
Chapter 3

"Today is 25th August, if it is still the same as the canon, Bulma meets Goku on 1st September at mount Paozu. So there are still a few days time.' Thought Yamcha.

Yamcha and Puar leave Korin Tower on the noon and at the evening Yamcha managed to arrived at mount Paozu.

The region where Goku lives actually is a neighbouring region with Diablo Desert where Yamcha's Hideout are.

Using a few hours of flying Yamcha managed to find Goku's house.

Seeing it's getting dark already, Yamcha hunt for some meat to eat with Son Goku.

As Son Goku is a guileless person, seeing Yamcha and Puar brought huge monster to eat together, they become friends right away.

In these few days, Yamcha and Son Goku have a little sparring where Yamcha suppressed his battle power to be where he barely won against Goku.

As Son Goku is a martial arts freak, he keep asking for a fight with Yamcha almost every day.

Finally, on a certain day, the start of a legendary story begins.

On the morning, Son Goku went to the mountain to hunt some food for today.

Son Goku and Yamcha took turn everyday for who is responsible to hunt for food, as today is Goku's turn. Yamcha only stay at home with Puar.

"Today is 1st September, so today Bulma will come here." Yamcha sit cross legged under a tree near the house.

After a few hours, Yamcha heard Son Goku's and a girl's loud screams.

"She's here!" Yamcha dashed to the voice right away.

Yamcha quickly arrived and see Goku lift up a car with Bulma inside.

"Wait! Goku put that thing down!" Yamcha shouted out to Goku.

"Huh ? Yamcha ?" Hearing Yamcha's voice, Son Goku didn't throw the car and put it back down.

Bulma who still inside the car is still a little bit shocked seeing how someone able to lift up a car.

"Hey, are you okay ?" Yamcha talked to Bulma.

'Wow, she's cute. Far more cute than I thought' Yamcha a little surprised seeing how much the difference between Bulma in a manga or anime to her looks Yamcha see with his own eyes right now.

"Y-yeah, I am okay."

On the other hand, Bulma's eyes also mesmerised by Yamcha who looks like a prince who save her in a distrees. Well, Yamcha does have quite a good looking face.

"That is a good news." Yamcha smiled.

"Hey Yamcha, is it your friend ?" Goku talked to Yamcha.

"No, I never met this girl before." Yamcha shook his head.

"A girl ? My grandpa told me that I should treat a girl nicely." Said Goku.

"Yes, that's why I asked you to put her down before." Yamcha nodded.

"Is that so... I just never expected that a girl is looked like this." Goku said with a shocked expression.

"No, no, no... that is a car, not a girl. The person who are inside the car is the girl" Yamcha tried to explain to Goku.

"My name is Yamcha, and he is Son Goku. May I know who you are ?" Yamcha asked Bulma.

"My name is Bulma." Answer Bulma with a little blushed.

"So miss Bulma, what are you doing here ?" Said Yamcha.

"Ju-just call me Bulma... I'm here looking for dragon balls."

"Dragon balls ?"

"Yes, it's a yellow crystal ball with orange-colored star inside." Explain Bulma.

"Huh ? You are looking for grandpa ?" Speak Son Goku.

"Grandpa ?" Bulma a little confused.

"What he meant is his grandpa's momento in his house."

"You guys have the dragon ball !? Can I see it ?" Said Bulma excitedly.

"Sure, let's go back then." Yamcha nodded.

The three get back to Goku's house and see Puar still at home.

"It is the dragon ball!" Said Bulma.

"So it is a dragon ball" Yamcha pretend to just know the dragon ball.

"Can I have this four-star dragon ball ?" Said Bulma with the dragon ball on her hands.

"No! You can't have it, that's my grandpa's momento!" Goku snatch it off from Bulma.

"What do you want to do with it?" Asked Yamcha first.

"There is a legend said that if we could collect all the seven dragon balls, we can summon a dragon that can grant you any wish!" Told Bulma.

"Woww... Any wish ?" Goku asked.

"Yes, so can I borrow it from you ?" Bulma asked Goku again.

"So you just want to borrow it ? Okay then." Goku nodded.

"Really? Yay! Thanks!" Bulma happily hugged Son Goku.

"How many dragon balls you collected already ?" Asked Yamcha.

Bulma reach out to the bag on her waist and take out two more dragon balls. "I have two dragon balls, now I have three with the Four-star dragon ball."

"Wooww... it is the same as grandpa's momento."

"Can we come along with you ?" Yamcha smiled.

"You want to come along ? Yes please!" Bulma quickly accepted Yamcha's request.

Bulma thought she can have Goku as her bodyguard after seeing how strong Goku who is able to lift up a car and there is also Yamcha who quite handsome and tall himself so of course Bulma won't reject them.

Bulma wanted to start their next journey right away. Yamcha suggest that they stay here for a while to clean up the house first.

After they finished cleaning up Goku's house, the group ready to go when Bulma asked to wait her for a little and she went to the bathroom.

Yamcha and the rest drive the car that Bulma drive before and go to where the next dragon ball is.

Bulma sit beside Yamcha, Puar sit at backseat and Goku sit on top of the car.

After driving for a while, unexpectedly there is a pterodactyl flying above wanted to attack them.

"Goku! Take care of it!" Yamcha shouted to Goku.

"Leave it to me!" Goku stood up and take out Nyoi-bo.

"Become longer Nyoi-bo!"



Son Goku one-hitted the pterodactyl.

"Good job Goku!" Praise Yamcha.

"Wow!" Bulma amazed.

The poor Pterodactyl didn't even have a chance to do anything and Son Goku already managed to knock it out with the long Nyoibo.

After that little scene, They continued their journey.

For the rest of the day, they didn't met anymore problem. When it's night, Yamcha go to hunt some food for him, Puar and Goku.

After they eat, the group have a rest inside the capsule house that Bulma brings except Yamcha.

Yamcha stay outside for the night to train himself by using the Multi-Form technique.

Yamcha never miss a day to use the Multi-Form technique at least once.

Because the more he use Multi-Form, the more his Mental Power and Ki Manipulation profeciency increase.

The night passed without any mishap and the sun slowly rises lighting up the dark sky.


Yamcha woken up by Son Goku's scream.

'Hahahaha... I didn't expect that it still happen.' Thought Yamcha.

On the second morning of their journey, Goku found a sea turtle in the mountains.

Goku said that he want to help the sea turtle back to the sea. At first, Bulma opposed the idea a little bit but when Yamcha persuade her, Bulma didn't oppose it anymore.

As the group decided to go to the sea first, They packed up their things and no one noticed that Yamcha took something inside the capsule house.

They start the journey again with Bulma's car. Fortunately yesterday Yamcha managed to stop Goku before he throw the car and broke it like the original story.

With Yamcha still the one who drive, Bulma at front seat, Puar at the back, now Goku is with the sea turtle on the car's roof.

The car still managed to speed up quite fast even with the big sea turtle on the car's roof.

Yamcha expecting the bandits that waiting for them. When the bandits does showed up, Yamcha only leave it up to Goku.

With a little effort, Goku beat them up quite good.

It's not a problem at all, and they continued their trip to sea.

Around three hours later they managed to reach the sea.

The sea turtle told them to wait him for a while to give them some rewards.

Only around dozen minutes passed and the sea turtle come back with Master Roshi on his back.

"Good afternoon." Greet Master Roshi.

"Who are you grandpa ?" Goku asked.

"I am Kame-sennin. Thanks for helping my turtle back to the sea." Said the old man.

"Who is the one helping you ?" Master Roshi asked the sea turtle.

"He is the one helping me." Sea turtle pointed to Goku.

"Hey!!! We all are also helping you back!!" Bulma shouted at the sea turtle.

"Okay then... Come to me! Immortal phoenix!" Shout Master Roshi while pointing his staff out to the sky.

"...." Bulma

"...." Goku

"...." Yamcha

"...." Puar

"...." Master Roshi

"Sennin-sama, didn't Immortal phoenix already dead because of poisoned by food ?" Said the sea turtle.

"Oh... hehe, that's right" Master Roshi scratch his bald head.

"Then... Come to me, Flying Nimbus!" Master Roshi shouted again with the same pose.

But this time a golden flying cloud closing up to them from the sky with a high speed and reach them in no time.

"This is a flying nimbus, you can ride it to fly around the sky with a high speed. Let me show you how first" Master Roshi jumped onto the flying nimbus.

But Master Roshi just passed through the cloud and with a thud, he landed his ass on the ground.

"Ugghhh... m-my back..." Master Roshi got help from sea turtle to stand up.

"Pfftt... hahahaha..."


Yamcha and Bulma can't hold it in and laughed after they saw that.

Then Goku help himself, just jumped on flying nimbus then flew off to the sky, maneuvering skillfully and then arrived back in front of Master Roshi.

"Wow, you handled it pretty well kid." Said Master Roshi.

"Can I have this flying nimbus gramps ?" Goku really liked the flying nimbus.

"Sure, you can have it." Master Roshi nodded.

Hearing Master Roshi said that, Goku happily flew around again with flying nimbus.

"How about us, can I have the flying nimbus too?" Bulma asked excitedly.

"Ummm... about that..." Master Roshi thought he didn't have anything else worth to give to them.

"Master Roshi, I have a deal for you."

Finally Yamcha talked now.

"Oh... You know me young man ?" Master Roshi changed his tone to serious.

Actually, right when Master Roshi come, he already curious with Yamcha as he couldn't see through Yamcha at all.

It's been a long time since Master Roshi can't see through someone's strength. He feel that Yamcha is just an ordinary young man, but his instinct is said something the opposite of what he seen. It's a feeling that he didn't have for a really long time.

"Of course. As a martial artist, who didn't know of Kame-sennin." Yamcha shrugged.

"But I never know or heard someone like you before." Said Master Roshi.

"My name is Yamcha and I have something that definitely make you interested." Yamcha smiled.

"Oh ho ho... something that can caught my interest ?" Master Roshi brush his beard with his hand.

"Yes, so how about we have a little discussion over there?" Yamcha walked away from the group a few meters with Master Roshi followed him close behind.

Bulma and the rest didn't heard anything as Yamcha and Master Roshi only whispered to each other.

"Ooohhhhh!!!!" Master Roshi couldn't help but close his mouth back with his own hands.

"What are they talking about?" Bulma can't help but curious.

"Uhyohyohyo! I like someone like you young man! We have a deal here! Hohoho" Master Roshi laughed.

Then Master Roshi take off his necklace and his turtle shell then handed it over to Yamcha.

Yamcha also give something to Master Roshi. A small piece of clothes that he took this morning in Bulma's capsule house.

Bulma's underwear.

After their transaction completed the two walked back to the group with a happy face.

"What are you two talked about ?" Asked Bulma suspicious of the two.

"Nothing, we just have a trade, that's all." Yamcha answered with a smile.

"That's right we only have a trade." Master Roshi nodded with a satisfied expression.

"Moreover, look at this." Yamcha walked closer to Bulma and give her a rope necklace that tied a yellow crystal ball.

"Dragon ball!!" Bulma accepted the dragon ball.

"Yes, I saw that Kame-sennin gramps have that dragon ball on his neck." Said Yamcha.

"You are awesome, Yamcha." Bulma reflexively hugged Yamcha.

"Y-yeah." Yamcha froze up when hugged by Bulma.

What do you expect ? He is only an ordinary boy. Back on his previous world, he never have a girlfriends and also, as he integrated the original Yamcha's memory who is afraid of woman. It is good already that he didn't freaked out. But this sudden hug is still too much for him.

After a while, Bulma finally realised what she did, she let go her hug with a blushing red face.

The two felt quite awkward to each other.

Yamcha managed to pull himself together and said. "Haha... what's wrong? I love it if you could hug me longer."

Hearing that, Bulma blushed like roasted pig right now, it's as if smoke can be seen on top of her head and she cover her face with both of her hands.

Yamcha approach Master Roshi again and whispered.

"Please keep our trade a super secret okay?"

Master Roshi seriously nodded.

"Well, I need to excuse myself now... farewell" said Master Roshi as he jumped onto the sea turtle's back and they went out to the sea.

Yamcha and the rest of the group bid their goodbye to Master Roshi.

"Hey Goku, I also have something for you." Said Yamcha.

"Something for me?" Asked Goku.

Yamcha show goku the turtle shell from Master Roshi. "It's the turtle shell from Master Roshi. Wear it on your back."

Yamcha helped Goku to wear the turtle shell but as soon as Yamcha let the shell off his hands Goku surprised by the weight and forced to sit.

"How is it? Too heavy?" Asked Yamcha.

"It is heavy, but I can still manage it." Goku stand back up.

"That's good. If you keep wearing it till we finished our journey, it will make you stronger you know?" Said Yamcha.

"Really? I can get stronger by keep wearing it?" Goku asked with a shining eyes.

"Yes." Yamcha nodded with a certainty.

"Good, then I will keep wearing it all the time." Goku pumped up knowing that he can get stronger by equipping the turtle shell.

"Shall we continued our journey?" Asked Yamcha to Bulma.

"Yes, let's go." Bulma also got excited.

With the dragon ball from Master Roshi, they collected Four dragon balls.

They continued their journey, but now Son Goku didn't ride on Flying Nimbus or on Bulma's car roof.

Yamcha told Son Goku to follow them by running.

Yes. Running.

For the next journey, the group didn't have too much difficulties except for Son Goku who exhausted by running with the heavy turtle shell on his back

Like the canon story, they managed to get another dragon ball from an old woman from a village terrorized by Oolong and then deal with Oolong easily like the story.

The fifth dragon ball collected.

Then they continued their journey again by crossing a river where in the original story Bulma lost her capsule case.

With Yamcha there, he prevent Bulma from losing all her capsules.

So their journey have a smooth sailing except for Son Goku who follow them by swimming with the same heavy turtle shell on his back.

Yamcha and Bulma also become more closer with every single day passed. It can be said that Yamcha really enjoyed his time with Bulma adventuring together. It feels like they are having a vacation.

Son Goku who wear the heavy turtle shell adapted quickly and can do everything normally now.

The next location is the Ox-king castle. For this one, Yamcha only stand aside and watch things happens.

Everything happened the same like the original story where Goku with Chichi brings Master Roshi to put out the fire.

Yamcha thought Son Goku and Chichi is a really cute couple. So he let the story flow how it should be.

But something suddenly popped out inside his head. What about Bulma ?

He really does interested in her but what about Vegeta ? There's also trunks...

But when he keep looking at Bulma who searching for dragon ball at the ruined Ox-castle Yamcha knew he really does have some feelings for her.

So what about Vegeta ? Meh, I don't care about him.

About Trunks ? Sorry but you're not going to be born from Bulma.

When they found the dragon ball. The group then continued their journey again.

With Goku promised to take Chichi as his wife, Yamcha felt relieved as he really hope that he didn't change these two future as a couple.

The sixth dragon ball collected.

At the next village, the group met with Rabbit gang, which got routed easily by goku because Bulma didn't get turned into carrot as Yamcha keep protecting her from Mr. Rabbit.

Without something to threat Goku, the rabbit gang solved quickly and then sent off to the moon by Goku.

'Sometimes I am not sure myself about the nature law of this universe.' Thought Yamcha seeing Goku really went off to the moon and comes back like it was only a walk in the park.

"Nah, I'm not gonna thinking about it. Just ignore it, ignore it." Yamcha shrugged.