
Reincarnated as Twins (REWRITE ON THE WAY)

"We were never desperate for power. We were only desperate to protect what little we have..." Rohann and Zorenn awoke with memories of another world one night. Memories where the two of them stood at the peak of the world. In that world, Rohann was the strongest warrior and Zorenn was the greatest wizard. The memories they awakened changed them, giving the two children the wisdom of a whole lifetime. On this night, the winds blew differently. The twins who were once a legend in another world shall soon embark in a new journey that will take them to the great beyond.

Ehnvy · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Goodbye, Nuzta!

Rohann and Zorenn woke up feeling fresh and energized. They woke up simultaneously and the first thing they saw was their mother tapping on their shoulder to wake them up.

"Rise and shine, boys! We set out today."

Ferrah was already completely prepared for a journey. She already took a bath and was dressed properly when she woke up Rohann and Zorenn.

The twins suddenly remembered what happened last night. They realized that after Ferrah hugged them, they didn't remember what happened next.

They looked around the room and didn't see the signs of disturbance that was present last night. No bodies, whatsoever.

Rohann and Zorenn glanced at each other and gave a small nod in tacit agreement.

Ferrah stood up and turned around to exit the room. Once she was out the door, she turned back to Rohann and Zorenn.

"Take a bath quickly and change to the clothes I put there on the table. I'll head down and have food prepared for us."

Ferrah headed down and left the twins. Rohann and Zorenn immediately got up and entered the bathroom in their room where two tubs of clean water were already prepared.

Five minutes later, Rohann and Zorenn headed down all dressed up and ready to go. They looked around the tables and spotted their mother there in the corner.

Ferrah felt their gaze and turned to see them. She gestured for them to come sit at the table with the wave of her hand.

Rohann and Zorenn walked over to Ferrah. The moment they sat down, they felt someone approaching their table.

They looked up to see the kind inn owner carrying a tray of food in her hand. She had a smile on her face as she set the food down at the table of Ferrah and the twins.

"Here's your order! Call me if you need anything else."

The inn owner respectfully said to her customers. Ferrah smiled and extended her gratitude.

"We will. Thank you!"

The inn owner gave a small bow and turned back to tend to the other customers ordering breakfast.

"Let's eat!"

Ferrah, Rohann, and Zorenn ate a delicious meal for their breakfast. They had energizing foods like rice and stir fried vegetables with meat.

Ten minutes later, the family was done eating. They enjoyed the delicious meal and decided to clean up their table.

The family organized the dishes they ate with for the benefit of whoever will come to clean their table. After that, Ferrah took out one gold coin and placed it on the table, hidden by the shadow of the plates. Only the one who comes close to clean their table will be able to see it.

Rohann and Zorenn saw what their mother left behind. They shook their heads with a small smile.

'This mother of ours is really rich… is our family rich enough to just leave gold coins as tip? Maybe we are. Wealth naturally comes after power, after all.'

Ferrah stood up and gestured for the twins to come along. They left the inn silently and without much commotion.

Ferrah led them to the courier station by one of the two exit gates of the town. Rohann and Zorenn have yet to come here because this gate was facing east, away from their home that was close to the westernmost land in all of the continents.

The twins saw carriages pulled by horses being prepared for both journey and business at the courier station. The carriages were being loaded up with goods and supplies that their owners will take on their journey.

"Are we getting on a carriage too, mom?"

Rohann looked up and asked their mother. Ferrah looked down at Rohann's face and gave a small amused laugh.

"My dear! Of course not! We'll be walking the whole way."

Rohann and Zorenn's face froze at what their mother said. Sure, they were powerful in their past lives and walking to another country was trivial to them, but that was currently not the case.

They were children! Their bodies are fragile and weak when compared to what they were at their peak! They will surely feel tired and sore on their journey.

The twins sighed in silence. They weren't stupid. They knew that their mother was already training them. Improving stamina and cardiovascular endurance was one of the first steps in training someone to fight in all manner of styles.

Ferrah was surprised to hear no complaint or remark of disbelief come from Rohann or Zorenn. She expected at least a gasp of surprise, but the twins seemed to have accepted the fact easily.

Ferrah steeled her heart and focused her attention back to the task at hand.

When they went to the courier station where there was an official permitting their exit, Ferrah took out her travel permit.

"Take out your travel permits."

Hearing what Ferrah told them to do, Rohann and Zorenn both took something out from one of their pockets. It was their travel permits.

The twins showed their travel permits along with their mother. The officials at the station took their travel permits and checked them.

"Where's your horse? This travel permit can allow you to travel as far as the continents of Nordri and Suthella. Surely you're not walking there."

The officials chuckled at the jesting of their companion. It was true. Their travel permits showed that they can travel to another continent. It means they're financially well off. If they are, why would they travel without a horse?

"We'll just be walking."

Ferrah said with a small smile to the officials. Their laughs froze after hearing what Ferrah said. Their faces soon took on a serious expression.

"Ma'am I hope that's just a joke. If it isn't, I highly advise you to not do what you just said. Walking to other cities? Ma'am, the roads are dangerous. You'll be encountering beasts and bandits may also attack."

One of the officials said to Ferrah, hoping to convince her to not continue her train of thought. Walking to another city? That spells a whole lot of trouble.

"I agree with my companion. A horse carriage is the minimum requirement. It is recommended that you also hire at least one adventurer from the guild. They can be a great safety measure for your family."

Another official added in hopes of convincing Ferrah to get a horse carriage and added security. They can't emphasize enough how necessary it is to travel with that kind of assurance. The roads are dangerous and deadly, especially for a family of a mother and her children!

"Thank you for your concern, but we have no need for those. We'll be just fine."

Ferrah said to the officials, still having that small smile on her face.

The officials looked at each other and arrived at the same conclusion.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. For the sake of our conscience, we cannot send a mother and her two children to death outside."

The officials said to Ferrah. Hearing that they denied them permission to exit the town, Ferrah only shook her head with a sigh.

"I feared this would happen…"

Ferrah said nothing more. A moment later, she raised her hand. Her storage ring glowed and some kind of golden token appeared in her hand.

Ferrah showed the token in her hand to the officials at the station. Their eyes bulged out of their socket from seeing the gold token with the carving of two letter A's that shaped like a diamond.


"Apologies! We didn't know the esteemed madam is an Aedith Mage. It is our honor to see you off!"

"We hope you enjoyed your stay here at Nuzta!"

Rohann and Zorenn were confused at the sudden and complete turn of the officials' attitude. One moment they didn't want to let the three of them go and the next moment they were happy to see them off.

Rohann and Zorenn couldn't see the exact details of the token, but they heard the words 'Aedith Mage' from the officials.

Zorenn connected with Rohann's mind.

[Aedith Mage…]

[Our mom is a graduate of that prestigious academy?]

[Maybe? Let's ask her later.]

Zorenn cut off his connection to Rohann's mind. The moment he did so, he heard Ferrah chuckle.

"Thank you! I did enjoy my stay here. Lived near this town for five years, after all. This town gave my children a happy childhood."

The officials were elated at hearing Ferrah's praise for their town.

"We are undeserving of your praise, madam!"

"We hope you have a fruitful trip!"

The officials continued praising Ferrah. She only smiled and took their words as permission for them to go out and travel east towards the rest of the world.

Ferrah walked out of the gate and gestured for Rohann and Zorenn to come along. The twins walked in her stride as the family walked hand in hand.

Rohann and Zorenn felt immense excitement at their first step out of the gate. As they walked, they felt the advent of adventure greeting them.

The twins looked back from where they came from. As they walked, the town of Nuzta became smaller and smaller. They really were leaving the home they knew all this life.

'Goodbye, Nuzta!'

I am such a mess... but hey, at least I'm actually trying to fix myself LOL

Ehnvycreators' thoughts