
Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

In the grungy back-alleys of Meteor City, where chaos is order and danger is as common as air, a peculiar baby is found by Feitan, a teenage delinquent with a flair for violence and a suspiciously stylish cloak. This isn't just any baby, though. Oh no! This little one is Haruto, the reincarnation of Meruem, the terrifyingly powerful King of the Chimera Ants, now reborn into the messy world of humanity. As it turns out, having a past life as a hyper-intelligent, super-powered ant king doesn't grant you any exemptions from diaper changes or terrible twos. Haruto, now an infant with an already apparent air of majesty and an oddly intense gaze, becomes the unlikely little brother of the unsociable Feitan. With Meteor City as their chaotic playground, the mismatched pair navigates the ups and downs of brotherhood - including squabbles over candy theft, unexpected life lessons, and the occasional Nen-powered brawl. Soon enough, they are joined by Phinx, a boisterous fighter with strength and ambition in equal measure, and Canary, a young, no-nonsense girl with a mean right hook. As Haruto grows older, his kingly traits shine brighter, albeit coated with the cheeky charm of a child. Slowly, fragments of his past life as Meruem trickle in, and he starts aiming for greatness - because why settle for a backyard kingdom when you can aspire for the world? Prepare for a roller-coaster of laughs, squabbles, heartwarming brotherly moments, and just a dash of existential crisis as Haruto, Feitan, and their motley crew tackle life in Meteor City head-on, always reaching for the stars... and maybe the occasional ice cream truck. This fanfiction combines humor, brotherhood, and the trials of growing up in Meteor City, providing an entertaining exploration of familiar characters in a fresh setting. With Haruto's kingly personality and the eccentricities of his newfound family, the stage is set for a journey full of laughter, growth, and meteoric ambition. -- You have been warned!!! Slow-paced storytelling: The novel focuses on slice-of-life events, so you should be prepared for a leisurely narrative with a slower progression of major plot points. Memory retrieval: Haruto's memories from his past life(Meruem) will gradually resurface over time. If you prefer a story with immediate recollection or rapid development, this may not be the right fit. Harem elements: The novel incorporates a harem dynamic, with Haruto attracting the romantic interest of multiple characters. While this adds to the romantic subplot, some readers may have personal preferences or find it off-putting. I am thinking of 5 or so Harem members and not Gotta Catch 'em All. Limited action and battles in early chapters: While there will be battles and action sequences, the focus of the story lies more on character development and interpersonal relationships. Readers seeking intense combat scenarios or continuous action may need to adjust their expectations.

IWriteFanfic · Cómic
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122 Chs


Bathed in the silver glow of a full moon, the forest was a quiet tableau of shadows and whispers. The canopy above rustled softly in the gentle night breeze, a symphony of leaves playing to the nocturnal audience. Haruto and his companions moved leisurely through this moonlit scene, a casual fluidity in their steps that spoke of confidence and the comfort of familiar company.

As they progressed, the trees began to thin, giving way to a clearing. It was there that the silence of the night was broken by the sudden appearance of ninjas, materializing from the shadows as if woven from the night itself. Their entrance was swift, a practiced stealth that was both impressive and unnerving.

As they were walking in the forest, the air was still, the only sound the crunch of leaves underfoot. The calm was suddenly sliced by the sharp emergence of figures dressed in the blacks and blues of the night. A group of ninjas stood before them, the one at the lead with a countenance marred by pain and urgency.

"We need all your clothes for the epidemic in our village!" the lead ninja implored. His voice carried a mix of desperation and demand, "Please or our people will all die."

Komugi's eyes softened, the moonlight catching the new polish of her character, the nurturing white of her attire gleaming with an almost maternal glow. "We must help them, Haruto," she said, her voice a whisper but her intent clear as crystal.

Canary scoffed, her eyes narrowing at the absurd request. The idea of stripping down to nothing for these NPCs was ludicrous, and the thought of exposing Haruto to the cold, unforgiving eyes of the night was unacceptable. Her stance became rigid, a silent testament to her refusal to comply.

Komugi, on the other hand, clutched her cloak close, her gaze flitting between her friends and the desperate ninjas. "But... if we don't help them, what will become of their village?" she questioned, the moonlight casting a serene halo around her.

Haruto looked at Komugi, his gaze steady, "This is a quest in this game. They probably ask random things and we happened to be asked for our clothes. They won't be hurt or die." His voice was even, betraying none of his growing irritation.

Komugi's eyes were wide with worry, reflecting the moonlight. "But Haruto, what if this is true? What if it's not just a quest and they really need our help?" She glanced at the ninjas, her hands fidgeting with the end of her cloak.

Canary crossed her arms, a look of disbelief painting her sharp features. "You can't be serious, Komugi. These are NPCs, they run on code, not kindness." She stepped closer to Haruto, her stance protective.

Feitan, quiet until now, leaned against a tree, his eyes scanning the shadows. "This is foolishness," he muttered, his words slicing through the tension. "We move on."

Phinx shrugged, his interest clearly elsewhere. "I'm with Feitan. Let's not waste time."

"But..." Komugi started, only to be cut off by Haruto.

"Look, Komugi," Haruto said, his tone firm but patient, "you're kind-hearted, and that's great. But this isn't real. It's a distraction, and it's not one we need right now."

Komugi looked down, torn between her heart and her trust in Haruto.

Haruto sighed and turned to the lead ninja, speaking directly. "We're not giving you our clothes. That's final."

The ninja's face fell, and then, as if on cue, they vanished into the night, leaving as suddenly as they had appeared.

Komugi's shoulders slumped. "I just wanted to..."

"I know," Haruto said softly, "but we have bigger things to focus on."

Canary reached out, gently touching Komugi's shoulder. "Hey, you have a big heart. That's a rare thing."

Continuing the path, the group soon stumbled upon creatures local to the island. The sight of monsters roaming the forest floor might have unnerved any common traveler, but to Haruto and his companions, they were but a mild diversion.

The first they encountered were the Cyclops—massive one-eyed brutes who seemed less interested in the moon's beauty and more in swinging their hefty clubs at intruders. But these giants were no match for the team's prowess. Haruto watched them lumber closer, then turned to Komugi.

"Think you can take them on?" he asked, an encouraging smile tugging at his lips.

Komugi hesitated. "I can try. But they're so big," she said, eyes wide as she surveyed the towering figures.

"Size isn't everything," Canary chimed in, her hand resting on her weapon. "Remember what Haruto taught you. Use their size against them."

Feitan, leaning casually against a tree, was already bored with the conversation. "Just hit them in the eye, they'll drop like flies," he interjected flatly.

Phinx merely shrugged, as if the presence of monsters was hardly worth his attention.

Haruto nodded at Komugi. "Go on, focus your Nen, and remember your training."

With a deep breath, Komugi stepped forward, her earlier doubt replaced by determination. "Okay, I can do this," she affirmed, more to herself than anyone else.

As she approached, the Cyclops roared, the sound echoing through the trees. Haruto and the others watched, ready to intervene if necessary, but keen to let Komugi test her skills.

Komugi squared her shoulders as the Cyclops loomed over her, a towering colossus of muscle and menace. The beast swung its club, a massive tree trunk whittled down to a bludgeon, but Komugi was already moving, dancing aside with a grace that belied her inexperience in combat.

Her eyes, sharp and calculating, darted across the clearing, locking onto her friends for a fraction of a second before returning to the task at hand. She recalled the countless hours spent over the Gungi board, where she commanded legions of pieces in silent wars. Now, she was both the general and the soldier, her body a pawn against these flesh-and-blood titans.

The Cyclops, frustrated by her agility, roared and swung wildly. Komugi took advantage of the opening, ducking low and springing up behind it. She knew she couldn't match its strength, but like a seasoned general, she could outmaneuver it.