
Reincarnated as Twins (REWRITE ON THE WAY)

"We were never desperate for power. We were only desperate to protect what little we have..." Rohann and Zorenn awoke with memories of another world one night. Memories where the two of them stood at the peak of the world. In that world, Rohann was the strongest warrior and Zorenn was the greatest wizard. The memories they awakened changed them, giving the two children the wisdom of a whole lifetime. On this night, the winds blew differently. The twins who were once a legend in another world shall soon embark in a new journey that will take them to the great beyond.

Ehnvy · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Lupica Twins (2)

The twins Rohann and Zorenn entered the bookshop. When the old wonder saw them, he was a little guarded.

The Lupica Twins were well known in the town of Nuzta as little troublemakers. Shop owners and town guards are the most vigilant against the two little rascals. Despite the annoyance the twins may bring, none of the people really turn them away.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Owner!" Zorenn greeted as he cheerfully walked in to browse the shelves of books, looking for the one he wanted.

Rohann stayed behind and stood beside the counter where they will pay for the books. Zorenn didn't take too long and almost immediately returned with the book that caught his eye.

Zorenn placed the book on the counter. The owner turned it around to read the title before browsing a list.

"The Principles of Magic… You sure you kids can afford this?"

"How much is it?" Rohann asked, silently hoping that the amount he stole from Dudri was enough to cover the cost.

"550 hacksil." The owner replied curtly.

Hearing the cost of the book, Rohann secretly sighed in relief before reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a slightly heavy pouch and placed it on the counter.

"That's all we have…" Rohann said to the owner with a sorry and pleading gaze in his eyes.

The owner took the pouch and poured its contents inside a wooden tray he took from beneath the counter. He masterfully stacked the coins and counted.

A short moment later, he returned his gaze to the twins on the other side of the counter. They were looking at him expectedly.

The owner sighed before stamping the first page of the book, showing proof that it has already been sold. He reached under the counter again and took out a ledger as well as a quill and ink.

He wrote a few lines of texts on the ledger before turning it around for Rohann and Zorenn to see. He handed the quill and ink to Rohann before pointing at a line on the ledger.

"Sign here. Wait, can you write?"

"Yes! Our mom taught us."

Rohann answered with glee before writing Zorenn's name on the line that the owner specified for him to sign.

After signing on the ledger, Rohann returned the quill and ink to the owner. The owner retrieved the items on the counter and placed them back where they belong.

With the payment for the book done, the owner wrapped the book with a brown paper. He then handed the wrapped up book to Zorenn.

"Come again next time!"

"Thank you! We'll be back someday!"

Zorenn said to the owner before walking out the door of the bookshop. Seeing the twins leave, the owner heaved a heavy sigh.

"300 hacksil… Oh well. Not really a loss. Let's treat it as discount for those kids. After all…" The owner lightly chuckled. "They're ten years too young for that book. No way five year old children will understand a fifteen year old's academic book."

Outside the bookshop, Rohann and Zorenn were happily walking on the lively streets of Nuzta. After a few moments, Zorenn realized something and spoke to Rohann.

"Hey, Hann. Sorry you had to spend all of it for me…"

Rohann turned his gaze to his twin brother with a confused gaze. After a few seconds, he laughed out loud.

"HAHAHA! Ahh, right! I can laugh about it now!"

Rohann reached into his pocket and took out some coins. He gave some to Zorenn before playing with the remaining coin in his hand.

"No way I'll spend all our money on a single book."

Rohann and Zorenn grinned in mischief as they walked with more pep in their step. As they went their way, they both suddenly stopped to sniff the air. A delicious scent wafted in the air that made their stomach grumble.

"Honey meat skewers! Get your honey meat skewers here!"

A lady roasting meat on the side of the street called out to attract customers. The smell and her enthusiasm gained her attention, seeing as people were lining up on her stall to buy her food.

"Wow! That smells so good!"

Rohann almost drooled at the sight and smell of the honey meat skewers. Zorenn giggled at his twin brother's stupid face.

"Let's buy some! While we're at it, let's buy some for mom too! I'm sure she'll love it. She looked so tired these past few weeks…"

"Good idea! Maybe we'll cheer her up with it!"

Rohann and Zorenn were satisfied with their idea. They lined up on the stall selling the honey meat skewers to buy the most they could with their remaining money.


There were only a few hours left before the sun started setting on the horizon when Rohann and Zorenn walked back to their humble home. They walked alone on the paved dirt road as they ate honey meat skewers with one hand. Rohann clutched the paper bag containing the rest under his arm since Zorenn was already clutching a book.

"I knew it! This is really delicious!"

Zorenn said with glee between his munches. Rohann could only hum in agreement as his mouth was full.

The two continued eating in peace as they walked back home. When Rohann finished eating the meat on his stick, he sighed in satisfaction.

"I'm happy I spent all our money on this. These can be our dinner too! Mom won't need to tire herself, then!"

Rohann shared his idea with Zorenn. They both checked inside the paper bag to see a dozen sticks of honey meat skewers still remaining.

"Yeah! There's still a lot!"

Zorenn voiced his agreement on Rohann's idea. They continued walking back home in peaceful silence.

Suddenly, Rohann and Zorenn heard barks coming from the forest that was by the side of the road they're walking on. They turned their heads to the origin of the sound and waited.

Twigs and branches can be heard snapping from within the tree line as the twins wait patiently. A moment later, a fluffy white rabbit jumped out and awkwardly hopped to the middle of the road. The twins observed the rabbit for a moment and saw that one of its legs was injured.

The twins didn't let their guard down and kept waiting for something. A second later, a black wild dog jumped out of the tree line. Its gaze locked on to the injured rabbit before leaping closer to kill it.

Time seemed to have slowed down for the twins. Rohann's red eyes and Zorenn's right red eye glowed faintly as they locked on to the dog.

With a swift motion, the twins threw out the sticks on their hands. The sticks shot out towards the dog that leapt to kill the rabbit.

The stick Zorenn threw missed the target by a hair's breadth. Luckily, the stick Rohann threw managed to pierce deep into the dog's eye.

Time resumed to normal as the faint glow in the eyes of Rohann and Zorenn disappeared. The dog that leapt up to kill the rabbit fell on its side lifelessly. Rohann managed to pierce the dog's brain, it seems.

"Woah… How did you do that?!"

Zorenn asked Rohann with an amazed tone. Rohann could only shake his head at Zorenn's question.

"I… I don't know?"

The twins walked closer to the rabbit that was currently shivering in pain, fear, and relief all at the same time. Seeing the rabbit tense up when they got closer, Zorenn reached out a hand to try and comfort the adorable animal.

"Shhhh, it's alright. We won't hurt you."

The rabbit slightly calmed down when it saw Zorenn approach with an amiable aura around him. Zorenn kneeled down and took the injured rabbit in his arms after setting the book Rohann bought for him on his lap.

Zorenn comforted the rabbit by giving it gentle pats. He smiled when he felt the rabbit relax in his arms. In that moment, Zorenn's hands faintly glowed with a gentle green light.

Rohann was shocked by the sight in front of him. Zorenn was currently unaware of what was happening with his hands since he closed his eyes while giving the rabbit gentle pats.

Rohann didn't disturb Zorenn and just continued watching with bated breath. There he witnessed the injured and weakened rabbit heal visibly in Zorenn's arms.

Zorenn opened his eyes when he felt the rabbit become livelier in his arms. He was shocked to see the rabbit completely healed.

The rabbit jumped out of Zorenn's arms. It turned around to look at Zorenn in the eyes for a few moments. The rabbit inevitably broke its gaze and hopped away, back to the forest that was its home.

Zorenn was reaching his hand out with a disappointed look on his face. He wanted to bring the rabbit back home and heal it so that they can have a pet.

"Woah… How did you do that?"

Rohann asked Zorenn with an amazed tone. Zorenn could only shake his head at Rohann's question.

"I… I don't know?"

Zorenn got up off the ground, once again clutching the book under his arm. Rohann walked to Zorenn and slung his arm over his brother's shoulder.

"Did your books teach you how to do that? Your hands were glowing!"

Zorenn pushed Rohann away as he shook his head.

"You're seeing things. Or maybe you're just messing with me?"

"No, I promise! Your hands really were glowing! Maybe you're a mage?"

"Pfft! As if! I'm too young. We'll only know if we have mana when we're 10, you know? If only we were nobles... we can test if we have potential right now."

"Maybe you're some kind of genius? You like reading after all. You're kind of… not normal"

"...maybe? Who knows? Hehe. Would be cool if I was a mage, though."

Zorenn could only shrug at the possibility. After their small talk, the twins continued walking along the road that will lead them back to their home. Back to their beloved mother.