
Reincarnated As The Strongest Ancestor With a System

Reincarnating into another world without having to start from the bottom was certainly a good thing. However, what if the first place you appear is inside a coffin? This is what Qin Yuan experienced. While he had boundless strength, he was already at the end of his age so he had to seal his body. The only thing he could do was to leave with a Spiritual Body whose strength was extremely limited. The good thing is that there is a system that suddenly appears. Ding [Collect Karma Points.] [You can buy anything with Karma Points.] [Use 100 Karma Points to purchase a one week life extension.] ... https://discord*gg/kbDVTN8V

Dark_Crow1111 · Oriental
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381 Chs

A Hand

On a certain Continent on the outskirts of the Central Domain, a man in a slightly messy brown robe stood, looking up at the turbulent sky.

There is nothing unique about this man's appearance. His face was unremarkable, no one would glance at him on the bustling street.

However, he had eyes that were constantly changing colors, seemingly following his mood or whatever color he wanted.


A small black snake with a tongue full of venom suddenly came out from underground by his side.

The snake looked up at the sky before looking at the man.

"Huhuhu, Chameleon, now you can do nothing but open the portal... I will tell my master that you have been deliberately delaying his plans for your own benefit." The snake said.

"Fortunately my master's free period is still quite long, he still has enough time to rule this world."

The man glanced at the snake, but he remained silent.