
(XVIII) The Challenge

A full moon hung high in the sky hours after the party had ended and the guests had returned to their homes. Earl Dromund exited his manor, walking toward the gates as a carriage approached him. He stopped when the stagecoach opened the door, and Alec exited.

"It's been a while, Duke Alec." He said with a smile, extending his hand.

"What an honor to see you greet me personally! There must be a blue moon in the skies tonight!" Alec joked, laughing as he shook the Earl's hand, "How have you been?"

"I've been well, why don't we head inside?" He replied as the two shared small talk while walking into the manor. Upon reaching the study, a maid appeared with a tray of tea, pouring them both a cup before vanishing.

"So, tell me, how was the ball today?" He asked, taking a sip of his tea before leaning back in his chair, crossing his leg over his knee, "I hope it wasn't too much trouble."

"Oh, you know how these things are, same as always." Dromund said, setting his tea down and nodding, "By the way, I briefly spoke with your little brother."

"You did?" Alec asked, bursting into a massive grin, his tone shifting immediately, "How did my little brother do?"

"You turned passionate rather quickly!" He exclaimed, leaning forward as he rested his hands against his knees, "You must be really taken by your father's bastard."

"Well..." Alec sighed, looking down as she shook his head, "I don't know what it is with Franc, but he rebuffs everything I do. But little Leon? He certainly gives meaning to my life."

"I envy you for being able to love something so passionately..." The Earl sighed, shaking his head as his face dropped.

"Oh..." He said, sharing a sympathetic glance with the Earl as he closed his eyes and nodded, "So it's still going on..."

Earl Dromund remained silent as the two shared the moment before averting his gaze and shifting his tone once more, forcing a smile, "Well, I must admit, your youngest brother is a child of remarkable talent.

No..." He continued, raising his hands and locking eyes with the Duke, "I think the word remarkable doesn't even do him justice; he is literally wonderful."

"Oh?" Alec smirked, "Did he seem a little gifted in your eyes too?"

"A little..?" He grinned back, narrowing his eyes, "He is overloaded with talent. He is the most gifted person I have ever... No, I'm positive in the history of our continent."

"Marquess Drake of Ziegart said the same thing." He nodded, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair and interlacing his fingers.

"Ah, so Marquess Drake has met with Leon as well?" He asked, leaning back in his chair and slouching as he rested his elbow against the arm and his cheek against his fist.

"I've known about Leon's gifts for quite some time now, although I didn't know how special he truly was. If Father hadn't ignored him, who knows how far along he would be right now..." Alec explained, leaning forward as he stared intensely at the Earl, "So I have a favor to ask of you."

"Oh?" Dromund asked, smirking as he knew exactly where this line of questioning was going, "Ask away."

"If he is indeed that talented, he needs someone who is equally talented to teach him the way." Looking down, he said, "That will be the best for him and, furthermore, the world. I would like for you to watch over him while he is in Exvius Academy."

"How clever of you." He chuckled, recalling the momentary burst of power Leon exhibited when they shook hands. He smirked and nodded, "I would have done so had you not asked. Your brother is a genius of unparalleled talent...

I am a bit envious that he was born with more gifts than my own son, but on the other hand, I want to see with my own eyes..." Dromund explained, sitting forward, "How strong someone of sublime power can achieve."

"You shouldn't be so strict on your son, he himself is quite talented." Alec said, "He will grow up to become a fine magician, maybe even stronger than yourself."

"I'd love to see it, but that's doubtful." He said, shaking his head, "We should call it a night, however. You should get some rest."


Leon sat at a table with his vassals at a popular cafe, eating breakfast, when Ashe walked up to him from behind, "Hey! Leon!"

Leon sighed, leaning back in his chair as he stared at her coldly, "Didn't I make myself clear enough yesterday, that I have no business with you?"

"Well... That's too bad, because I do!" She grinned, her eyes sparkling as she turned and shouted for her sister to come over.

'She has the audacity to call for more people after I told her to scram?' He thought, his face revealing his displeasure as he stood, "I'm leaving. I have no intention of being in your company today."

"Where do you think you're going? We should at least introduce each other since our families are so close." She said, grabbing his wrist.

"Ashe, you're being rude." A voice called out as a strikingly beautiful older woman approached, "How can you speak to the Count of Othniel in an informal manner?"

"But, Rebecca!!" Ashe protested, "Leon said I could speak to him casually..."

"Greetings, Count Leon." Rebecca said, bowing as she curtsied, "How are you this beautiful morning?"

"I'm fine, tha-" Leon replied when he was cut off by a loud shout.

"Leon Astrahart!!!"

"I've finally found you..." Callum chuckled, gritting his teeth as he glared intensely at him, "You will pay for what you did! I challenge you to do better than I in the Tournament of Rising Stars!"

"You saw what happened yesterday." He said, shaking his head, "What makes you think anything will change?"

"Yesterday, I didn't even attack you." He growled, baring his teeth as he stepped forward, balling his hand into a fist, "It WILL be different next time!"

"I don't think so." Leon turned around, departing as his vassals jumped to their feet and followed after him, "I do not care, nor have time for this child's play."

"Is everything alright?" Mikaru asked as they exited the cafe.

"Yes, just teenaged drama." He sighed, shaking his head.

"You yourself are still a teenager." Maria chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand, hiding her grin.

"As are you." Leon countered as the carriage drove them toward the teleportation array, where the rest of his entourage waited.

They exited the vehicle, approaching the massive gazebo-like structure with a giant inactive glyph in the center, when Earl Dromund stepped out from behind a pillar, "You seem a bit unsettled, Count Leon."