromatic cilantro. Soma's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he chopped and prepared each element with precision.

For the curry base, he simmered a mixture of aromatic spices – cumin, coriander, turmeric, and garam masala – until their fragrance filled the kitchen. As the spices toasted, he added finely minced garlic and ginger, coaxing out their flavors to create a tantalizing aroma that made Erina's mouth water.

Soma's culinary system whispered to him, offering insights into the precise timing and seasoning. The combination of ground tomatoes and coconut milk gave the curry a luscious, velvety texture that promised to be a sensory delight.

He glanced over at Erina, who was observing his every move with a sense of admiration. "Erina, you see, cooking is all about balance and surprise. I'm going to create a curry that dances on your taste buds, taking you on a culinary journey you won't forget."

Erina's eyes shone with anticipation as Soma's culinary dance continued. She could sense the magic in the making, the way he had harnessed his cooking skills and the unique abilities of his culinary system.

As the evening wore on, Soma and Erina fine-tuned the dish, ensuring every element was in perfect harmony. They exchanged ideas, each offering valuable insights. It was a collaborative effort that left them both eager to face the competition with confidence.