
(XL) Basics of Aura and Mana Manipulation

Leon walked into the gymnasium where 'Basics of Aura and Mana Manipulation' was being taught and had been looking forward to the class since he learned it was practical, not the boring theory he neither had any interest in nor needed to relearn.

His jaw dropped when he saw Alec standing with his back to him, facing the group of students with his arms crossed over his chest while staring at them menacingly.

A chill ran up Leon's spine as he quickly spun on his heel and attempted to sneak out of the gymnasium when Alec's voice boomed loudly from behind without turning toward his youngest brother, "Count Astrahart, where do you think you are heading?"

"I…" The young man was at a loss for words, having never witnessed his eldest brother being this serious.

"If it's nothing, then join the rest of your classmates so that I may begin the class." Alec ordered, his fierce gaze scanning across the students as Leon quickly slipped into the formation of students.