Aethisia PoV
"They've been down there for a little while now..."
I glanced towards the door that led down into the depths of our house, a small part of me craving to head on down and join them even though I knew that all three of them were likely entwined into something already, something that was likely bonding them even further than they already were.
Maybe it was the bond that had been placed on me via the System I had been gifted, maybe it was just intuition at this point after months of having been around in this world, but either way, I just knew that they were down there having a meaningful time together, and a part of me was rather jealous...
Though as I glanced at the Deerkin lounging on the bed beside me, I could only sigh as I realized more of me wanted to remain here, even though my System had always been more focused towards being with Mother.
"And they'll be there for a while longer too, you know that... besides, this is a rare opportunity here, isn't it? Melia's asleep, Aka, Ehretia and Ipoala are cloistered away in their room playing around and wearing themselves out..."
Nuzzling into my side, Camara smiled at me as she trailed her fingers down my chest, onto my abdomen and then even further down, her fingertips gently prodding at my semi erect cock, all while her muddy crimson eyes sparkled with lust and amusement as she asked me an unspoken question, one that I answered easily enough.
Draping my arm around her shoulders, I allowed myself to relax even more as she grabbed my shaft and began to run her fingers up and down my entire length, stimulating me and getting me harder and harder as I pulled her into myself and buried my face between her antlers.
Comparatively - perhaps because of her pregnancy, perhaps it was just the lack of 'aggression' that Dama and I had in abundance - her antlers were little more than short nubs of bone that were rounded and soft, a far cry from the branching, sharpened 'tree' of bone that sprouted from Dama's head and the beginning of my own 'trees'.
It was something I noticed about her that just made her all the more adorable to me, and being able to almost ignore them so that I could bury myself into her hair from above was a perk that I had come to enjoy.
The sweet scent of strawberries filled my nostrils as I inhaled my mate's scent, enjoying the soothing smell as she continued to stroke my cock to a full erection in preparation for what was to come; something that we hadn't discussed per se, but something that I think we were both in agreeance on...
It was calming, especially since Heila was sleeping soundly nearby, her pussy leaking both of our cum from when we had taken turns using her, while Prixisia and Yiksa were sleeping on the other side of the bed, sprawled out together.
Then there was the dozing Orc who was acting as a pillow for the Duchess, the two waiting for the return of Mother to get back into some fun times; that was an interested dynamic that they had there, since so far Shelur hadn't really shown much of an interest in pursuing any of the other people in the family, and the Duchess - I should probably get accustomed to calling her Renna, since she's going to become yet another 'Aunt' of mine - had made her stance rather clear.
She only wanted to partake in sexual activities with Mother and Shelur for the most part, and of course I had tried once to see if she would switch that mentality - just out of curiosity, really - which was why I was certain she was going to be a rather 'closed' member of this family.
Comparatively... there was the last pairing resting nearby as well, though where Camara and I were previously dozing off and enjoying this moment of actual rest, they were in the midst of relishing the gradually diminishing bliss of an orgasm.
Kalia was sitting on top of Inik's lap, the Hawkkin smirking up at the Dark Elf as she rested her hands on her hips and guided her movements back and forth, maintaining the pleasure even as she took a moment to let her sensitive cock go back to normal after cumming.
Camara followed my gaze, forcing me to back away from her head for a moment as her antlers threatened to smack my cheek, and as soon as she noticed what I was looking at my sister turned back to me and rolled her eyes as she asked "What's with you and yearning for women who are in the midst of being soothed by their partners? It's like an urge you have to insert yourself into something that you shouldn't..."
That made me blink as I focused on my mate, wondering what she was insinuating before realization swiftly dawned on me, though I wasn't sure she meant what I was thinking... either way though, she wasn't entirely wrong; I had been yearning for those who have partners already, so... why was that..?
"I dunno... maybe it's just odd to me, seeing Kalia be so lovey with another person, someone who wasn't in the family. I don't really know... I also just have to admit there's a small part of me - a really small part, but a part nonetheless - that's a bit irritated that everyone's getting pregnant..."
My voice was low so as to not alert the two lovers nearby to what we were discussing, and Camara matched my tone as she replied "I think, Aethisia, that you haven't gotten over that thrill you felt from when we were trying for Melia, and now that there are all these fertile women flaunting themselves around you so freely, you feel an urge to breed them. Pairing that urge with the fact that Spring is slowly making its mark on us all..."
"You think that I'm in heat, and my body is trying to tell me to get a move on ensuring everyone here is with child?"
Snorting, Camara stared at me with a small smile as she said "I don't think so, Aethisia, I know so. You can't smell it since it's your pheromones, but the scent of lavender around you is thicker than ever before. And when you're with Heila, it's even thicker."
The gradual switch in her tone made me panic as I stared down at Camara, that slight melancholy that tinged the end of her words twisting my heart somewhat, though she sensed that too, and it made her giggle as she brushed her nose against mine.